Honey For Glowing Skin – 11 Tricks To Bring Out The Inner Glow


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Honey for glowing skin

Honey in the field of dermatology is not uncommon. We have often seen our elders recommend applying honey to smoothen the crude texture of the face and moisturize it from within. But, honey for glowing skin? Does it even actually work?

Many often we tend to come across over the counter products that contain honey but isn’t it better to opt for natural and chemical free methods that will help you gain a healthier looking skin?

In this article, we are going to be discussing about the various aspects of honey for skin glow that you possibly didn’t even know of.

  1. Does Honey Help To Get Glowing Skin?
  2. How To Use Honey To Get Glowing Skin?

Does Honey Help To Get Glowing Skin?

Does honey help to get glowing skinIf you are here wondering why and how honey even contributes to providing us with a glowing skin, it is mainly because of the amazing skin repair and healing properties it has.

Not only does it help moisturize the skin from deep within, it also does aid in getting rid of the problems associated with acne and scarring and pimples that leave the skin looking dull and dead.

Because of the effective antimicrobial properties that it possesses, it helps in the regulation of the microbes that often are correlated to the increase in the appearance of acne on the face. It seeps deep into the skin and helps moisturize the dry layers of the skin which is often times associated with the cracked appearance and lack of glow on the face.

Apart from the aspects of antibacterial properties, honey is also loaded with essential antioxidants which further aid in getting rid of the signs of aging that has been caused from the excess free radical damage to the skin.

Honey is also a natural emollient. This ensures to keep the moisture retained inside the skin. Apart from that, honey also has natural bleaching properties which aid in getting rid of the dark marks, scars and pigmentation and thus help you get an even skin tone.

How To Use Honey To Get Glowing Skin?

How to use honey to get glowing skin
ImageSource: www.bestarewa.com.ng

Because of the multifaceted benefits of honey on skin, it is not unlikely that you will be able to administer honey in multiple ways to get not just glowing skin but healthy skin as well. If you have been wondering how to achieve smooth and glowing skin with honey, we have got your back.

    1. Tomato and Honey
    2. Milk and Honey
    3. Lemon and Honey
    4. Banana and Honey
    5. Cinnamon and Honey
    6. Besan and Honey
    7. Baking Soda and Honey
    8. Olive Oil and Honey
    9. Turmeric and Honey
    10. Sugar Scrub and Honey
    11. Rose Water and Honey

1. Tomato and Honey for Glowing Skin

Tomato and Honey
ImageSource: www.imgcop.com

Both tomato, as well as honey, have amazing benefits on the skin, mainly because of its bleaching properties (R) (R) which aid in getting rid of the dark marks and scars and provides with an even skin tone. Both of these have beneficial impacts in restoring the lost moisture from the skin and helps to make it glow from within.

Not just that, tomatoes are also loaded with lycopene (R) which has natural antioxidant properties which further helps fight off against the free radical damage that often induces visible signs of aging on the face and helps ward off skin damage caused by the harmful rays of the sun.

How to Use

  1. Blend in one or two tomatoes in a blender until it forms a very smooth paste
  2. To this, add 1-2 tablespoons of honey
  3. Mix everything well until everything is combined altogether
  4. Before applying this mask, make sure that you have washed your face with a mild cleanser and cleaned the face thoroughly
  5. Apply the mask on this face in a thin layer and leave it on for 15 minutes
  6. Wash it off with some water and pat dry the face

How often?

  • 2-3 times a week

2. Milk and Honey for Glowing Skin

Milk and Honey
ImageSource: www.healthyandstylish.com

Milk is known for its cleansing and exfoliating properties because of the presence of lactic acid which is quite beneficial in getting rid of the clogged dirt and bacteria that could be hindering the proper development of the skin health. It is actually a very effective ingredient for the treatment of acne prone skin and the people who suffer consistently from acne and pimples. Pairing milk with honey actually does aid in refining the pores and cleaning any kind of problems that could impact the overall skin.

How to Use

  1. In a bowl, take 1-2 tablespoons of milk powder and add ½ tablespoon of honey
  2. Add some milk to it to make a smooth paste
  3. Apply this paste all over the face and leave it on for 15 minutes
  4. Once the 15 minutes is over, wet your fingers and rub it over the dried face pack and exfoliate the skin to get rid of the dirt from within
  5. Wash it off completely with some running water
  6. Pat dry the face with a towel

How often?

