15 Natural Ways to Lower Insulin Levels For An Energetic Life


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Side Effects Of High Insulin Levels
ImageSource: www.everydayhealth.com

While the lack of insulin functioning is the primal factor majority of the people around are aware of, the heightened levels of insulin also have negative impacts on the body. Have you been looking around for natural ways to lower insulin levels?

It is often hard to deduce what kind of conditions is causing sudden spikes in the insulin levels. But, in order to avoid risks of developing insulin resistance, it is mandatory to ensure that you take good care of the same.

In here, we are going to be sharing some of the best and effective ways to lower your insulin levels.

Why Should You Lower Your Insulin Levels?

Why Should You Lower Your Insulin Levels


When it comes to discussing the importance of lowering the insulin levels, it is necessary to ensure that one knows the ins and outs of it.

Lowering insulin levels in the body is important for many reasons.

We know about sensitization, right? When the levels of insulin in the body is constantly high than what it should be, chances are that it would end up making your cells become resistant to taking up the insulin for glucose metabolism.

What this results in is not just that heightened levels of insulin in the body but also the heightened levels of glucose simultaneously. This could even impose risks of development of insulin independent diabetes or the Type-2 Diabetes.

The primary and most possibly the common reason why one needs to lower their insulin levels is because of the possibility of inducing insulin resistance in their system.

Side Effects Of High Insulin Levels

Side Effects Of High Insulin Levels
ImageSource: www.everydayhealth.com

When it comes to talking about the unprecedented levels of insulin in the body, it is very important to pay close attention to it and work around ways to fight off the condition as soon as possible.

Many people don’t even realize they have a high insulin level until and unless they run a pathology test to get the same confirmed.

It is very important to keep some of the signs of high insulin levels into account to be aware of the condition altogether.

Some common signs and symptoms of high insulin levels include:

Some of the side effects of high insulin levels include:

Insulin Resistance

One of the most common side effects of high insulin levels is the development of insulin resistance in the body. The constant high levels of insulin tend to impact the overall sensitivity of the cells in promoting the functions of the insulin once it is released into the bloodstream.


If you have an overactive pancreas which is consistently secreting insulin even when not required, chances are that it will end up affecting the overall glucose levels in the body. In the initial stage since the insulin levels are high, chances are that it will end up metabolizing the glucose in the bloodstream. When the insulin levels are high, it does end up causing a sudden drop in the levels of glucose in the bloodstream.

Frequent Urination

Yet another one of the commonly noticed side effects of high insulin levels is frequent urination. Owing to the fact that the renal function of the body is in an overdrive, it is not uncommon to notice a sudden rise in the frequency of urination altogether.


Fatigue and tiredness is often a very common side effect in patients with high insulin levels. The main reason is most probably because of the overdrive of the glucose metabolism which causes spiked energy burst which then fizzles down just as fast. All in all, it leaves you hyperactive at one moment and completely dead to the world the next moment.

Weight gain

One of the most common side effects of high insulin levels is uncontrolled weight gain. It is very important to lead a very active lifestyle in order to ensure

How to Lower Insulin Levels?

How To Lower Insulin Levels


Now with the basics aside and the consequences glanced through, it is time we focus on the ways one can lower their insulin levels.

There are actually a number of natural ways to lower insulin levels in the body. The only thing to ensure is to look out for effective ways and stick to them till the end.

1. Stick to a low carb diet

Stick to a low carb diet


The very first way on how to lower insulin levels is to watch out for your diet. It is important to ensure that you stick to a low carb diet that can not just keep your insulin levels in check but also ensure proper weight loss as well.

Partaking interest in a low carb diet has actually been found (R) (R) effective in warding off the signs of high insulin levels in comparison to the other diets that we indulge in.

Even in a conducted study in a group of individuals who consumed a low carb and low fat diet found a rapid decrease in the insulin levels by 50% in the ones who stuck to the low carb meal.

