15 Home Remedies For Dust Allergy – Stop Them Sneezes


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home remedies for dust allergy
ImageSource: forteschoolofmusic.ca

How often do you end up sneezing your lungs out while you are out in a dusty area? If the answer is quite often, chances are that you are suffering from dust allergy. There are several home remedies for dust allergy that work wonders and if you are here wondering what you can do get rid of the problem for good, you are in for a ride.

Dust allergy can definitely be a lot irritating if not managed with medication or natural treatment. The constant string of sneezes and the scratchy throat is most definitely not something anyone prefers having.

By the end of this article, you will have a fair share of an idea about everything there is to know about dust allergy and the modes of dust allergy treatment at home.

What is Dust Allergy?

What is Dust Allergy
ImageSource: www.freshairguide.com

Often alternatively known as Dust Mite Allergy, it is a form of air borne energy caused because of the infestation of the dust mites. These are tiny bugs which do belong to the spider family.

They are predominantly found around in the house dust and actively feed on the dead skin cells that people shed off on a daily basis. The main reason why this form of allergy is so common is because of the fact that they can withstand and live in extreme weather conditions too.

When we accidentally end up inhaling through the dust around in the house, chances are that these mites enter into our body. In order to recuperate the associated problems, the immune system of the body goes into a full overdrive to fight off the antigens.

These reactions are what we experience around as the symptoms for dust allergy.

What Are The Causes Of Dust Allergy?

What Are The Causes Of Dust Allergy
ImageSource: www.sciencenews.org

When it comes to discussing the causes behind this condition, the possibilities are predominantly because of the allergens that our body is exposed to.

Any form of allergy that we fight along is mainly because of the exposure of the allergens into the immune system. In order to fight them off, our immune system releases chemicals and boosts reactions which end up being showcased in the form of the symptoms that we experience for our allergies.

There could very well be a number of reasons behind the condition that we actively are not even aware of. These mites can be anywhere around, from your bedroom to the living room that you just cleaned.

Majority of the times, it has been found that some of the furniture around in the house like the bedding, and even the cushions around have the capability of keeping the moisture trapped, thus providing with an amazing infestation site for the allergens.

What are the Symptoms Of Dust Allergy?

What Are The Symptoms Of Dust AllergyThere very well could be a number of symptoms that signify that you are suffering from the symptoms of dust allergy.

Some of the common symptoms associated with dust allergy include:

  • Constantly runny or itchy nose
  • Congestion
  • Itchy and watery eyes
  • Post nasal drip
  • Cough
  • Facing trouble sleeping
  • A swollen and bluish tint to the skin under the eyes
  • Itchy skin
  • Chest pain and tightness
  • Wheezing
  • Shortness of breath
  • An asthma attack (if you suffer from the disease)

How to Get Rid of Dust Allergy?

How to Get rid of Dust Allergy
ImageSource: thefitnessdiets.com

When it comes to the varying ways to get rid of dust allergy, the possibilities are quite extensive. While we are going to touch bases with some of the effective home remedies for dust allergy, we do have some extensive information to share along.

Over the counter medications do have beneficial impacts in relieving the symptoms associated if you want quick relief but if you don’t intend to opt for the medications, there are a number of ways to treat dust allergy at home.

Home Remedies For Dust Allergy

Home Remedies Dust AllergyComing on to the ayurvedic treatment for dust allergy, the prospects are quite extensive. Whatever the condition be, there are quite an extensive range of things lying around in your house itself that can effectively help get rid of the symptoms associated with the condition.

In here, we are going to be discussing about the extensive range of home remedies for dust allergy that work wonders.

1. Essential Oils

Essential Oils
ImageSource: cloudinary.com

The very first on the list of the things to do for the dust allergy treatment at home is to opt for essential oils. Some of the essential oils like eucalyptus oil and even lavender essential oil have the potential to handle the condition of dust allergy and provide relief from the signs and symptoms that one experiences.

Both eucalyptus, as well as lavender oil, is known for their amazing anti-inflammatory (R) (R) as well as the analgesic properties which help in providing relief from the respiratory symptoms that one is going through.

Additionally, it also provides with a better quality of sleep, thus further helping in managing the symptoms and getting rid of it for good.

What to do?

  1. In your air diffuser, pour in 2-3 drops of either eucalyptus oil or lavender oil
  2. Breathe in that air for instant relief
  3. Keep the diffuser on throughout the night to get a proper night’s sleep

2. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider VinegarThe efficacy of apple cider vinegar doesn’t necessarily require a separate introduction. This is touted as one of the most versatile ingredients for managing allergies. The effective antimicrobial properties (R) help contribute to getting rid of the allergens to a certain extent, thus helping in recovering faster.

