12 Effective Remedies To Stop Post Nasal Drip At Home


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Have you ever felt that the mucus in the back of your throat is travelling down your throat? You have, haven’t you? Especially when you are suffering from cold and cough. The condition can be a bit irritating and in order to stop post nasal drip, it is essential to have some easy home remedies up your sleeve.

It is not that much of an uncommon instance and every person during their lifetime. The condition isn’t life threatening but is quite irritating, if I do say so myself.

In this article, we are going to walk ourselves throughout some of the effective post nasal drip remedies for effective results.

What is Post Nasal Drip?

ImageSource: www.verywellhealth.com

The glands present in our nose and throat are constantly producing and secreting mucus to keep the linings lubricated. Not just that, mucus is also beneficial in fighting infection and to filter out any kind of foreign material from entering the nasal cavity.

We often times ends up swallowing the secreted mucus without even realizing it. But, there are actually times when our body ends up secreting more mucus than necessary which tends to start getting accumulated in the back of the throat. Not just that, you can often even feel it dripping down the back of your throat from your nose.

This condition is what, medically, is known as post nasal drip.

Home Remedies For Post Nasal Drip

ImageSource: www.thealternativedaily.com

Now, much like every other disease that can be treated with alternative medicine and a holistic approach, even post nasal drip has its effective range of home remedies that work beneficially to get rid of the problem associated with it.

Some of the natural remedies for post nasal drip have been enlisted below.

1. Apple Cider Vinegar Gargle to Stop Post Nasal Drip

ImageSource: www.health.harvard.edu

The combination of anti-inflammatory (R), as well as antibacterial (R) properties of the apple cider vinegar, helps in getting rid of the excess buildup of the mucus in the throat and helps get rid of it for good.

What to do?

  • Mix 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to a glass of warm water
  • Gargle with this every morning to break down the mucus build up
  • Rinse your mouth with normal water at the end

How often?

  • Twice daily

2. Honey to Stop Post Nasal Drip


Honey for the treatment of cold, cough and mucus deposition (R) is something that has been going around since ages back in history. The decongestant as well as antimicrobial (R) properties of the honey is what helps fight the post nasal drip symptoms and help in getting rid of it for good. It also has effective anti-inflammatory (R) properties which further aid to get rid of post nasal drip.

What to do?

  1. Mix 1 tablespoon of honey to a glass of warm water
  2. Drink this concoction during the entire day to treat post nasal drip

How often?

  • 2-3 times every day

3. Colloidal Silver to Stop Post Nasal Drip

ImageSource: www.radiantlifecatalog.com

Colloidal Silver is yet one of the post nasal drip treatment that actually does help with the treatment of the condition of excess secretion of mucus in the throat. With all that being said, it is also believed that the excess usage of this specific treatment has its fair share of negative implications which is what tends to affect the overall metabolism of the body. Any kind of excess dosage can actually end up causing silver poisoning which is primarily characterized by the bluish tint to the skin.

What to do?

  1. Consult a doctor for the amount of dosage suitable for your health and requirements

How often?

  • As prescribed by the physician

4. Salt Water Gargle to Stop Post Nasal Drip

ImageSource: www.readersdigest.ca

Yet another one of the effective remedies for post nasal drip treatment is the use of salt water gargle for the condition. The mind antimicrobial properties (R) of the salt helps fight off any kind of infection in the throat that could be contributing to the excess secretion of the mucus. Not just that, the water helps in hydrating the throat and prevents the irritation.

What to do?

  1. Mix 1 teaspoon of salt to a glass of warm water
  2. Stir till the salt dissolves completely
  3. Gargle with this water till you run out of it
  4. Make sure to avoid swallowing the water and just gargle and rinse your mouth with it
  5. Rinse your mouth with normal water in the end

How often?

  • 2-3 times daily

5. Garlic to Stop Post Nasal Drip

GarlicGarlic has an active compound in it known as Allicin which is what imposes its beneficial properties to stop post nasal drip naturally. It consists of effective antimicrobial (R) as well as anti-inflammatory (R) properties which collectively help in getting rid of the symptoms of post nasal drip.

What to do?

  1. Crush 2-3 cloves of garlic and extract the juice
  2. Add ½ teaspoon of honey to it and consume it raw

How often?

