How To Wake Up Without Coffee? 20 Amazing Non-Caffeinated Ways!


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how to wake up without coffee

If you are someone who needs a cup of coffee to “wake” them up in the morning, it is time to make changes to your habits. It is true that there is nothing wrong with drinking coffee but that doesn’t necessarily mean that you shouldn’t know how to wake up without coffee as well.

Caffeine has been found to have a number of long term negative impacts that you definitely don’t want to experience. This is the reason why it is important that you focus on knowing of the non-caffeinated ways to keep yourself energized in the morning.

Scroll down to find some of the ways to perk up without caffeine in the morning.

How to wake up without coffee in the morning?

How wake up without coffee in the morningCoffee and caffeine, in general have amazing benefits in helping wake you up when you are feeling groggy in the morning. While there are actually a number of other substitutes, knowing about them can make your life a lot easier than you can even imagine.

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To help you out, let us take a look at some of the coffee alternatives to wake you up in the morning.

1. Morning Walk for the fresh air

Morning Walk for the fresh airIt might seem like a chore but trust me, taking a morning walk for the fresh air has been found to have an amazing benefit in helping wake you up in the morning. It is very tempting for someone to hit on that snooze button and simply go back to sleep for that extended 10 minutes.

If you do want to wake yourself up and feel fresh and rejuvenated, one of the best ways to do so is by taking a walk out in the morning. Walking is a form of physical exercise that has been found to have amazing benefits in helping boost your energy for the better.

Morning walks have also been found to have beneficial impacts in boosting the serotonin levels in the body, which again is quite a beneficial impact. Just make sure that you dress appropriately, especially if its winters.

2. Use peppermint toothpaste

Use peppermint toothpasteIf you want to know of the ways to perk up without caffeine, using peppermint toothpaste for brushing the teeth is considered one of the best available options.

The active compound in the peppermint, menthol, has been found to have amazing impacts in helping promote better results with not just helping get rid of your morning breath but also promote better alertness for your mind.

It will also make you feel fresher and rejuvenated which further helps promote better results in keeping you active throughout the day.

3. Indulge in some stretches

Indulge in some stretchesOne of the most effective answers on how to wake up without coffee is by indulging in some morning stretching.

You don’t necessarily have to do a full blown yoga session but even the minimal stretching has been found to have amazing benefits in helping promote better recovery in no time at all.

If possible, do the stretches that uplift your mood and even help promote better impacts on the overall energy levels in the body. Don’t overdo anything out of your capacity because that is where the problem starts.

Stretching has been found to help stimulate the muscles and even help ease the tension off of it for better recovery and comfort unlike anything else.

4. Eat a hearty breakfast

Eat a hearty breakfastFor those who are always late in the morning and tend to just grab a piece of toast and run out of the house, chances are that you will crave a coffee to wake you up. This is the habit that you need to make adjustments in.

It is important that your body gets the balanced nutrition (R) that it needs in the morning to ensure seamless functioning without any tiredness.

The calories that one gets from the food is a necessity to keep you fueled through till your next meal. If you have been looking into coffee alternatives to wake you up, eating a filling breakfast is one of them.

Add the necessary macronutrients like carbs, proteins and even fats, all of which are a necessity for the body and the overall functioning unlike anything else.

5. Take a cold shower

Take a cold showerAnother amazing coffee substitute to wake up in the morning is by taking a cold shower. As daunting as it sounds, cold showers have been found to have amazing benefits in helping promote better recharging of the body.

The piercing cold water is enough to wake you up and get you going through the day, which is quite amazing if you do have a hard time getting up without any sort of caffeine.

Taking a shower with warm water has been reported to make you feel more tired and lethargic, which is the last thing that you want to experience in the morning.

This is the reason why it is best suggested that you take a cold shower in the morning to wash away the tiredness. In addition to that, it also lifts up your mood, which again is an added bonus.

6. Bathe in the sunlight

Bathe in the sunlightIf you didn’t know, our sleeping cycles are likely going to prolong if we always keep ourselves blocked in a shady room with no lights. The dimly lit room in the morning is one of the primary reasons why you might be feeling drowsy and need some caffeine to pick you up.

One of the best ways to reverse that is by stepping out of the house and bathing in some sunlight that helps promote better energy and helps boost your overall well being.

Not just that, it has also been found that the exposure to the sunlight helps reduce the secretion of melatonin (R), which prevents you from feeling drowsy and groggy in the morning.