2. Avoid foods that cause insulin spikes

Avoid foods that cause insulin spikes


Many people tend to have a good notion about dry fruits, thinking it doesn’t necessarily cause any alterations in the levels of insulin in the body but they do.

Much like this, it is important to ensure that you avoid foods that can cause sudden spikes in the levels of insulin in the body. They might not necessarily seem like a lot but even making the slightest of changes in your lifestyle can impact a lot.

Try and steer clear off of foods that cause unprecedented spikes in the insulin levels in the body if you have been seeking out ways to lower your insulin levels.

3. Include more Blueberries in the Diet

Include more blueberries in the diet


Not many people know this but the amazing bioactive compounds (R) in the blueberries are very beneficial in increasing insulin sensitivity and getting rid of the higher levels of insulin.

In a conducted study (R) comprising of obese, non-diabetic and insulin-resistant patients, they participants were supplemented either with a blueberry smoothie for six weeks or a normal placebo diet instead of that.

The conclusions found an altered change in the insulin sensitivity which was reduced by 22% in comparison to the placebo group which only lost around 4.9%.

4. Apple Cider Vinegar Tonic

Apple Cider Vinegar tonic


The administration of apple cider vinegar tonic post meal has been found to have amazing impacts on the overall insulin levels in the body. It has been credited to have an amazing impact in handling the blood sugar spikes in the body following eating.

Even a few conducted studies (R) have found the efficacy of vinegar and its impact on the insulin levels following the consumption of a high carb meal.

Researchers have also found that the consumption of 2 tbsp of vinegar following a high carb meal has been found effective in inducing a feeling of fullness after 30 minutes of a meal. When it did come to the explanation behind the same, the researchers (R) did state that the impacts could be because of the delayed stomach emptying which impacted the rate of the glucose metabolism in the body.

5. Lose weight

Lose weight


Obesity is the primary reason behind the worsening condition of the spiked insulin levels.

If you are still on the lookout for foods that lower insulin levels, opt for ways that will also help you lose weight effectively.

Excess body weight and the high levels of fat concentration in the body is often associated with the heightened levels of insulin in the body, especially when it comes to handling the condition of insulin resistance (R) in the body.

The combination of excess body fat along with high insulin levels often imposes the risks of a polycystic ovarian syndrome in women of varying age.

6. Supplement with Vitamin D

Supplement with Vitamin D


Yet another one of the best natural ways to lower insulin levels is to supplement with Vitamin D. The vitamin that is found in abundance in the morning sun does have an important role to play in the insulin metabolism in the body.

In a conducted study (R) (R), the participants (women) were given 4000 IU of the Vitamin D3 on a regular basis for an overall time period of six months. The researchers did find a lot of improvement in the insulin resistance in their body after the time period in question.

7. Be Mindful about Portion Sizes

Be mindful about portion sizes


Portion sizes and the amount of food that you are putting into your body does play a very crucial role in the overall prospects of insulin levels in the body.

While the studies don’t necessarily bar you from consuming any amount of calorie, it does ask you to restrict the amount that you are consuming.

Even studies (R) have found that the consumption of fewer calories tends to have positive impacts on the overall insulin sensitivity of the body. In one such conducted study (R), it was found that the participants who practiced calorie management while eating had a reduction in their insulin levels by 16% and the ones who opted for portion management did effective lower their insulin levels by 12%.

8. Indulge in Exercises

Indulge in exercises

One of the best answers on how to lower insulin levels is by indulging in exercises.

Exercising not just contributes to lowering down your obesity but also helps in ensuring better blood circulation and metabolism but also helps in getting rid of the unnecessary fats in the body which is best for someone who either has consistent high insulin levels or suffers from insulin resistance.

Indulging in an hour of exercise in intervals can actually be quite useful for a number of people. It doesn’t matter what kind of exercise you are indulging in, it could be cycling, cardio or even swimming.

Leading an active lifestyle is the key factor when it comes to finding natural ways to lower insulin levels.