  • Once daily

6. Intake of More Fluids to Stop Post Nasal Drip

Intake-of-More-FluidsIt might come off as a shock but it is seen that often times, the lack of hydration (R) in the body is what ends up triggering the secretion of more mucus. That is what contributes to the induction of post nasal drip. With all that being said, if you are suffering from any form of infection (R) or even from the common grounds of cold and cough, it is most likely that you will end up feeling dehydrated.

What to do?

  1. Drink more fluids to keep yourself hydrated.
  2. It can be anything – from water, tonics to juices as well

How often?

  • On a daily basis

7. Turmeric to Stop Post Nasal Drip

TurmericTurmeric has a multifaceted approach to the post nasal drip treatment because of its antiseptic (R), antimicrobial (R) as well as anti-inflammatory (R) properties. The use of turmeric has been very prevalent in treating the condition associated with cold and coughs since way back in history and is actually beneficial in fighting off any kind of infection that could be contributing to the condition.

What to do?

  1. Mix ½ teaspoon of turmeric powder to a glass of warm milk
  2. Drink this milk before bed at night

How often?

  • Every night

8. Oil Pulling to Stop Post Nasal Drip

ImageSource: www.kidspot.com.au

You might be here wondering how would oil pulling even be helpful in the treatment for post nasal drip, right? Well, the remedy is actually quite beneficial in treating the condition because of the kind of antimicrobial (R) as well anti-inflammatory properties (R) (R) it imposes on the body. It also helps in decongesting the throat which is an added bonus.

What to do?

  1. Take a heaped tablespoon of coconut oil or olive oil or even sesame oil, whatever you prefer, and swish that in your mouth for 10-15 minutes straight.
  2. Spit the oil out after 15 minutes and rinse your mouth with some warm water

How often?

  • Once daily

9. Vicks Vapour Rub to Stop Post Nasal Drip

ImageSource: startsat60.com

Vicks Vapour Rub as one of the post nasal drip remedies is mainly effective if the individual has the symptoms because of the cold and cough. The menthol in the rub is what helps in clearing out the air passages and stops the excess secretion of mucus that often contributes to post nasal drip. It also has warming properties which aid with the treatment further.

What to do?

  1. Scoop some of the ointment with your fingers and apply it on your chest and throat
  2. Do this at night and leave the rub overnight

How often?

  • Do this daily before bed at night

10. Best Teas to Stop Post Nasal Drip

Best-TeasTeas are very effective in fighting off the signs and symptoms of not just cold and cough but also of post nasal drip. Whatever the variant of tea be, it is necessary that one drinks it warm and not cold or scalding hot for optimum benefits.

a. Green Tea

Green-TeaGreen Tea is loaded with antioxidant (R), anti-inflammatory (R) as well as antimicrobial (R) properties which have beneficial impacts in getting rid of the post nasal drip. Not just that, the catechins and EGCGs in the green tea further aid in boosting immunity which helps combat any form of infection causing the condition.

What to do?

  1. Steep a green tea bag in a cup of hot water
  2. Let it steep for 5 minutes
  3. Add some lemon and honey to enhance its taste
  4. Drink this warm

How often?

  • 2-3 times daily

b. Ginger Tea

ImageSource: www.nelliebellie.com

Ginger consists of the active compound Gingerol which imposes effective antibacterial (R) as well as anti-inflammatory (R) properties which help in getting rid of the infection as well as any kind of inflammation that could be contributing to the post nasal drip causes.

What to do?

  1. Boil some water in a pot
  2. Add some crushed ginger to it
  3. Let it boil for 5-10 minutes
  4. Strain this water into a teacup and add a tea bag of your choice
  5. Let that steep for 5 minutes
  6. Drink this warm

How often?

  • 2-3 times daily

11. Juices to Stop Post Nasal Drip

JuicesJuices are yet another effective cure for post nasal drip because of the fact that hydration and balance in the body fluids is beneficial to stop the condition from proliferating any further. Not just that, the juices also help restore the necessary vitamins and minerals that are required for the fast recovery from this condition.

a. Orange Juice

Orange-JuiceOranges contain natural and beneficial anti-inflammatory (R) as well as antioxidant (R) properties which help in the post nasal drip treatment. Not just that, even the Vitamin C content in it helps boost the overall immunity, thus alleviating the condition effectively.

What to do?

  1. Extract the juice of 2-3 oranges and drink it

How often?

