7 Ways To Heal Burns With Coconut Oil Easily


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heal burns with coconut oil

Burns – mild or severe, inflict a lot of pain and irritation, right? What is the kind of remedy you opt for first when you burn yourself accidentally? Probably water, yeah? To get instant relief from the burning sensation. But, did you know that you can heal burns with coconut oil?

Coconut oil and its efficacy in healing burn scars have been scientifically proven too. With the amazing host of enriching properties, there is no doubt why the application of coconut oil helps heal skin burns.

In this article, we are going to be using on ways you can use coconut oil for healing burns effectively. Hold tight and scroll up for further information.

Is Coconut Oil good for burns?

Is Coconut Oil good for burns
ImageSource: www.mjeksiaislame.com

The usage of coconut oil for burns and scars is mainly meant for healing the first degree or the milder burns. If you have been affected by something more severe, you would probably require instant medical treatment to get the problem sorted.

When it comes to answering whether or not coconut oil is good for burns, the answer is yes, it is. For the most part, coconut oil is best used to heal the scarring the burnt area is left behind with.

Benefits of Using Coconut Oil for Burns

Benefits of Using Coconut Oil for Burns

When it comes to reducing the benefits of the coconut oil remedy for burns, the reasons behind it are endless. Coconut oil is a pioneer when it comes to healing and treating the various aspects of skin diseases.

If you are wondering how it is beneficial in boosting the overall skin health of an individual, the possibilities are endless.

Some of the benefits include:

1. Avoids infection

The very first and the most important factor about the usage of coconut oil for healing burns is the fact that it has potent antimicrobial properties. Both the antiviral as well as the antibacterial properties ensure to keep the infection at bay caused around the burns. Often times, the formation of infection around the burn site can induce septicemia.

2. Locks in moisture

Moisture retention inside the skin is necessary to keep the process of healing in check. If you have burnt yourself accidentally, it is likely that the application of coconut oil once it has started healing with help boost and fasten the process up.

3. Skin-Repairing

Coconut oil is loaded with beneficial fatty acid molecules which help penetrate deep into the skin to ensure easy recovery and repair of the cells around the site of burn. It boosts cell division which aids in better tissue repair and production to heal the burn faster and without any setbacks.

4. Fights off Inflammation

Yet another positive impact of using coconut oil for burns is the fact that it has potent anti-inflammatory properties which have amazing benefits in getting rid of any of the inflammation caused because of the burn.

5. Actually Cures

While many people might have this notion that coconut oil remedy for burns is to merely provide with temporary relief. That is not the case. The coconut oil actually does penetrate deep into the skin to hydrate, moisturize and repair the damaged skin from within.

How To Use Coconut Oil For Burns?

How To Use Coconut Oil For Burns

Applying coconut oil for burns needs a few planned steps to ensure that you do so correctly and without making the situation worse than it already is. As mentioned before, coconut oil is primarily effective in the first degree or mild burns only and not something more severe than that.

1. Coconut Oil by Itself

Coconut Oil by Itself

Coconut Oil helps in making the healing process faster than normal. Not only does it help to get rid of the dried skin surrounding the area of the burn, but it also boosts the overall process of skin repair and healing that further aids in getting rid of the pain as well as the visibility of the scar.

Apart from the skin repair, the coconut oil also prevents the formation of any form of infection (R) around the burn and the scars to hasten up the healing process.

What to Do?

    1. Dip your fingers into a jar of coconut oil and rub it for a few seconds to warm it up
    2. Apply the oil on the scars and the area of the burn
    3. Lightly massage it into the skin and leave it on

How Often?

  • 3-4 times in a day

2. Coconut Oil and Apple Cider Vinegar for Burn

Coconut oil and Apple Cider Vinegar for Burn
ImageSource: www.hellogiggles.com

The mention of apple cider vinegar for treating burn might seem like a sore subject but trust me, it works. The combination of antimicrobial (R) (R) as well as anti-inflammatory (R) (R) properties of the apple cider vinegar, as well as the coconut oil, helps in not just preventing the possibility of infection but also fighting off the inflammation caused surrounding it.

Apart from that, the coconut oil in the mixture helps in keeping the area moisturized and prevents the accumulation of dry and dead skin surrounding the burn.

What to Do?

    1. In a bowl, add 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and 1 cup of water
    2. To that, add 3-4 tablespoons of coconut oil and combine everything
    3. Transfer this into a spray bottle and apply whenever required
    4. Make sure to apply generously over and around the scar
    5. Store the spray bottle in a cool space

How often?