9. Avoid SUGAR!!



When we are mentioning sugar, it is not just the normal white sugar that you think. The prospects and impacts are far more than that.

In order to lower your insulin levels, it is important to ensure that you avoid sugar in all forms. This is possibly one of the most important cutting down you have to do with your diet. It goes without saying that consuming sugar is not going to do any good to your body and not for your insulin levels as well.

When it comes to mentioning to avoid sugar in all forms, it means, any kind of food that has unnecessary and unhealthy forms of sugar in it should be avoided at all costs.

10. Handle Stress

Handle stress


Yet another important factor that does play a crucial role in the maintenance and lowering of insulin levels is to handle your stress in a healthy way. Stress has the possibility of inducing varying negative impacts on the body, especially on the levels of insulin in the body.

When our body is under stress, it is most likely that it will end up impacting the pancreas to release more insulin to metabolize the carbs to produce energy in the body.

If you are trying to find constructive ways to handle your stress, try and indulge in meditation and even ensure to get proper sleep throughout the day.

11. Include Cinnamon in your Diet

Include cinnamon in your diet


Several studies have found that cinnamon is actually very effective in lowering blood sugar levels and even the overall cholesterol levels in the blood. The conducted studies were mainly aimed towards Type-2 Diabetic patients.

The participants were given 1-6 Gms of cinnamon in their diet per day consecutively for 40 days following which the results were recorded and assessed.

The lowering of the blood sugar levels inadvertently impacts the overall insulin levels in the body. But, it is very important to ensure that you don’t end up consuming more than you should because even the excess consumption can end up contributing to drastic changes in the blood sugar levels and end up causing hypoglycemia which is actually bad for you.

12. Steer Clear off of Refined Carbs

Steer clear off of refined carbs


As delectable and mouth watering the combination of burgers and fries might look like, it is not going to do your body any good. It is very necessary to steer clear off of these because of the kind of negative impacts they have on the insulin levels in the body.

They are not just potent of spiking the insulin levels, they can even end up causing unnecessary weight gain which again is not good for one’s health altogether.

The refined carbs tend to have a high glycemic index which is something that does end up affecting the overall insulin levels in the body.

13. Consume Pistachios

Consume pistachios


Yet another one of the effective foods that lower insulin resistance are pistachios. It is believed that while the consumption of other nuts could potentially have negative impacts on the insulin levels in the body, chances are that the pistachios have a different impact.

Even in a conducted study published in the Diabetes journal, it was found that the participants who were fed with pistachios for an extended period of time did have an improved condition associated with the insulin resistance.

14. Get rid of the Sedentary Lifestyle

Get rid of the sedentary lifestyle


As mentioned before, one of the most common negatives and enemies for insulin resistance and high levels of insulin in the body is being stuck to a sedentary lifestyle.

Statistics do suggest that the connection between insulin resistance with a sedentary lifestyle is on the constant rise.

Indulging in an active lifestyle does help in ensuring that you have a better metabolic rate in the body which, in turn, contributes to the better management of the insulin levels in the body.

In a conducted study in middle aged women for 12 weeks straight for 20 minutes following a meal found a heightened level of insulin sensitivity in their body.

15. Consume tart cherries

Consume tart cherries


Tart cherries are also one of the best foods that lower insulin levels. If you are wondering why it is mainly because of the heightened levels of antioxidants in them which contribute to the better metabolic rate of the body.

In a conducted study, the rats were administered with tart cherry powder for eight weeks straight and did show signs of improved insulin sensitivity in the blood, thus regulating their presence in the bloodstream.

Apart from everything, the tart cherries are also high in the hormone melatonin which further helps in inducing better sleep which is essential for managing the stress.

Managing insulin levels is actually very important. If you are here trying to find natural ways to lower insulin levels, the possibilities are actually endless. It all depends on how you mould your lifestyle and opt for an active one to gain that amazing result in the end.