16 Grape Seed Extract Benefits – How Many Did You Know?


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grape seed extract benefits

Majority of the people do like grapes, don’t they? But, what if I told you that the seed that you spit out has immense health benefits? The grape seed extract benefits your overall body functions and even science swears by it.

Sounds quite strange, don’t it? But, don’t worry, because it does actually help improve your health for the better. If you have been experiencing constant health issues, there could be some benefits from this that can come in handy.

To help you know further, we are going to throw some light on the benefits of grape seed extract that you didn’t know about.

Is Grape Seed Extract Safe to Take?

Is grape seed extract safe to take
src: www.herbalone.com

When it comes round to the grape seed extract, the very first and possibly, the most common question that people have is whether or not it is safe to consume. This is the primary reason why knowing about safety precautions is often better.

If you think that eating the grade seed directly is a good thing, which is wrong. You need to consume the extract which is a dietary supplement and is safe enough for consumption.

The main reason why the grape seed extract is such a good option is because of the fact that it is loaded with antioxidants, especially proanthocyanidins.

So, yes, it is completely safe to consume. The only thing that you need to do is ensure that you don’t struggle with the direct consumption of the grape seeds. Rely on consuming the extract only for better health.

Benefits Of Grape Seed Extra

Benefits Of Grape Seed ExtraWhen it comes down to the health benefits of grape seed extract, there are several that you do need to look through. It is very important that you do focus on getting the origin products that would actually have beneficial impacts on your health and that too, for the better.

Let us take a look at some of the best benefits, shall we?

Health Benefits of Grape Seed Extract

It is better than we start the list with the health benefits first and will then focus on the skin benefits of grape seed extract.

1. Helps Regulate the Blood Pressure

Helps regulate the blood pressureHigh blood pressure can stem from a number of reasons, the constant bout of free radical damage being one of the main ones. If you do feel tired and unwell all through, chances are that the same can be because of the constant bout of free radical damage. The best way to fight that is by opting for grape seed extract.

Even a number of studies have shown the benefits that they have on the body, especially in working in reducing the diastolic pressure in the body.

The same works best in the individuals who are obese and have metabolic disorders aligned in their bodies. It was found (R) that the impacts were the best when the doses were low, around 100-800 mg for 8-16 weeks rather than consuming a higher dose of 800 mg or more.

If you are consuming blood pressure medication, it is best that you consult a doctor beforehand.

2. Promotes Wound Healing

Promotes wound healingAnother amazing one of the grape seed extract benefits is the fact that it promotes better wound healing. It is believed to have properties that promote the healing process without imposing any kind of side effects.

In one of the conducted studies, it was found that the topical application of proanthocyanidin had beneficial impacts in promoting better wound healing. The researchers did find that the direct topical application of the grape seed extract helped in quickening up the healing process without any issues.

This is quite effective for dermal wound healing without causing any kind of negative impacts. It was found that the application of the extract helps promote the production of the vascular endothelial growth factor which has beneficial impacts on the overall wound healing process.

3. Support the Heart and Blood Vessels

Support the heart and blood vesselsIn a conducted study, it was found that the supplementation with the grape seed extract does help protect the blood vessels in the body and the heart from being affected because of the free radical damage because of the nitric oxide.

Apart from that, the supplementation of the body with the grape seed extract has also been found to have direct impacts on the heart diseases as well because it manages the levels of the bad cholesterol in the body.

It prevents the unprecedented oxidation of the LDL which has been found to have direct impacts in causing plaque buildup which enhances the risks of atherosclerosis in the body.

4. Enhances Blood Flow and Circulation

Enhances blood flow and circulationAnother one of the benefits of grape seed extract is the fact that it helps boost the blood circulation in the body.

The primary reason why that is the case is that it has immense antioxidative properties which prevent the free radical damage, hence preventing the unnecessary bout of blood clots in the blood vessels.

This ensures smooth and unobstructed blood flow which is quite necessary for the overall functioning of the body.

If you face circulatory issues, the supplementation with the grape seed extract can definitely help improve the overall well being of the body for the better.

Also, Read: Natural Ways to Improve Blood Circulation

5. Enhances the Bone Strength

Enhances the bone strengthYet another one of the beneficial health benefits of grape seed extract is the fact that it helps in boosting the bone strength. Studies suggest that including the grape seed extract along with the calcium has been found to have beneficial impacts in strengthening the bone structure all the more.

