12 Natural Remedies For Baker’s Cyst – Drain The Pain Away


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src: newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org

Before you start getting any wrong ideas, Baker’s cyst has got nothing to do with the bakery that you get scones from in the morning. The condition of Baker’s cyst is characterized by the presence of a lump or tumor like structure in the popliteal space behind the knees. Given that it affects one’s normal quality of life, adhering to the natural remedies for baker’s cyst can provide with fruitful results.

The condition can be cured with the natural means; the only thing to do is to be persistent with the treatment procedure. If you have been suffering from this condition for far too long, it is best suggested to opt for the treatment methods.

To help you gauge a better list of home treatment for baker’s cyst, we have listed out everything that you need to know about the condition.

What is a Baker’s cyst?

What is a Bakers cyst
src: nyacknewsandviews.com

Baker’s cyst is a condition wherein the patient suffers from consistent pain and stiffness in the knee because of the induction of a tumor like growth in the popliteal space behind the knees.

The condition can inflict consistent pain and even inflammation because of the persistent accumulation of fluid in the space mentioned in the knees.

If you are wondering why it is named as such, it mainly after a British surgeon, Dr William Morant Baker who was the first person to describe the condition.

The condition is often found to affect women after the age of 40. The condition can inflict pain but often does dissolve around on its own, without any kind of medication as such.

What Causes A Baker’s cyst?

What causes a Bakers cyst
src: content.active.com

Our bones, muscles and the tendons need proper lubrication for it to function without any kind of rough friction or tear that can further worsen the condition.

The synovial fluid is the one that induces proper lubrication around the joints in the knees. If you have been wondering why it happens, there can very well be a number of reason behind it. The lack of proper drainage of the synovial fluid through the varying bursae present in the knees could be a contributing factor.

Some of the common reason behind the condition of Baker’s cyst includes:

What are the Symptoms of Baker’s cyst?

What are the symptoms of Bakers cyst
src: consumerreports.org

When it comes down to the symptoms of Baker’s cyst, the possibilities are quite extensive.

You are most likely going to experience the preliminary symptoms which can be enough for you get an idea about the condition and to opt for the treatment methods accordingly.

Some of the common symptoms of this condition include:

  • Pain in the knees
  • Swelling and inflammation in the knees and the surrounding area
  • Pain in the calf region
  • Fluid accumulation or edema around the knee
  • Clicking and locking of the knee joint

If you have been experiencing consistent pain and discomfort around the knees, it is best suggested that you do consult a doctor before it takes a completely different turn. Look out for the symptoms too and if the same seem serious, don’t fail to consult a doctor without fail.

Home Remedies for Baker’s Cyst

Home remedies for Bakers CystWhen it comes round to the prospect of the natural remedies for baker’s cyst, the possibilities are quite extensive.

There are a number of things lying around in your house itself that can provide you with instant relief from the condition and that too for the better.

The only thing that you need to ensure is to look out for the fact that the same should be aligned well with the kind of impacts that one has over their health.

Some of the best ways to drain a baker’s cyst naturally include:

1. Ice Compress

Ice compress
src: www.verywellhealth.com

One of the best treatments for baker’s cyst definitely has to be the application of the ice compress.

If you have been experiencing consistent pain and inflammation around the area, the application of the ice can effectively tone down the pain and the discomfort as well. It is best suggested that you do indulge in getting the best ice pack and keep it on the knee for 10-15 minutes.

Given that the ice tends to numb the area, it helps in numbing the pain as well and even reduces the inflammation.

What to do?

  • Take an ice pack
  • Hold it above your knee
  • Keep it there for 10-15 minutes

How often?

  • Repeat this multiple times throughout the day

2. Heat Compress

Heat compress
src: medicalnewstoday.com

Much like the ice pack, even the heat pack has been found to help in the treatment for baker’s cyst. The main reason how and why the heat compress works is mainly because of the fact that it boosts the blood circulation around the knee region, thus boosting the process of recovery.

The heat also provides relief from the pain and if there is excess fluid accumulation around the area, it helps in draining that out as well for good. Not just that, it has also been found to have amazing impacts in reducing the inflammation around the knees which further helps cure the condition for the better.

What to do?

  • Apply a hot pack on the knees
  • Leave it on for 10-15 minutes

How often?

  • Multiple times through the day

3. Get Proper Rest

Get proper restIrrespective of what kind of conditions you find yourself in, if you feel the pain getting worse along with the inflammation, it is best suggested to avoid tiring yourself out even further.

Instead of doing that, you can simply just lie down and get the necessary amount of rest that is crucial to promote faster recovery from the pain as well as the inflammation that many often tend to struggle with.

4. Frankincense Oil

Frankincense Oil
src: indiamart.com

The essential oils are also one of the best baker’s cyst natural remedies that you can opt for. The primary reason why it is effective enough is because of the fact that it imposes anti-inflammatory properties (R) which has beneficial impacts in getting rid of the swelling and even the edema that is being caused because of the accumulation of fluids.

That being said, it is important that you mix it with a carrier oil and then apply it. If you have sensitive skin, it is best if you do patch test it as well before the application.

What to do?

  • Mix 2-3 drops of frankincense oil with 1 tbsp of coconut oil
  • Apply this on the affected part on the knees and such
  • Leave it on and let it seep into the skin

How often?

