Vitamin B12 Benefits And Side Effects


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vitamin B12 benefits

Vitamin B12 is considered as one of the most required vitamins for the body. Vitamin B12 benefits your energy level, mood, heart, hair, digestion. Vitamin B12 benefits for skin is also highly helpful. There are various other vitamin B12 uses and benefits such as improving metabolic functions, maintaining hormonal balance etc. You can get this important vitamin through various vitamin B12 foods.

Here we have tried to provide all the important information about vitamin B12 benefits as well as various concerns you need to keep in mind while consuming vitamin B12.

What is Vitamin B12?

vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is also known as cyanocobalamin and improves heart health as well as digestion. Positive effects of vitamin B12 benefits can also be shown on maintaining the health of important nerve cells. The is also the reason behind the linking of vitamin B12 deficiency and various neural disorders.

The major source of vitamin B12 is animal foods along with dairy products, eggs, fish, organic poultry as well as organ meats. On the other hand, unless the plant foods are synthetically fortified, they do not contain a number of vitamin B12 in them. According to experts, vitamin B12 benefits weight loss as well.

Vitamin B12 supplements also benefit the health and always recommended of you are having a severe deficiency.

What are Signs and Symptoms of Vitamin B12 Deficiency?

ymptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency

It is considered highly difficult to identify the vitamin B12 deficiency. This occurs due to its various common signs such as fatigue or feeling unfocused. Various studies have also shown that the vitamin B12 deficiency and weight gain are linked to each other. However, it should also be kept in mind that when tested, people suffering from diseases due to vitamin B12 deficiency have been found with 50 percent of vitamin B12 in their body.

Various drugs of vitamin B12 deficiency are still not given to the patients with mild deficiency and are not suffering from symptoms of heart diseases as well as anemia. Some of the major symptoms of vitamin B12 include,

  • Joint pain
  • Muscles weakness and aches
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Poor appetite
  • Unfocus
  • Mood changes such as depression and anxiety
  • Poor memory
  • Dizziness
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Abnormal heart problems
  • Poor dental health

People who rely on vegan diets and does not consume animal food are on the highest risk of vitamin B12 deficiency. Apart from that, older people can also suffer from vitamin B12 deficiency as their stomach cannot produce enough acid which is required to convert the vitamin B12 in the body.
Smokers, alcoholics as well as patients suffering from digestive disorders or Crohn’s disease are also at the risk of vitamin B12 deficiency.

How to Add More Vitamin B12 to Your Diet Food?

vitamin B12 to your diet food

It is highly recommended to add vitamin B12 in your diet due to its incredible health benefits. It is important to consume vitamin B12 through the food we consume. Foods help in providing required minerals, dietary fibers as well as vitamins to the body. Even though dietary supplements can also provide enough vitamin B12s, it is not good to rely on the supplements totally for vitamins, according to the experts.

Vitamin B12 benefits

Benefits of Vitamin B12 for Skin and Hair

As vitamin B12 plays a major role in cell production, it is highly necessary for healthy nails, hair as well as skin. Consumption of vitamin B12 also helps in reducing dryness, redness as well as inflammation along with acne blemishes and thus helpful in removing the risk of eczema and psoriasis. It reduces hair fall and strengthens nails.

1. Maintains Heart Health

Heart attack is one of the leading cause in causing deaths across the globe. Vitamin B12 consumption helps in strengthening heart health by reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. It is also highly helpful in reducing the effect of homocysteine levels which is also considered a major risk factor in causing heart diseases.

Some of the studies have proved that vitamin B12 has the potential to control the cholesterol levels along with high blood pressure levels in the body. Thus vitamin B12 benefits weight loss as well.

2. Helps in Improving the Functioning of Nervous System

Vitamin B12 has an important role in improving nerve health and the neurotransmitter signaling. It also helps in reducing the risk of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia due to its cognitive functions.

3. Maintains Energy Levels

Vitamin B12 are required to converts carbohydrates into usable glucose. This glucose is used as energy in the body. This is also the reason the deficiency of vitamin B12 causes fatigue. As mentioned earlier, vitamin B12 also required for neurotransmitter signaling and providing energy to the body by reducing the feeling of sickness and fatigue.

4. Strengthens Digestion

Vitamin B12 helps in the production of enzymes and supports healthy metabolism as well as breaking down of foods in the stomach. Another major importance of vitamin B12 is that it helps in activating the healthy bacteria in the gut. Along with this, it also helps in removing the harmful bacteria and helps in preventing digestive diseases such as inflammatory bowel syndromes or candida.

5. Needed for Healthy Pregnancy

Vitamin B12 is highly helpful in the formation of nucleic acid or DNA which is an important genetic material upon which the creation of the whole body takes place. Along with providing important nutrients which help in growth and development, it is one of the vital ingredients which is needed for healthy pregnancy. It also helps in reducing the risk of birth defects by interacting with the folate in the body.

Side effects and interactions of Vitamin B12

interactions of Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 overdose may interact with the bodies of people who have a habit of alcohol intake or heavy smoking. Use of antibiotic for the long term may also affect the ability of the stomach to absorb vitamin B12. This is one of the major vitamin B12 side effects. It is recommended to consult with your doctor while taking vitamin B12 injections if you are consuming stomach-acid controlling medications.

If you are consuming potassium supplements you should know that potassium reduces the absorption of vitamin B12 in the body and may trigger vitamin B12 deficiency. Thus, you should control the consumption of potassium in high amounts to reduce the risk of formation of vitamin B12 deficiency. However, potassium consumption through foods is considered safe.