If your calcium levels are low in the body, adding in this supplement can most definitely help around in boosting the absorption of the calcium into the bones, thus further helping with a strengthening of the bones.

Enhance your calcium in the diet and add this to the mix as well because this can bring forth changes you didn’t have much idea about.

6. Prevention of Cancer

Prevention of cancerCancer is one of the deadliest diseases in the world and the grape seed extract benefits in preventing cancer for the better. It is always best suggested that you do focus on consulting a doctor first.

The supplementation with the grape seed extract helps mainly because of the fact that it contains a load of proanthocyadins which impose antioxidative properties that prevent the unprecedented free radical damage in the body.

The lesser the free radical damage, the lesser are the risks of cancer in the body.

Even in a conducted study with around 35,000 participants, it was found that supplementing with grape seed extract helped reduce the risks of prostate cancer by 41%. The same trial also found that it helped reduce the risks of blood cancer by 43% which was pretty starking.

There does need to be more study conducted to find out what this entails but for the most part, it does help maintain proper results in preventing the risks of cancer.

7. Promotes Better Brain Health

Promotes better brain healthOur brain is subjected to a lot of deterioration over the course of time as we age. It is not just the antioxidants in the grape seed extract that help, the gallic acid in the extract also does further help promote the overall well being associated with this condition.

The gallic acid has been found to have beneficial impacts in helping prevent the formation of fibrils in the brain which is associated with the clusters of beta-amyloid peptides.

Several of the animal studies which have been conducted with the grape seed extract suggest the fact that it helps reduce the unnecessary brain lesions and even promotes better cognitive abilities and functions of the brain.

8. Promotes Better Mental Health

Promotes better mental healthApart from the emotional state, the deteriorating mental health could also be because of the hampered impacts of the oxidative damage that is caused to the brain over time.

The best way to handle this is with the grape seed extract as it helps in managing the signs and symptoms and even preventing the risks caused by this.

Even in some conducted studies, it has been found that the supplementation with the grape seed extract does help with the enhanced and improved cognition which further helps handle the symptoms of stress and depression (R) that many often tend to complain about.

9. Improves the Renal Function

Improves the renal functionAnother one of the grape seed extract benefits is the fact that it promotes better renal function. The kidneys are often at risks of oxidative damage and the best way to prevent that is by opting for means that can help prevent the issue.

The main reason why this specific extract is found capable enough is because it handles the signs of the inflammation (R) as well as the constant bout of free radical damage that is often responsible for the condition of the renal failure.

The consumption of the extra has also been found to have beneficial impacts in helping filter the urine and enhance the overall renal function for the better.

10. Protects the Liver

Protects the liver
src: www.alimillerrd.com

Yet another one of the benefits of grape seed extract is the fact that it helps in protecting the liver. Even though there isn’t much scientific evidence to justify this, it does state that it helps in reducing the risks imposed by the fatty liver on the body.

In a conducted study (R) including 15 participants who had a severe drop in the liver enzymes along with the fat buildup, it was found that the supplementation with the grape seed extract was a lot better in comparison to Vitamin C.

It is mainly the antioxidative property that comes in handy for improving the condition of the liver that many people often tend to complain about.

11. Promotes Weight Loss

Promotes weight lossIf you are obese or overweight and do have a hard time losing weight, the best way to manage that is by indulging in some of the health benefits of grape seed extract.

It has been found that the consumption of the same helps in boosting the overall burning of the excess fats in the body. Clinical trials are yet to be conducted but the animal studies do suggest that this has positive impacts on weight loss.

In an animal study with the subjects on a high-fat diet, it was found that the supplementation with the grape seed extract had positive benefits in helping round with losing the excess fats in the body.

12. Has Positive Impacts on Diabetes

Has positive impacts on diabetesFor those suffering from diabetes, the grape seed extract is believed to have amazing impacts in helping round with improving the condition for the better.

In a conducted study, it was found that supplementing with the grape seed extract helps lower the uncontrollable levels of blood glucose and even promote the insulin secretion in the body.

In addition, the antioxidative properties also helped manage the issues that one faced with the consumption of a high sugar-based diet.

Skin benefits of Grape Seed extract

With the health benefits done, it is best that we look through the skin benefits of grape seed extract that one doesn’t know about.