Not just that, it has also been found to reduce the mucous production in the body which further helps in cleansing the lymphatic system in the body, thus further helping get rid of the allergy effectively.

What to do?

  1. Mix one tablespoon of the organic Apple Cider Vinegar with “the mother” into a glass of water
  2. Add in 1 tsp of organic honey to enhance the tast
  3. Drink this thrice a day till the allergies subside completely

3. Nettle leaf

Nettle leaf
ImageSource: bakercountysolutions.files.wordpress.com

Owing to the fact that our immune system starts producing histamine in excess to ward off the allergies, it is important to adhere to a non-histamine remedy that helps get rid of the symptoms quite effectively.

Studies (R) have found the effectiveness of the nettle leaf in treating the conditions associated with the hay fever and allergic rhinitis which are often the most common conditions under dust allergy.

The anti-histamine property (R) in the nettle lead helps prevent the uncontrolled release of the histamine to prevent the inflammatory responses even more so.

What to do?

  1. Consume nettle leaf capsules once a day
  2. Make sure that you consult a doctor before opting for this remedy

4. Peppermint tea

Peppermint teaPeppermint tea is yet another one of the beneficial home remedies for dust allergy that you can most definitely opt for.

Studies have found that peppermint is quite amazing in soothing and calming the body and the menthol present in it is quite beneficial in getting rid of the sore throat and coughing that often accompanies this condition altogether.

Additionally, peppermint is also believed to have anti-inflammatory (R) as well as antibacterial properties in it which is quite effective in getting rid of the symptoms effectively.

What to do?

  1. Start by boiling some water in a vessel
  2. Pour out the water into a cup and dunk in the peppermint teabag into it
  3. Let it steep for 3-5 minutes
  4. Remove the teabag and add in 1 tsp of organic, local honey to enhance the taste
  5. Drink it 2-3 times daily

5. Quercetin

QuercetinMajority of the fruits and veggies that we eat is loaded with a natural bioflavonoid known as Quercetin which is quite effective to get rid of dust allergy for good.

The main reason why it is effective is because of the fact that it helps in stabilizing the mast cells from preventing the release of histamine.

Apart from this, Quercetin is also known for its beneficial antioxidant properties (R) in the body which further helps boost the immune system (R) in the body, thus helping ward off the risks and symptoms associated with the condition of dust allergy.

What to do?

  1. Increase the consumption of more fruits and vegetables on a daily basis

6. Organic and local honey

Organic and local honeyYet another one of the potent ayurvedic treatments for dust allergy is with the usage of local and organic honey.

Majority of these is believed to have a minimal concentration of ocal pollen which has been found to have beneficial impacts in managing the signs and symptoms associated with dust allergy.

The antimicrobial properties of the honey also further fights off the infestation of the dust mites, thus helping boost the body functions even more so.

What to do?

  1. Pour 2 tbsp of raw honey and consume it
  2. Do this once every day till the symptoms subside for good

7. Neti Pot

Neti Pot
ImageSource: www.verywellhealth.com

Cleaning around the nasal region is quite effective in getting rid of the dust allergy and from preventing the allergen from entering into the airways.

Using a neti pot helps ensure that you can wash away the sinuses off of the allergens and the irritants that are causing the problem all the more. It is very important to fill up the pot with sterile saline solution because that is what helps in getting rid of the problems for good.

What to do?

  1. In a quart of boiled distilled water, add 1 tsp of salt and dissolve everything
  2. Let it stay like that till it completely cools down
  3. Alternatively, you can even use premade saline solution to get the deed done
  4. Put the solution in a neti pot and pour it through one nostril
  5. Let it drain out through the other nostril
  6. Do this till you run out of the saline solution in the neti pot

8. Pineapple

PineappleYet another one of the best home remedies for dust allergy is consuming pineapple. The active enzyme in the pineapple, known as bromelain, has been found to have beneficial impacts in helping ward off the signs and symptoms associated with dust allergy.

Additionally, bromelain has been found to be quite effective in dissolving the mucous along the respiratory tract.

Given the fact that in order to get the necessary amount of bromelain to cure the condition, you would need to eat a whole lot of pineapples, it is best suggested to ensure that you stick around with the bromelain supplements.

What to do?

  1. Consume 1800-2000 m.c.u potency of bromelain supplements
  2. Do this thrice a day

9. Steam

ImageSource: firstcrycdn.com

Yet another one of the effective treatment for dust allergy is by inhaling steam. Steam has been found to have beneficial impacts in clearing out the airway and also breaks down the mucus buildup that many often tend to complain about.

The steam also wards off some of the very common signs and symptoms associated with the condition altogether.

What to do?

