
Scientists Find Possible Vaccines For COVID-19

With the SOS alert across the world with the spreading pandemic of the COVID-19, scientists and researchers from across the world are working to...

Study Suggests Some Types Of Stress Can Actually Enhance Lifespan

Stress is often seen in a negative light as it should always be. But, even with all the prospects of the kind of impacts...

New Materials Could Drive Wound Healing By Natural Means, New Study...

The science of wound healing is not as simple as it might seem or sound like. The process itself is quite extensive...

Obese Or Overweight Individuals Can Eat Avocado To Improve Attention

Avocados are often considered trendy and while some people like the taste, some don’t. But, with the high content of healthy fats in it,...
Mental Health

New Study claims that dreams could be the reflection of one’s...

Dreams, good or bad, are believed to be the sub-conscious rendition of what we think about throughout the entirety of the day. Dream researchers...

People Who Walk Slowly Have Aging Brains And Bodies At 45...

Do you tend to walk slow or fast on a normal basis? For the most part, the same is believed to be one of...

Less Sexual Intimacy With Partner Linked With Early Menopause

Menopause is that phase of life in a woman’s life that comes along with a lot of complications, be it on the physical health...

New Study Shows a New Approach to Cancer Treatment

Cancer is a disease that has never found its one novel form of treatment for it to be cured completely. While recurrence and relapsing...

Vitamin C Is Crucial For Metabolic Syndrome Patients, New Study Suggests

Metabolic syndrome is quite a hazardous condition characterized by the clustering of various of the cardiovascular risk factors which has an underlying...

Novel Drug Developed That Reduces Risks Of Kidney Disease In Diabetics,...

The connection between kidney disease and diabetes is quite common and is often an alleged marker for the deteriorating condition of a diabetes patient....

Gut-Brain Connections With Autism, New Study Reveals

It was suggested in 2018 in a report that 1 in every 59 children are diagnose with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). While the condition...

New Study Has Found The Origins Of The Neural Circuitry Of...

Pain is that inevitable part of our life that we try and avert at all costs. While prior studies have blamed the...

New Study Finds The Possible Reason Behind Pessimism

Pessimism or the consistent negative perspective towards life is definitely something that’s not a “habit” but can be influenced by the neural activity of...

Flu Vaccines Can Prevent Early Death In Elderly ICU Patients

It isn’t new news that the flu vaccine doesn’t always work for the flu. You do get it anyhow at some point in your...

Reduced Consumption Of Methionine Reduces Inflammatory And Auto-Immune Disorders

With the constant changes in our diets, more and more people are either struggling with inflammatory diseases or the auto-immune disorders. If you have...
Mental health

New study claims that “transmitted stress” from other people is just...

With the kind of hectic and fast paced life that we lead, it is not surprise that we stay stressed and depressed majority of...

Fasting And Its Impacts On Age-Related Diseases

Aging has varying impacts on one’s health, impacts on the age related diseases like dementia and Alzheimer’s being the most predominant ones. But with...

E-Bandages To Fasten Wound Healing, New Study Suggests

E-bandages. Just the mention of this is set to intrigue people of any age and size. The common questions of how could...

10-Hour Time Restricted Eating Can Help Prevent Chronic Diseases

It is not something new that our eating habits predominantly have direct impacts on the kind of diseases that affect our body. But, a...

Gratefulness Doesn’t Deter Signs Of Depression Or Anxiety, New Study Suggests

There have been prior studies that have suggested saying that looking into things that you have and appreciating what you have is one of...

New Study Finds A New Metabolism Regulator In A Natural Protein...

Obesity has been an alarming problem faced by millions of people worldwide. With the growing levels of stress, sedentary lifestyle and the overall lack...

New Study Finds Cellular Pathways That Extended Lifespan By 500%

It isn’t a new concept that there are a number of cellular pathways in our body that are responsible for varying body functions. But,...

New Study Claims That Better Cardiorespiratory Fitness Can Improve Life Expectancy

Cardiovascular and the respiratory system of our body sure do play a crucial role in the overall functioning of the body. This is the...

Scientists Find New Way To Demolish The Issues Of Kidney Stones

Kidney stones does have the possibility to impact one’s overall renal function and can even be fatal if the correct and on time treatment...
Hair loss and skin damage

New Experimental Drug Reverses Hair Loss and Skin Damage Effectively

Hair loss and skin damage are possibly two of the most daunting experience that one could encounter. While there could be a number of...
Rosehip neurons

‘Rosehip Neurons’ – New Study Shows Existence of a New Kind...

While majority of researchers might have foreseen and taken the mouse model as the perfect model for the research related to several human neurological...

Connected Brain Networks Can Spread Dementia, New Study Suggests

Dementia is one of the most common age related diseases that affects people. The lack of memory and heightened prospect of memory lapses have...

Eating Walnuts Can Improve Heart And Gut Health, New Study Suggests

Given that we have a very hectic and unhealthy lifestyle in our day to day lives now; it isn’t surprising that the risks of...

Here’s How Gliotoxin Can Cripple the Immune System, New Study Suggests

Our immune system is possibly one of the most important prospects of our overall health. Any kind of disturbances with the immune...

Effective Sleeping Patterns Mitigate Risks Of Heart Disease

When it comes to the risks of heart disease, the risks surrounding the same has been consistently increasing. But, the constant studies have been...