  • 1-2 glasses every day

b. Aloe Vera Juice

ImageSource: food.ndtv.com

The usage of aloe vera in the field of alternative medicine is vast and vivid. For treating the condition of post nasal drip, aloe vera juice is actually quite beneficial. The antimicrobial (R) properties of the juice helps in relieving the infection and the associated condition of a cough while the anti-inflammatory (R) properties help in treating any form of inflammation in the nasal pathway.

What to do?

  1. Buy organic aloe vera juice from the market because it is often hard to make the same at home
  2. Drink half a glass of the aloe vera juice on a daily basis

How often?

  • 1-2 times daily

c. Pineapple Juice

Pineapple JuicePineapple consists of an active compound, bromelain which imposes not just antimicrobial (R) but anti-inflammatory (R) properties on its consumption. The combination of both of these properties is what helps in subsiding the post nasal drip symptoms and cures it from within.

What to do?

  1. Extract the juice of half a pineapple
  2. Drink this fresh. You can also add a dash of ginger and cayenne pepper to enhance the taste and also for beneficial effects in the post nasal treatment.

How often?

  • 1-2 glasses of the juice every day

d. Lemon Juice

Lemon-JuiceThe main component in the lemon juice that helps with the treatment of post nasal drip is Vitamin C. The combined antimicrobial (R) as well as antioxidant (R) properties help in fighting off any form of infection and treating the condition at the same time. Not just that, it also helps boost the immunity which has pronounced benefits in getting rid of the remnants of infection in the throat.

What to do?

  1. Add 1-2 tablespoons of lemon juice to a glass of warm water
  2. Add 1 teaspoon of honey to it to enhance the taste
  3. Drink this warm

How often?

  • 1-2 times daily

12. Essential Oils to Stop Post Nasal Drip

Essential-OilsEssential Oils also do play a key role in treating post nasal drip. Because of the multi faceted treatment, it helps in getting rid of the signs and symptoms associated with throat or sinus infection or simple just cold and cough.

a. Lavender Oil

Lavender-OilLavender oil is loaded with beneficial antimicrobial (R) as well as anti-inflammatory (R) properties which help in getting rid of the post nasal drip symptoms effectively. Not just that, it also has effective soothing properties which help in curing the condition effectively.

What to do?

  1. Add a few drops of lavender oil to coconut oil or any carrier oil of your choice
  2. Rub it over your chest and back and throat
  3. Leave it overnight

How often?

  • Every night

b. Oregano Oil

ImageSource: saludmovil.com

Oregano Oil is beneficial because it helps in cleansing the sinuses as well as aiding in strengthening the nasal membranes (R) which combined help in getting rid of signs and symptoms of nasal drip faster and much more effectively.

What to do?

  1. Mix a few drops of oregano oil to any of the carrier oil
  2. Rub it on your chest, back as well as throat
  3. Leave it on overnight

How often?

  • Every night before bed

c. Peppermint Oil

ImageSource: www.organicfacts.net

Peppermint Oil has combined properties of not just antimicrobial (R) but anti-inflammatory (R) as well as expectorant (R) properties too which all help in getting rid of the condition of cold and cough and alleviates the signs and symptoms associated with post nasal drip.

What to do?

  1. Add a few drops of the peppermint oil to any carrier oil like almond or even coconut oil
  2. Rub it all over the chest, back and the throat region
  3. Leave it overnight

How often?

  • Every night before bed

What Causes Post Nasal Drip?

ImageSource: www.houstonsinussurgery.com

When it comes to the causes of the post nasal drip, the possibilities are endless. One of the most common post nasal drip causes includes allergies. It is always better to get tested out for allergies to be able to avoid the possible consequences.

Apart from that, yet one of the most common medical causes is when one suffers from deviated septum. This condition is characterized by the impairments in the cartilage which separates the two halves of the nose. This results in constriction of the nasal cavity, which, in turn, ends up causing impaired draining of the secreted mucus, thus ending up causing post nasal drip.

Some of the other common post nasal drip causes include:

  • Colder and freezing temperatures and weather conditions
  • Sinus infections
  • Pregnancy
  • Consumption of excessively spicy foods
  • Viral infections causing cold and flu
  • Birth control or blood pressure medications

Symptoms of Post Nasal Drip

ImageSource: www.health.com

The symptoms of post nasal drip is often times confused with that of the normal cold and flu symptoms but there are actually some difference to it and it is quite necessary to treat the condition before it gets out of hand and causes havoc to one’s health.