Also, Read: 15 Ways to Stop Eating Lots Of Sugar

13. Improves Collagen Production

Improves collagen productionAnother one of the benefits of this extract is that it helps in improving the collagen synthesis in the body.

Even though there isn’t much evidence to show what is causing it in the first place, it is believed that the same could be because of the presence of the antioxidants in it.

Further studies are needed to establish why this happens and how it can prove beneficial for one’s skin health.

14. Prevents Hair Loss

Prevents hair lossYet another one of the primary benefits of grape seed extract is the fact that it helps with preventing hair loss. The presence of the procyanidins is what helps in bringing forth results that you didn’t even think was possible.

In a trial conducted with 250 men, it was found that the impacts of procyanidins help in strengthening the hair roots and even preventing the unnecessary bout of hair loss. It also strengthens the hair strands which further help in promoting better growth without any issues at all.

15. Prevents Infections

Prevents infections
src: www.webmd.com

Another one of the impacts that is quite common with the grape seed benefits is that it helps prevent infections in the body.

Apart from the beneficial antioxidative properties, this has also been found to have beneficial impacts in helping improve the viral or even the bacterial infections that affect the skin.

Candidiasis is one of the best conditions that can easily be cured with the help of this condition for the better. Treating the infection does help in getting rid of it within a week or so.

16. UV Protection

UV protectionAnother reason why grape seed extract is such a good option is because of the fact that it helps promote better UV protection.

In a conducted study, a group of participants were given the necessary grape seed extract before they were finally exposed to the UV rays. They found that the same did have beneficial impacts in helping prevent excessive mutation and such which is often quite common when directly exposed to the sun.

What are the Side Effects of Grape Seed Extract?

What are the side effects of grape seed extractMuch like the benefits, the grape seed extract does come with its fair share of side effects as well.

Knowing about the same does help ensure that you don’t end up facing the consequences. If you want the absolute best, it is important that you know about the benefits as well as the side effects as well.

Let us take a look at some of the side effects, shall we?

1. Excess Bleeding

Excess bleedingOne of the most common side effects of this extract is the fact that it can promote excessive bleeding.

Owing to the fact that it does end up preventing blood clots, it can make the blood flow excessively, making it hard for the bleeding to stop when you have an injury or cut.

In addition to that, the grape seed extract is also believed to be a huge contributing factor behind the condition of internal bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract.

2. Stroke

src: www.stroke.org

Owing to the fact that the consumption of the grape seed extract can cause internal bleeding, the same has been found to have direct impacts in inducing strokes in the brain because of the possible bleeding.

It isn’t understood as to what causes it but it is believed that the same can happen when a blood vessel in the brain bursts and ends up causing irritation and stroke.

3. Can Impact Pregnant Women

Can impact pregnant womenAnother one of the side effects is the fact that it isn’t the safest for pregnant women. If you are pregnant or you are trying to conceive, it is best suggested that you avoid consuming this supplement because of the side effects it imposes.

Even for the nursing women, it is best suggested that one consults a doctor before you do end up consuming the supplements.

4. Intervene with Other Drugs

Intervene with other drugsIf you are on serious medication for some health issue, there are chances that the grape fruit extract can end up intervening with its function. This is the reason why it is important that you focus on avoiding it or talking to a doctor before taking it.

What is Best Grape Seed Extract?

What is best Grape Seed ExtractWhen it comes to selecting the best grape seed extract, we have a list of the best three you can look into.

Zazzee Grape Seed Extract

The Zazzee Grape Seed Extract comes in a bottle containing 180 capsules and is made completely from natural grape seed extract without any kind of additives in it. Each capsule consists of 400 mg of grape seed extract which is optimal for the body.

NOW Supplements, Grape Seed

The second on the list is the NOW Supplements, Grape Seed which comes in two packaging of 100 and 200 veg capsules. Every capsule has a minimum of 90% polyphenols ensuring the best impacts for your body and to prevent the risks of oxidative stress profoundly.

Puritans Pride Grapeseed Extract

The Puritans Pride Grapeseed Extract is a leading brand of the grape seed extract which contains 120 capsules in each bottle. Every single capsule has 200 mg of the extract, ensuring maximum impacts and bioavailability for overall better health.

The grape seed extract benefits are quite literally ample when it comes to our overall health. If you have been struggling with any of the issues that we have mentioned above, it is best suggested that you do opt for this supplement. The only thing that you need to focus on is to ensure that you consult a doctor before.