Best Dumbbell Compound Exercises


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compound dumbbell exercises | Healthspectra

It’s the best variation you can bring to your workout. The goblet squats with moderate weights are great for beginners’ training. Also for full-on muscle hypertrophy, you can use heavier weights. But remember using body strength is always better as muscle mass will stop increasing or changing after a certain age. People who start training much later in life, after their 30s can see muscle building, but others most probably will be losing out more. For these you need to choose Dumbbell Compound Exercises which can help you pull out healthy workout easily.

Make sure you do some 5-10 minutes warm-up exercises before trying out the best dumbbell compound exercises. It’s best to take something to eat before the workout, like an apple. If you do this workout for the next 8 to 12 weeks you will not only build muscles but also tone your entire body. These full-body Dumbbell compound exercises use a mix of both calisthenics, cardio and also strength exercises to give you a great calorie burn routine along with muscle toning and muscle building.

Finish each set and take a one-minute break and do the next set. Remember, a proper diet is the most important to build muscles. You should have a carbohydrate-based diet in each meal. You should eat something every three hours. It’s best to have an early dinner and not have anything after 9 PM. People who train regularly might find the best full body compound dumbbell exercises useless without supplements. Try whey protein, or pea protein if you are non-vegetarian or vegan respectively.

10 Best Compound Dumbbell Exercises

1. Goblet squats – 4-5 sets of 12-15 repetitions

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In this we do squats with a kettle bell of minimum 5 pounds. We keep our legs wide apart. The feet stretching out and knees 90 degrees to the feet. We use our hips’ muscles to go up and down and no other muscles.

Step-by-step guide

1. Hold the handle of the kettle bar of minimum 5 pounds.
2. Stand with your legs apart and back straight
3. Exhale, bring your hips down till your knees
4. Calves should be perpendicular and knees 90 degrees to the feet
5. Inhale, bring your hips up

Points to remember:

Avoid hunching your hips forward or backward. Keep your glutes and abs tight throughout the workout.

How does it help?

Goblet squats done in full-range can increase whole body strength and build muscles.

On what muscles it works?

It’s good for hips, back, forearms, hamstrings, lats, the muscles of the mid back and the forearms. For starters 3-5 reps will increase strength, 8-12 reps will build muscle. But a mix of both, over time, is best.

2. Weighted Bulgarian Split Squats -3 sets of 12 reps on each leg

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The Bulgarian Split Squats are quite similar to the normal squats we do. The technique is the same, but it’s more about the balance, power and velocity with which we do it. Technically we are using our whole body strength on one leg.

Step-by-step guide

1. Keep you back neutral and pick up a minimum 5 pounds dumbbell.
2. Stand with one leg in front and the other at the back.
3. Inhale, tighten your core
4. As you bring your hips down bend the knees 90 degrees
5. Take 4-5 seconds to go down
6. Exhale, bring yourself up to the starting position
7. Repeat

Points to remember:

In this you must hunch your hips forward and keep your glutes and abs tight throughout the workout. Also, the torso should not be tilted during the workout.

How does it help?

Doing Bulgarian Split Squats in full-range is great for legs, including the quads, hamstrings, glutes, and calves and it can increase whole body strength and build muscles.

It is also good for lessening back pain.

On what muscles it works?

It’s good for hips, back, forearms, hamstrings, lats, the muscles of the mid back. Muscles in your hips (gluteus maximus, minimus, and medius) and thighs (quariceps and hamstrings), groin (adductor), hip flexors and calves.

3. Dumbbell lateral lunges -3 sets of 12 reps on each leg

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This exercise is great for toning muscles in thighs, inner thighs and buttocks. The key is to maintain proper posture throughout. You will be focusing on the hips flexion and not on any other body part for movement. This will enhance your balance and focus. You can take up to 5 seconds for each move.