Some of the common symptoms of post nasal drip include:

  • Sore throat and irritation and scratchiness in the throat
  • Persistent feeling of nausea because mucus in the stomach
  • Need to clear the throat frequently
  • Foul breath
  • Worsening condition of the cough during night time

How To Prevent Post Nasal Drip?

ImageSource: www.selfcarer.com

When it comes to talking out the preventive measures, it is beneficial to note that they are something that can help you steer clear off of the possibility of contracting post nasal drip. That being said, it is also necessary that one is well acquainted with them to be able to ensure that the same doesn’t cause any disturbance to one’s overall health.

Some of the preventive measures include:


One of the most important and easiest ways to prevent the possible contraction of post nasal drip is by ensuring that one keep the temperature around the house warm and humid to keep the possibilities and causes of the nasal drip away. Humidifier as well as vaporizer actually does help in increasing the humidity inside your home and keep you healthy.


Even a few types of yoga have beneficial impacts in keeping the signs and symptoms associated with cold and cough at bay. Balasana, Sasangasana etc. are a few that have beneficial impacts on one’s overall health.

Avoid dairy

Consuming dairy while you are suffering from a cold can often instigate the problem associated with post nasal drip. The dairy simply just boosts the secretion of excess mucus which end up aggravating the condition even further.

Stay hydrated

Maintaining the fluid balance in the body is key to maintaining proper levels of mucus in the body. Often times, the lack of hydration in the body acts as a trigger to the secretion of mucus in the body which is not something you want to experience.

Get Allergies checked out

As allergies contribute to being as one of the most common post nasal drip causes, it is beneficial to get the same checked out by a medical professional to be able to avoid the contraction in the future. If you easily suffer from allergies, just ensure that you stay clear off of allergens like that of dust, pollen etc.

Avoid caffeine

Yet another one of the common preventive tips is to avoid the consumption of excess caffeine in the form of tea or coffee because the same tend to direct relation with the secretion of mucus which is not favourable if you are looking for ways to steer clear off of post nasal drip.

Avoid smoking

This doesn’t rely need a separate explanation, now, does it? The excess of smoking often tends to contribute to the mucus secretion and even the nasal and air passage which can often negatively affect the condition.

How Long Does Post Nasal Drip Last?

ImageSource: www.medicalnewstoday.com

Even though there are not much of an affirmation about the fact of how long the post nasal drip lasts for, it is believed that, for the most part, the same lasts from a week to 10 days.

Even then, the same depends on the kind of medications and remedies that are being administered as a cure for post nasal drip. It also depends on the kind of healing capabilities that a person has. If their immunity is restored better and faster, the condition is alleviated faster.

How To Sleep With Post Nasal Drip?

ImageSource: www.vix.com

It has been scientifically proven how the posture of sleeping actually does influence the overall condition with post nasal drip. That being said, it is also important that one knows of them which is why I have shared the best 4 sleeping positions that you can opt for if you want to get rid of post nasal drip.

Prop the bed

This is possibly one of the most effective methods to not just help you sleep better but also relieves the condition of the post nasal drip. Prop the headboard of the bed and then sleep on the back. The elevation is what actually does help in getting rid of the problem that could be affected because of the nasal drip.

Propping the head

If you don’t own an adjustable bed, the next best thing to do is to do something to get your head propped. If you head remains propped, there are possibilities that you will be able to sleep a lot better than you think. Get some extra pillows and just fluff them and snuggle up under the covers. Make sure that the pillows that you are opting for are hypoallergenic because often times, the allergies tend to aggravate the situation even further.

Sleep on one side

Often times, even sleeping on one particular side throughout the night helps in preventing the post nasal drip. It is believed that sleeping on one particular side actually does help with clearing out the post nasal drip which is definitely what one needs, isn’t it?

Avoid sleeping on stomach

Sleeping on the stomach and even on the back without any kind of elevation worsens the condition associated with the nasal drip. Make sure that even if you are sleeping on your stomach, there is something under your abdomen to keep you elevated and to avoid the deterioration of the condition.

If you have been seeking ways to stop post nasal drip, it is necessary and very crucial to stick to the common norms and not get diverted with the same because that is where majority of the people tend to aggravate the condition. These above mentioned remedies can actually help relieve the condition for good – so, try it.