If you want a lift me a up, stepping out in the sunlight is considered the best option for you to look into without any fail at all.

The natural sunlight helps in blending in well with your natural circadian rhythm, further helping promote better sleep cycles and prevents you from feeling tired all the time when you wake up.

7. Try some breathing technique

Try some breathing techniqueYet another one of the amazing ways on how to wake up without coffee is by trying out some effective breathing techniques. The same has been found to not just help promote better well being and better alertness but also help in boosting your energy levels and makes you feel fresh.

Feeling tired after waking up is quite simple, without any kind of further concerns. There are several types of breathing exercises (R) that one can do, the Bellows Breath is considered one of the best ones available.

It has been found to promote better stimulation of the diaphragm and further signals in better alertness for you without any issues at all. Breathing exercises have also been found to help promote better clearing of the airways and gets rid of the toxins from the body.

It also promotes better oxygenation of the blood, ensuring that you wouldn’t have to struggle with the issues of muscle fatigue and constant tiredness which is pretty common in such cases after waking up in the morning.

8. Stimulate your brain

Stimulate your brainIt might not necessarily seem very effective but one of the best coffee alternatives to wake you up is by stimulating your brain. The same has been found to be quite beneficial in helping promote overall better well being.

If you want to enhance the credibility of your brain, one of the best ways to do so is by playing some mental games like Sudoku or even crosswords, if that is something that you can indulge in.

Since they require better nervous functions, the same has been found to have beneficial impacts in helping promote better functioning of the brain in no time at all.

9. Consume more complex carbs

Consume more complex carbsWhen we are talking about carbs being a possible pick you up in the morning, know for a fact that we are talking about the complex carbs and not the simple ones.

It has been found that the complex carbs are not just filling and healthy but breakdown over duration of time, which has been found quite beneficial in helping provide with sustained energy along the day, without any confusions at all.

Even a number of studies (R) have found that eating complex carbs like the multi grain and oats and muesli have been found to have amazing benefits in helping promote better results in terms of helping out with the overall alertness in the body.

Not just that, they have also been found to promote the alertness of the brain, further providing with noticeable results unlike anything else at all.

10. Massage the pressure points

Massage the pressure pointsIt is not necessary that you always get someone for the massages, mainly because of the fact that you can do everything by yourself and without any issues at all. The pressure points are the spots which, when stimulated, can make you feel more alert and energised.

Some of the pressure points around the temples and even the wrists have been found to have amazing impacts in making you feel better during the day and even promote better recovery unlike anything else.

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Not just that, if possible, you can even used some relaxing essential oils to further help you stay alert without any issues as such.

11. Hit the gym

Hit the gymEven though we have mentioned stretching and walking in the beginning, yet another one of the amazing ways to perk up without caffeine is by hitting the gym and doing some workout.

The primary reason that working out helps is by boosting the oxygenation in the body which has been found to have beneficial impacts in helping promote better functions for your body and promoting enhanced muscle functions as well.

Not just that, another amazing reason why workout out in the gym works is because it promotes the release of endorphins (R) in the body which further uplifts the mood and energizes your body from within without any issues at all.

The endorphins make you feel better throughout the day, ready to take on anything that comes along your way, further making this a good thing to do in the morning to wake yourself up.

12. Supplement with Vitamin B12

Supplement with Vitamin B12If you tend to struggle with the deficiency of Vitamin B12 in your body, chances are that the same will affect your energy levels and make you feel tired and very drowsy all the time. One of the best ways to combat that is by taking a Vitamin B12 supplement, especially if you are deficient.

This is also a necessity for you if you are a vegan eater. People who tend to have a reduced levels of Vitamin B12 in their body also find it hard to beat the Monday blues and the constant tiredness that they are experiencing.

Apart from vegan eaters, people with chronic health issues are also likely to experience this as well, which is the reason why it is necessary that you get the condition checked out for yourself to see whether or not you need the necessary supplementation for better well being.

13. Make it a habit

Make it a habitIt might sound very boring but one of the best tips to wake up without caffeine is to ensure that you make it a habit for yourself to wake up at the same time every single day.

This can further help in promoting better results in helping curb the unnecessary discomfort that you might be having.

When your body is accustomed to a routine and you have a proper circadian rhythm, the same has been found to have amazing benefits in helping curb the tiredness that you might be experiencing in the morning.