  1. In a deep vessel, boil some water
  2. Add in 2-3 drops of peppermint essential oil to it
  3. Once done, put your face above the bowl and cover your head with a towel, ensuring that you are locking in the steam effectively
  4. Inhale the steam properly for 10 or so minutes
  5. Do this twice a day

10. Probiotics

ProbioticsYet another one of the amazing dust allergy treatment at home can be achieved with probiotic.

The main task of the probiotic is to help in boosting the overall immune system to fight against some of the allergic reactions effectively. It helps in not just boosting the gut microbiome but also helps get rid of the issues concerning the allergies.

Studies (R) have found the impacts and benefits of probiotics in helping prevent food allergies, atopic dermatitis and a lot more.

What to do?

  1. Increase the consumption of probiotic-rich foods like sauerkraut, yogurt, kimchi in your daily diet

11. Keep your home clean

Keep your home cleanAlthough the same might seem like a possible preventive measure, it is actually one of the best ways to keep your risks of dust allergy at bay. Dust season is often one of the common reasons why you could contract the allergens very easily.

If you are here wondering why you have been coughing your lungs out, chances are because your house is not clean enough around.

One of the best ways to get rid of dust allergy is by ensuring that you keep your house cleaned all the time. People who are more prone to be allergic are often suggested around to keep an eye out on the dust that’s getting accumulated around the house.

If required, use disinfectants to have a clean and spot free home around.

What to do?

  1. At least 2-3 times a day, try and ensure that you clean your house with aerosol sprays and products that will help leave your house spot free
  2. If you have molds forming around in your home, it is best suggested to use bleach to get rid of it for good

12. Use dehumidifiers

Use dehumidifiers
ImageSource: www.lg.com

Often times, one of the most common triggers for the growth of molds around in the house is because of the moisture in the air.

Dehumidifiers help in extracting out the moisture from the air, thus reducing the triggers associated with the overall prospect of growth of molds in the house which could be a primary reason associated with dust allergy and the induction of allergens in the air.

What to do?

  1. Get a good quality dehumidifier and install it in the home as per the instruction
  2. Switch it on and the device with take care of the rest

13. Turmeric

TurmericThe efficacy of turmeric and its therapeutic properties don’t necessarily require any kind of accessory introduction.

The main reason behind the same is because of the presence of the active compound in it, Curcumin, which has amazing impacts in treating the condition associated with the inflammation and the allergic reaction.

Apart from the beneficial anti-inflammatory properties, Curcumin is also a natural decongestant which further helps provide relief from the signs and symptoms associated with this for good.

As for managing the condition of dust allergy, it has been found to have beneficial impacts in inhibiting the release of histamines in the body which is otherwise associated with the allergic reactions that we witness.

What to do?

  1. To a glass of milk, add 1/4th tsp of turmeric powder and mix well
  2. Once mixed, add some honey to enhance the taste
  3. Drink the turmeric milk once before bedtime

14. Vitamin C

Vitamin CCitrus fruits and just Vitamin C in general has very potent benefits as some of the home remedies for dust allergy. The main reason behind the same is because of the fact that Vitamin C is not just loaded with beneficial antioxidant (R) properties; it also has mild antimicrobial properties.

All of this does help in not just getting rid of the possibly allergens in the body, it also helps in boosting the overall immune system as well, thus helping in fighting back the allergic reaction head first.

What to do?

  1. Increase the consumption of vitamin C rich fruits and vegetables for an overall better well being
  2. If possible, drink lemon water in the morning to further boost the overall health

15. Aloe Vera

Aloe VeraThe benefits of aloe vera are quite extensive when it comes to our overall well being. That being said, the same has also been found to have beneficial impacts to treat dust allergy for good.

The combination of the potent anti-inflammatory (R) and analgesic properties help in not just getting rid of the inflammation in the airways, thus helping in the recovery effectively.

What to do?

  1. Drink 1/4th of a cup of freshly pressed aloe vera juice
  2. Do this once or twice a day till the symptoms of dust allergy subside

How Long Does Dust Allergy Last?

How Long Does Dust Allergy Last
ImageSource: thedoctorweighsin.com

Irrespective of everything, it is hard to deduce how long your dust allergy will last for. The main reason behind the same being the fact that the recovery time period depends on how strong one’s immune response is.

In general terms, a dust allergy can last from somewhere around 4-5 days to a week or sometimes even more if the correct remedies are not opted for to get rid of it.

There is no specific time frame standard to this disease and can take different time for recovery for different people. If you have been struggling with the condition, it is best suggested to opt for the home remedies for dust allergy because it works like wonders.

To conclude it all, the home remedies for dust allergy are not just potent but very effective in getting relief from the condition altogether. If you have been consistently struggling with this, it is best suggested to ensure that you first try the treatment options at home and then proceed along with the other remedies around. We have mentioned the top 15 here and we do hope it is of help to the people reading.