  • 2-3 times daily

5. Olive Oil

Olive OilOlive oil is yet another one of the plant based oils which have been found to have beneficial impacts in helping with the condition of the baker’s cyst.

Given the fact that it is loaded with the beneficial anti-inflammatory (R) properties, it is considered as the best answer to how to treat baker’s cyst naturally.

It helps in leveling down the edema and the swelling that is caused because of the persistent fluid accumulation. If you have been struggling with the same, it is best suggested that you do focus on enhancing the consumption of the olive oil via the daily meal and diets.

If that isn’t possible, the topical application of the olive oil can help to an extent as well.

6. Massage the Area

Massage the area
src: ocht.ca

Given that you are consistently experiencing pain and discomfort around the knees and the calf region because of the condition, massaging the area has been found to have beneficial impacts in helping with the recovery effectively.

The primary reason why it works is because of the fact that massaging help in boosting the blood circulation around the area which further helps in getting rid of the condition, especially the pain and the discomfort.

If you don’t know the techniques of massaging the knee for better impacts in the recovery process, it is best suggested that you don’t stick around doing it yourself, rather get someone to do it for you.

Professional masseuses are well trained and are skilled enough to press the right buttons for faster recovery, so trust them.

7. Turmeric

TurmericTurmeric is yet another one of the amazing baker’s cyst natural remedies that actually do work. The primary reason behind the same is because of the fact that turmeric is loaded with beneficial anti-inflammatory properties which have beneficial impacts in faster and better recovery of the inflammation and the pain that one is enduring.

For the most part, it is best suggested to ensure that you either up the amount of turmeric in the meals or focus on applying turmeric paste on the affected area for better and faster recovery through the process.

What to do?

  • Warm up some milk
  • Add 1/4th tsp of turmeric powder to the milk
  • Drink that before bedtime at night

How often?

  • Once every night

8. Castor Oil

Castor Oil
src: cierracandles.com

Castor oil is yet another one of the effective natural remedies for baker’s cyst that works wonders.

The active compound in castor oil, ricinoleic acid has been found to impose the beneficial anti-inflammatory (R) properties which help in overcoming the problems associated with this condition.

The persistent application of the castor oil is what has been found to have beneficial impacts in helping with the condition of Baker’s cyst and imposes beneficial properties in streamlining the recovery process quite effectively.

It is best suggested that you always do a patch test before the application to ensure that you don’t have any kind of allergies to the same.

What to do?

  • Mix equal parts of castor oil and coconut oil in a bowl
  • Apply it on the affected part
  • Gently massage it into the skin
  • Leave it on

How often?

  • 2-3 times daily

9. Epsom salt

Epsom saltEpsom salt is yet another one of the effective remedies for the baker’s cyst that provides with beneficial impacts.

The primary reason is because of the presence of the magnesium sulfate in it which imposes beneficial impacts in helping with the inflammation and even getting rid of the pain that one often tends to experience.

What to do?

  • Fill your bathtub with some warm water
  • Add 1-2 cups of Epsom salt to the water and let it dissolve
  • Soak yourself in the water for 15 minutes

How often?

  • Every other day

[Read More: Health Benefits of Epsom Salt Bath]

10. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is yet another one of the effective remedies for the condition of baker’s cyst that actually does work.

The combination of the anti-inflammatory (R) and the soothing properties in the apple cider vinegar has been found to impose beneficial impacts in the faster recovery from the condition.

What to do?

  • Mix 1 tsp of apple cider vinegar to a glass of water
  • Drink this in the morning on an empty stomach

How often?

  • Once every morning

11. Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne PepperCayenne pepper is yet another one of the amazing home treat for baker’s cyst that actually does work. If you have been experiencing pain consistently, it is best suggested that you do opt for the cayenne pepper which not just eases the pain but the inflammation as well.

Owing to the fact that the cayenne pepper is loaded with anti-inflammatory (R) and analgesic properties, it has beneficial impacts in handling the pain and the discomfort as well.

What to do?

  • Take a glass of water
  • Add ½ tsp of cayenne pepper and dissolve it
  • Drink this liquid during the day

How often?

  • Once every day

12. Vitamin B1

Vitamin B1
src: mattshealthblog.com

The lack of Vitamin B1, or thiamine in the body can end up triggering the condition of Baker’s cyst. This is why it is important that you have sufficient levels of the vitamin B1 in your body without fail.

If you have been struggling with the condition, it is best suggested to ensure that you don’t let it get the best of you and find better ways to combat that.

Some of the best sources of Vitamin b1 include nuts, oats, eggs, legumes, oranges etc. If these aren’t sufficient, it is best to stick to the supplements.

How Long Does Baker’s Cyst Last?

How long does bakers cyst last
src: yourprovidencehealth.com

When it comes to how long this condition lasts, there is no standard time frame behind it.

It all depends on one’s body and how well the natural remedies are working on the condition to get rid of the accumulated edema and even because of the pain and the discomfort that one might have been experiencing.

It is important that you see a doctor if the condition is persistent and doesn’t get better.

The natural remedies for baker’s cyst work like magic. The only thing that one does need to pay close attention to is the fact that you should be persistent about your recovery. Don’t take the condition lightly and instead, focus on ensuring better recovery through the time.