Even during the weekends, prepare your mind to stick to the general routine, so you are not compromising anything at all in your life. This has actually been found to have beneficial results in helping promote better energy levels when you are waking up.

14. Listen to some music

Listen to some musicOne of the best coffee alternatives to wake you up is with some amazing loud and peppy music with a lot of beats and tunes. This might not seem like a lot but has been found to have amazing benefits in helping boost your mind and promote better results in helping wake you up in the morning.

There are a number of such playlists that are available on majority of the platforms that you can look into. This further has been found to have amazing results in helping promote the energy levels, freshen up your mood, and let you take on the day like a pro.

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Listening to your favorite songs has also been associated with the release or serotonin in the brain as well, which further promotes better impacts on your overall mood too.

15. Drink some water

Drink some waterDehydration is one of the most common reasons that further contribute to the issues of tiredness and drowsiness that you have been experiencing. One of the best ways to perk up without caffeine is by ensuring that you drink some water to hydrate yourself.

It is not necessary that you drown yourself in water and drink a whole lot in the morning itself, but try and ensure that you drink enough to drive the initial wave of fatigue away.

Majority of the experts suggest drinking around 8-9 glasses of water on a daily basis which is often considered a very easy number that one can drink through the day.

Essentially, if possible, add some lemon juice to it because drinking lemon water in the morning has been found to have numerous benefits on the overall body functions unlike anything else.

16. Open the curtains

Open the curtainsIf you can’t step out of the house in the bright sunlight to wake yourself up, another amazing alternative that has been found to have promising benefits is by opening the curtains of the bedroom.

Even this works on the principle of adjusting your circadian rhythm thus promoting better results in helping wake you up from the state of slumber that you have been in.

The bright light from the outside helps in resetting your biological clock, making it a lot easier for you to tackle the situations at hand.

The light also helps in reducing the levels of melatonin in the blood stream, helping you feel even more energized than before.

17. Drink some coconut water

Drink some coconut waterYet another one of the amazing tips to wake up without caffeine is to make a switch to coconut water instead. The reason why that is the case is because of the presence of potassium in it which has been found to have amazing benefits in helping convert the carbs into fuel.

Not just that, drinking coconut water is also suggested for the days when you need a quick pick me up after a day of hangover. It is best suggested to ensure that you do look into the benefits and then drink.

[ Also Read : Important Benefits of Drinking Coconut Water ]

Don’t make it a habit every morning and make sure that you always do keep changing your drinks for better impacts on your health.

Try and get the fresh coconut water instead of the packaged ones in the bottle. Not only are they very processed, they also aren’t fresh, so you are not that likely to enjoy the benefits from the same.

18. Switch to tea instead

Switch to tea insteadIt is true that everyone needs their very own beverage to pick them up from the morning slumber. Since, we are telling you to cut out the toxic caffeine from the diet, it is not unlikely that we are going to introduce a healthier version of the same for you.

Drinking herbal teas have been found to have amazing benefits in helping promote better health in the long run without causing any kind of chaos to your body.

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It is true that even tea has got caffeine in it which can irk people about coffee but to be fair, the levels of caffeine in the tea is a lot lesser in comparison to what you get in coffee, which is one of the primary reasons why it is best that you drink tea instead.

19. Eat an apple

Eat an appleEating an apple has also been found to be an effective substitute for caffeine in the morning. The primary reason why it works is all because of the natural sugars present in it which has amazing benefits in helping pick you up and boost your energy levels because of the heightened glucose levels in the blood stream.

In addition to that, it has also been found that the tough skin of the apple which is rich in fiber is often quite tough to digest, which is one of the reasons why your body works at an overdrive to compensate for the same, thus helping promote better energy levels and wakes you up as well.

20. Eat some dark chocolate

Eat some dark chocolateWhile this might not seem like the most favorable option, eating a piece of dark chocolate has been associated as a better replacement for coffee in the morning for waking you up.

The dark chocolate that you eat also has caffeine in it. A lot more than what you get from coffee but it doesn’t impose any negative impacts to you! It is one of the reasons why eating dark chocolate is often considered a better option in comparison.

If you have been on the lookout for the ways on how to wake up without coffee? We would suggest that you go through the points mentioned. Not only do they lift up your spirits, they also help promote better well being in the long run and help promote better stability in your life.