Healthy Sleep Patterns Impact on Cancer Prevention

Healthy Sleep Patterns: Impact on Cancer Prevention and Recovery

Sleep is an essential component of human life for general health and well-being. Sleep is a complex component of human health that goes beyond...
Reduce Your Risk of Hypertension

6 Lifestyle Changes to Reduce Your Risk of Hypertension

It is impossible to overestimate the importance of lifestyle in preserving excellent health in the never-ending quest for well-being. Of all the health issues,...
Stress Reduction for Cancer Prevention

Mindfulness and Meditation: Stress Reduction for Cancer Prevention

The complex relationship between stress, mindfulness, and cancer prevention has received a lot of attention in the fast-paced world of today. Stress, which is...
Sleep Hygiene

The Importance of Sleep Hygiene: Creating Your Ideal Sleep Environment

A restful night's sleep is essential, but it's sometimes overlooked in the rush of contemporary life. Let's talk about sleep hygiene, a concept that...
Emotional Immaturity

Understanding Emotional Immaturity: Causes, Symptoms, and Coping Strategies

Have you ever found yourself in a relationship with someone who seems to struggle with their emotions. They become freaked out or aggressive in...
Feel Groggy After Waking Up

7 Reasons you Feel Groggy After Waking Up & How To...

Sleep is quite crucial for our well-being, even if you have less or disturbed sleep for a day it can disturb not...
8 Simple Exercises To Relieve Constipation

8 Simple Exercises To Relieve Constipation

Constipation is an extremely common stomach condition. It is treatable with proper diet, home remedies and a healthy lifestyle. But do not skip exercising...
Best hydrogen Peroxide for Ear Wax

Best hydrogen Peroxide for Ear Wax

The best Hydrogen Peroxide H2O2 is a mix of water and pure H2O2, a semicritical disinfectant used to clear earwax from our ears. The...
compound dumbbell exercises | Healthspectra

Best Dumbbell Compound Exercises

It's the best variation you can bring to your workout. The goblet squats with moderate weights are great for beginners’ training. Also for full-on...
10 Best Overhead Press Alternatives You Can Practice

10 Best Overhead Press Alternatives You Can Practice

Building shoulders is an unavoidable attribute of overall fitness. If you are aiming to develop shoulder strength then overhead presses exercise will be your...

Working From Home? Advice For Your Own Ergonomic Home Office 2021

Working-from-from during the COVID-19 pandemic has raised a lot of new ideas about the future of our working environment and of course, the main...
10 Things You Must Know About Zombie Virus

10 Things You Must Know About Zombie Virus – Top Cases...

The world has come across many types of viruses and some of them are novel. A less known virus to the world is the...

Osteoporosis- Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

If you have discomfort, soreness and often painful movements then it could be a common condition termed as osteoporosis. The problem occurs due to...
Tactile Defensiveness

Tactile Defensiveness: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Tactile defensiveness is a reaction to the environmental approaches to one's body. It can be because of genetic reasons, hereditary, or because of lifestyle...
OCD Causes Symptoms Types Diagnosis Treatment Everything

OCD: Causes, Symptoms, Types, Diagnosis, Treatment, Everything

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a mental illness discovered by German neurologist and psychiatrist Wilhelm Griesinger in 1868. After his notes, on OCD, where...
Endometriosis-Symptoms Causes Prevention and Treatment

Endometriosis-Symptoms, Causes, Prevention and Treatment

If you are suffering with severe cramping during your periods then it could be due to endometriosis. This is a disorder that can make...
Everything You Should Know About Black Eye

Everything You Should Know About Black Eye

Injuries and bruises leave the mark that can be treated at home naturally. The black circle around your eye could possibly be the same...
12 Causes for Frequent Urination And Treatment For It

12 Causes for Frequent Urination And Treatment For It

The often visits to the toilet might not be frequent urination every time. If could also be due to the excess fluid intake. If...
5 Types of infection That You Must Know in Detail

5 Types of infections That You Must Know in Detail

There are several pathogens that act as the agents for infections and diseases. They target the vulnerable body to sustain and live. Pathogens are...
10 Bedtime Habits That Should Be Avoided

10 Bedtime Habits That Should Be Avoided – Know What Is...

We all have specific bedtime routines, don’t we? Some like to read a book before bed and some like to take a walk to...
15 Natural Remedies For Crohns Disease

15 Natural Remedies For Crohn’s Disease – Cure Things The Natural...

Have you been suffering from constant indigestion? Has eating become a nightmare for you because of the kind of negative impacts it brings along...
Remedies for spider veins | Healthspectra

14 Remedies For Spider Veins On Face That Work

Irrespective of anything, everyone seeks flawless skin, especially women. But, have you witnessed any kind of sudden appearance of spaced out veins all over...
How to lucid dream

How To Get Lucid Dream? 10 Health Benefits Why It Is...

How often do you dream and are your dream something you remember the next day when you wake up? Chances are that if you...
treatment for anxiety breathing

Treatment For Anxiety Breathing – Know How To Stop

yAnxiety does come with its fair share of symptoms and the shortness of breath and the choked up feeling is possibly one of the...
16 Natural Treatment For Bipolar Disorder

16 Natural Treatment For Bipolar Disorder – Know The Ways!

Suffering from bipolar disorder is a struggle. The condition is so rarely diagnosed that people often tend to mistake it as mood swings and...
How to treat a jammed finger

How To Treat A Jammed Finger? Everything You Need To Know

A jammed finger is no funny business. The excruciating pain along with the inflammation can be a matter of distress. If you have been...
anorexia nervosa treatment

Anorexia Nervosa Treatment – Overcome The Battles

Before we proceed with discussing anything about the Anorexia Nervosa Treatment, I would like to share some statistics with you. Statistics from the National...
14 Ways To Make Yourself Look Sick Call In A Sickie

14 Ways To Make Yourself Look Sick – Call In A...

There are days when all that we want is to lie back on the bed and not go anywhere. Also, there are days when...
what does it mean when your poop floats

What Does It Mean When Your Poop Floats? 8 Possible Causes

Our GI tract and the digestive system in general undergo a lot of changes depending on our diet and lifestyle. So, if you are...
15 Ways To Beat Afternoon Fatigue Tide The Slumber

15 Ways To Beat Afternoon Fatigue – Tide The Slumber!

With your hands working on your keyboard, you can feel your eyes drooping too. How often do you experience a sluggish afternoon when all...