7 Ashwagandha Benefits For Women- A Magical Ingredient


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7 Ashwagandha Benefits For Women- A Magical Ingredient

Ashwagandha is known for its magical curing effects related to stress and anxiety, it is a herb free of toxins and is gaining a lot of popularity in the U.S. This particular supplement is used for more than 3000 years originating from Indian Ayurveda.

Ashwagandha has tons of benefits on Women’s health and it benefits the brain and body too. Ashwagandha plant is called ‘Indian winter cherry’ or ‘Indian ginseng’ which is popularly found today in the form of a capsule, powder, or pill. You might have come across this article looking for what benefits Ashwagandha has or may have been looking for a solution related to stress and anxiety, so do not worry as you have come to the right place. Read the list below to find out some benefits of Ashwagandha for women’s health.

Benefits of Ashwagandha for Women’s Health

1. Relieves Anxiety and stress

Relieves Anxiety and stress

It is very popularly known for its ability to relieve stress and anxiety (R). It is a type of adaptogen, which means that it helps your body to adapt to stress. With events happening in day-to-day life, be it related to work, family, or other matters, stress and anxiety is a common issue between almost all kinds of age groups.

As ashwagandha has stress-relieving properties it increases brain functionality as it blocks stress and anxiety road to the brain. Many studies (R) have shown that people who consumed ashwagandha have seen positive effects of it in managing their stress and anxiety.

2. Enhances Sexual Potency

Enhances sexual potency

As ashwagandha relieves stress, it improves your mood and increases your blood circulation which acts as a sexual stimulant. If a woman is experiencing sexual dysfunction a study (R) has shown that consumption of ashwagandha may help cure it. It improves satisfaction, arousal, lubrication, and orgasm in women. These sexual benefits of ashwagandha have been identified in the Kamasutra, an ancient thread on human sexuality. So if you want to have a better sex life it can help you.

3. Beautiful and glowing skin

Beautiful and glowing skin

Ashwagandha has many antioxidant properties that fight signs of skin aging like wrinkles and reduce the appearance of fine lines, dark spots, and blemishes. As ashwagandha also helps in managing stress it brings positive change to your skin too. It moisturizes your skin well and helps it to protect from dry skin. It also helps to prevent clogged pores as it has a compound known as withanolides that cleanse the skin well.

4. Prevents skin aging

Prevents skin aging

Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is an endogenous steroid hormone precursor, which ashwagandha helps to boost. DHEA helps to maintain the skin youthful as it stimulates the generation of collagen and increases the natural skin oils, by inciting the production of vital proteins to your skin. Ashwagandha helps to retain skin hydration by moisturizing and cleansing it which prevents skin from aging and also keeps skin stress-free.

Ashwagandha for skin can be used in the following ways-

  • You can add 2 teaspoons of ashwagandha with 1 teaspoon of ginger and lemon by adding one cup of water. Boil the mixture and apply it once it is cooled
  • You can also use it by making a face pack- add 2 tablespoons of ashwagandha powder, one teaspoon of turmeric, and any skin oil. Mix the ingredients and make a paste. Let it sit for 7-10 mins and rinse off to have glowing and beautiful skin.

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5. For Cancer

Ashwagandha is said to be a promising cancer fighter agent. Ashwagandha has a compound called withaferin in it, this compound helps by preventing the growth of new cancer cells in the body. It disrupts their function by producing reactive oxygen species which is promoted by withaferin. Ashwagandha may help treat various types of cancer, including breast, lung, colon, brain, and ovarian cancer shown by studies (R).

Ashwagandha reduces angiogenesis which is responsible for the development of blood cells around the tumor. It also improves the quality of women going under chemotherapy

6. Treats Insomnia

Treats Insomnia

Many women and for that matter everyone suffers through insomnia, you feel sleepless the whole night and probably spend it scrolling through social media. If that is something that is offered often or on a usual basis it is a sign of insomnia and can take a toll on your body. Studies say that ashwagandha can treat insomnia and help you get a night of better sleep. As it also helps to fight stress, your mind feels calm and you may no longer have sleepless nights

You can add ashwagandha powder to your milk daily before going to bed and voila! You may no longer have insomnia.

7. For your hair

For your hair

Ashwagandha consists of an amino acid called Tyrosine which stimulates the production of melanin and helps retain the production of melanin in the hair. It also has many antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, so when you have damaged hair due to heat or redness and dry scalp, ashwagandha may help to keep the scalp healthy and free of impurities.

It also promotes the production of sebum that helps to grow hair naturally. Ashwagandha is also used in many shampoos and hair products to improve better hair health and give strength to the hair. It has also been said to stop postpartum hair loss so it makes a great supplement for your hair.

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Ashwagandha for hair can be used in various ways, such as-

Ashwagandha for hair in various ways

Applying on hair- You can directly apply a paste of ashwagandha powder mixed with water and any few drops of essential oil in it. Simply apply it to the section of your hair, massage it well, and rinse off with water. Make sure to keep it for half an hour before washing it off with water.

By adding- You can also use ashwagandha for hair by adding a few drops of ashwagandha infused oil into your shampoo, which will help to calm your hair as it has anti-inflammatory properties and also by relieving stress. It will also help to increase blood circulation and promote hair growth

Drinking it- You can make ashwagandha tea and drink it to promote hair growth and also healthy skin.

Few safety tips before consuming Ashwagandha

1. Ashwagdandha needs to be consumed in small amounts rather than going for a medium to high doses. As studies are showing side effects if consumed more than required.

2. Mothers who are breast-feeding or pregnant women may avoid consumption of ashwagandha

3. People with diseases such as type 1 diabetes, or lupus should not consume it

4. Although consuming ashwagandha is safe and has many benefits, you may consult your doctor before consuming it for safety reasons


Ashwagandha has many benefits in all aspects, from the skin, hair to the body and a very healthy supplement that can be consumed by women. Hope this article has helped you to understand all the benefits of ashwagandha and how it can be consumed by you. Thank you for reading.