  • 2-3 times in a week

3. Lemon and Honey for Glowing Skin

Lemon and Honey
ImageSource: www.fashionlady.in

Lemon and honey is a very common combination that is opted for by a number of people to get a glow to their skin. It is pretty common for you to think what and why the same is the case and that is exactly what we are going to address in this part.

Lemon is loaded with beneficial antioxidant (R) and bleaching properties because of the Vitamin C (R) in it which is quite beneficial in getting rid of the blemishes and dark marks on the face. It also has mild exfoliating properties which further aid in getting rid of the dead skin cells and helps maintain the pH levels of the face. The combination of it with lemon has amazing benefits.

How to Use

  1. Extract the juice of half a lemon in a bowl
  2. To that, add 1 tablespoon of honey
  3. Mix everything together to make a smooth paste
  4. Apply this on the face in a thin layer
  5. Leave it on for 20 minutes on the face
  6. Wash it off with some lukewarm water followed by cold water to seal the opened pores
  7. Pat dry the face with a towel

How often?

  • 2-3 times daily

4. Banana and Honey for Glowing Skin

Banana and Honey
ImageSource: www.femina.in

If you are here wondering about the usage of honey for skin glow, mix it will banana and no, don’t make pancakes, instead, apply it on your face and witness the marvelous results. The combination of banana and honey helps tighten the pores all the while ensuring to moisturize the skin from within which is exactly what helps in making the skin look healthier and glowing.

It is best to add some lemon juice to the mixture to further aid in the process of skin lightening and getting rid of the blemishes that litter the skin. This face pack is also believed to be quite amazing for skin tightening.

How to Use

  1. Mash 1 ripe banana in a bowl
  2. To that, add 1 tablespoon honey and 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  3. Mix everything to form a smooth paste
  4. Apply this on the face in an even layer making sure to avoid the close proximity around the eyes
  5. Leave it on for 10-15 minutes till it has dried down by a lot
  6. Wash your face with some lukewarm water followed by cold water

How often?

  • 1-2 times a week

5. Cinnamon and Honey for Glowing Skin

Cinnamon and HoneyCinnamon has multifaceted benefits when it comes to impacting our overall health. That being said, it also has amazing benefits for boosting the overall skin health and while honey for skin lightening is effective, the combination of it with cinnamon just multiplies the benefits. Not only does it helps in exfoliating the skin from within, it also acts in getting rid of the signs of aging and dryness in the face because of its effective antioxidant (R) properties.

How to Use

  1. Before anything, wash your face thoroughly with some water and cleanser
  2. Following that, in a bowl, add 1 tablespoon of cinnamon and 3 tablespoon of honey to make a smooth paste
  3. Microwave this for 20-30 seconds till it warms up a bit
  4. Apply this on the face in a thin and even layer
  5. Leave it on for 10-15 minutes
  6. Rinse it off with some lukewarm water followed by cold water and pat dry the skin

How often?

  • 2-3 times in a week

6. Besan and Honey for Glowing Skin

Besan and Honey
ImageSource: www.stylecraze.com

The use of besan (gram flour) in the several of skin treatments has been quite commonly talked about. When talking about honey for glowing skin, you just can’t miss out from talking about the contribution that besan has on the skin.

Besan is an amazing exfoliant and cleanser and helps get rid of the built dirt inside the clogged pores and thus gets rid of acne and pimples for good. Not just that, it also has absorbing properties which further aid in absorbing the excess oil and sebum from the skin. When mixed with honey, the besan helps in getting rid of the dead skin cells and helps in making the skin glow from within.

How to Use

  1. In a bowl, add 1-2 tablespoon of besan and 1 tablespoon of honey
  2. Add some cold milk to make a smooth face pack making sure that there are no lumps in it
  3. Apply this face pack in a thin and even layer on the face
  4. Leave it on till the pack dries which takes about 15-20 minutes
  5. Once it has dried, wet your fingers a bit and scrub the face to extract any excess dirt out of the face
  6. Wash the face with some water and wash the face pack off completely
  7. Pat dry the skin with a towel

How often?

  • 1-2 times a week

7. Baking Soda and Honey for Glowing Skin

Baking Soda and Honey
ImageSource: www.weetnow.com

The combination of baking soda and honey is very effective in treating the condition of acne. The combined action of the honey for skin glow while the antimicrobial benefits of the baking soda aids in getting rid of the bacterial infection causing the proliferation of the acne which is causing the acne or even the scarring and pimples.