  • 2-3 times daily

3. Coconut Oil and Aloe Vera for Burns

Coconut Oil and Aloe Vera for Burns

The combination of aloe vera and coconut oil for healing burns has been around for quite some time now. It is believed that the amazing antimicrobial (R), anti-inflammatory (R) as well as the skin healing and repair properties (R) of the aloe vera accentuates the benefits of the coconut oil to heal the burns from within.

Both of these ingredients have been linked to providing with beneficial impacts in repairing the burnt skin, all the while ensuring to keep the area hydrated and moisturized for a steady recovery.

What to Do?

  1. Mix 1 tablespoon of coconut oil and 1 tablespoon of aloe vera gel
  2. Using your clean fingers, apply the mixture to the burn scars
  3. Gently massage it into the skin with your fingers
  4. Leave it on

How Often?

  • 3-4 times daily

4. Coconut Oil and Lavender Oil

Coconut Oil and Lavender Oil

As you must be aware of, burns often tend to end up hurting more than it should, not to mention the associated burning sensation is not bearable. Lavender has soothing properties which help in temporarily getting rid of the constant burning and irritation that is caused by the burn.

Pairing it up with coconut oil has multifaceted benefits. While the lavender oil helps soothe the burnt skin, the coconut oil promotes the better skin repair and helps lock the moisture inside as well.

What to do?

  1. Mix one tablespoon of coconut oil and a few drops of lavender oil
  2. Apply this over the site of the burn
  3. Gently dab it into the skin
  4. Leave it on and let the oils seep into the skin

How Often?

  • 2-3 times daily

5. Coconut Oil and Turmeric

Coconut Oil and Turmeric

The application of turmeric for healing burns has been in practice since way back in history. The main reason behind the same is because of the fact that turmeric is loaded with a beneficial and effective antiseptic (R) and skin healing (R) (R) (R) properties which help accentuate the process of wound healing.

The addition of coconut to the mix further helps in benefiting the overall healing process (R) of the burn scar over a longer time. If you have been seeking ways to heal burns with coconut oil, combining it with turmeric is definitely the way to go.

What to do?

  1. Mix 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder and 1 teaspoon of coconut oil in a bowl
  2. Apply this in a smooth layer over the burn
  3. Leave it on the wound for an hour or so
  4. Wash it off with water

How Often?

  • 1-2 times daily

6. Coconut Oil and Honey for Burns

Coconut Oil and Honey for Burns

Apart from being syrup and topping for your waffles or pancakes, the honey also has amazing beneficial impacts in healing the overall size of the burns, mainly because of the presence of effective skin repair as well as antiviral (R) and antibacterial (R) properties. Apart from that, honey is also believed to have anti-inflammatory (R) properties which further aid in getting rid of the inflammation caused because of the burn.

In order to heal burns with coconut oil faster, the best way to opt for is to add honey to the mix. The antimicrobial properties and the skin repairing properties combined help in boosting the overall healing process.

What to Do?

  1. Combine 1 tablespoon of coconut oil and 1 tablespoon of honey in a bowl
  2. Apply this mixture over the burn wounds and scar and leave it on for 10-15 minutes
  3. Rinse it off with water after that

How often?

  • Repeat this process multiple times throughout the day

7. Coconut Oil and Camphor for Burns

Coconut Oil and Camphor for Burns
ImageSource: www.kanyamart.co.in

Camphor has beneficial soothing and pain relieving properties which is quite beneficial in getting rid of the pain and irritation that is often caused because of the burns. If you are wondering how you can use camphor to heal burns with coconut oil as well, there is nothing much you need to do.

The combination of camphor with coconut oil for burns and scars is actually beneficial in getting rid of not just the pain but also the underlying irritation that accompanies the process.

What to do?

  1. In a bowl, take 1 cube of camphor and 1 tablespoon of coconut oil
  2. Heat in the microwave for 20 seconds
  3. Let it come back to the normal temperature
  4. Apply it on the burn area and massage it in with gentle fingers
  5. Leave it on

How often?

  • 2-3 times in a day

There are multiple ways to heal burns with coconut oil and these are the top 7 ways to do so. If you have been suffering consistently from the same, chances are that you are not doing the process correctly or not being accurate with the process of application. If your burn is severe, it is important to reach out to the concerned medical professional to get the necessary medication for easy recovery.