Baking soda also has effective anti-inflammatory (R) properties which further aid in getting rid of the redness and the inflammation often caused because of the acne and the pimples. This cleans the skin and helps it glow from within.

How to Use

  1. Mix 1 tablespoon of baking soda in a bowl with ½ teaspoon of lemon juice and 1 tablespoon of honey
  2. Make a smooth paste
  3. Apply this over the face and exfoliate the skin with the mixture for a few minutes
  4. Rinse it off with water and pat dry

How often?

  • 1-2 times in a week

8. Olive Oil and Honey for Glowing Skin

Olive Oil and Honey
ImageSource: www.thechalkboardmag.com

The combination of olive oil and honey might seem a bit too much but the effects are definitely amazing and quite beneficial. Olive oil (R) helps get dissolved into the skin and helps in dislodging the clogged pore and the dirt accumulated in them. Apart from that, olive oil is also an amazing moisturizer which further aids in inducing the natural glow on the face.

How to Use

  1. In a bowl, mix 1 tablespoon of olive oil and 1 tablespoon of honey
  2. Apply this on the face and the neck region
  3. Leave it on for 10-15 minutes for the honey to dry out completely
  4. Rinse it off after that with some lukewarm water followed by cold water
  5. Pat dry the face with a towel

How often?

  • 2-3 times in a week

9. Turmeric and Honey for Glowing Skin

Turmeric and Honey
ImageSource: www.steptohealth.com

The usage of turmeric for skin care dates back to way back in history.

The combination of turmeric and honey is quite beneficial in getting rid of a number of skin complaints. Not just that, while using honey for glowing skin, adding in some turmeric to the mix actually does aid in getting rid of the associated problems of redness, acne and pimples effectively.

Turmeric has natural antiseptic, antimicrobial (R) as well as anti-inflammatory (R) properties which aid in getting rid of the clogged pores and the infection that accompanies the condition. It also helps soothe the skin and thus aid in boosting the skin quality and health. It also helps restore the skin complexion and helps even out the skin tone.

How to Use

  1. Before starting, make sure that you clean your face completely
  2. To a bowl, add 1 tablespoon of turmeric powder and 1 tablespoon of honey to make a sticky paste
  3. Apply this on the face and leave it on for 10-15 minutes
  4. Wash it off with some lukewarm water and then some cold water
  5. Pat dry your face with a towel

How often?

  • 1-2 times in a week

10. Sugar Scrub and Honey for Glowing Skin

Sugar scrub and Honey
ImageSource: www.kokoskitchen.com

Honey for skin glow can be heightened to the next level when you throw in sugar scrub into the mixture. While the honey helps moisturize and hydrate the dry skin, the sugar scrub actually does aid in getting rid of the dead skin cells on the top layer of skin.

Not just that, the sugar scrub actually does wipe out any remnant presence of the dead skin cells, thereby cleaning the skin for the nutrients and ingredients that you plan on applying on it.

How to Use

  1. In a bowl, add 1-2 tablespoons of soft brown sugar, 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 tablespoon of lemon juice
  2. Mix everything together till combined
  3. Take some with your fingers and rub it on the face and other parts of the skin to exfoliate the skin and cleanse it from within
  4. Rinse off the excess with water and pat dry the skin
  5. If it feels rough, apply some cream

How often?

  • 1-2 times in a week

11. Rose Water and Honey for Glowing Skin

Rose water and honey
ImageSource: www.howtoxp.com

If you were wondering about using honey for glowing skin, you can amplify the effects of it by using rose water in it. Not only is rose water actually quite soothing and calming for your skin, the same also has beneficial anti-inflammatory properties which further gets rid of the redness and inflammation.

Rose water also has toner like properties which further aid in getting rid of the excess irritation on the same and soothes down the skin condition. The combination of the rose water and honey actually does help in cleansing and tightening the pores too.

How to Use

  1. First, wash your face with a cleanser and pat dry it completely
  2. Mix one tablespoon of rose water and 1 tablespoon of honey in a bowl
  3. Apply this on your face and leave it to dry
  4. Rinse it off with some lukewarm water and then some cold water to close the pores
  5. Pat dry the skin with a towel

How often?

  • 3-4 times in a week

Honey for glowing skin is not a myth but actually something that does impact the appearance of the skin, making your inner glow pop up. If you have been wondering and looking for natural ways to impact the skin health, using honey is possible quite a good option. If you have been constantly tried over the counter remedies, only to be disappointed in them, now is the time to make the necessary changes using honey for skin lightening.