Step-by-step guide:

1. Stand with your legs hip-width distance apart.
2. Bend forward and pick up dumbbells of up to 5 pounds if you’re a beginner or 12 pounds if you are a trainer.
3. Stand straight and keep your back neutral.
4. Raise your hands till your shoulders keeping the grip on the dumbbells strong
5. Inhale, keep your back and core together
6. Bring your hips to one side – squat
7. Make sure your back, hands, upper body and knees are at 90 degrees
8. Exhale, go straight up
9. Inhale, tighten your back and core
10. Bring your hips to the other side- squat
11. Exhale, come back up straight
12. Repeat

Points to remember:

In this you have to make sure that you are wearing calisthenics gloves, and also your dumbbells should rest properly on the

How does it help?

You cannot imagine how satisfying it would be when you can move smoothly from side to side once you conquer the moves of the best dumbbell compound exercise like the dumbbell lateral lunges. You can also increase the impact of the workout by bringing your hands down to your side while you are stretching to your side and bring them back up as you are standing straight between the two lateral lunges. This will be working your hands, hips and thighs at the same time. More calorie-burn!

On what muscles it works?

The dumbbell lateral lunges work your glutes, hamstrings, adductors, hips flexors and quads. And if you are also constantly bringing your hands up and down to your sides with each side lunge, you are also building on your triceps.

4. Renegade Rows – 1-2 sets of 5 reps per side

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As the name suggests, renegade rows are basically the movement of rowing a boat. But we practice them in the plank position. It is a badass workout as you know what the name means. You have to pump up a bit before you do this one.

Step-by-step guide:

1. Lie on your stomach
2. Take the full plank position
3. Hands at the level of your shoulders and on the side.
4. Elbows facing the outer side
5. Take a good grip on your dumbbells
6. Keep your back, hips and shoulders in line
7. Feel your entire body weight circulating from feet to your shoulders
8. Pull one arm up at right angles to your waist such that your elbows are winging up and down.
9. Inhale while bringing one hand down and taking the other at right angles to your waist and back down

Points to remember:

Your abs have to be tucked in throughout this workout. Make sure your dumbbells are not rounded or they will slip because of your bodyweight. Use a flat surface dumbbell like the Kobo Imported Home Gym Exercise Cardio Aerobic Training Fitness Grippy HEX Rubber Dumbbell (Pair). These would work best with this workout.

How does it help?

This one of the best dumbbell compound exercises in the list is best for building your core strength and stability.

On what muscles it works?

The renegade rows work your muscles in your upper body, your lats, the large muscles in your back which help with shoulder stability and shoulder and arm movements. You will see change in your chest, obliques and triceps too.

5. Dumbbell Thrusters – 10 thrusters

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It is a great exercise to build your aerobic fitness, stamina and endurance. It combines the squat and shoulder press. If your goal is to lose weight and increase muscle strength over time this is the go to exercise to do every day. Slowly you can take on heavier weights. Beginners must train with at least 5 pounds weight.

Step-by-step guide:

1. Hold your dumbbells in your hands with a good grip
2. Make sure your shoulders, neck and back are neutral
3. While squatting you have to stretch your hands above your head
4. While squating keep your weight on the heels first and then rest of your feet
5. Bring your hands back to 90 degrees till your shoulder level
6. Inhale while going down and exhale while going up
7. Repeat

Points to remember:

This dumbbell compound exercise is completely based on how much your dumbbells weigh. You are aiming for 95 pounds 10 continuous thrusters. Make sure your knees don’t bend beyond your toe. Work your hips and shoulders throughout.

How does it help?

Complete versatile exercise for the entire body. As you get better at it you will be standing flat while squatting. In the beginning you will be bending forward because of the weight. That is how you will be showing your endurance and stability.

On what muscles it works?

This dumbbell compound exercise works your back, shoulder blades, biceps, triceps, quads, glutes and abs.

6. Dumbbell Pullover – 7-10 reps each

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It is a great tricep extension workout and builds stability and stamina. You can do this lying on a bench or even standing. It is an intermediary exercise and again depends on the weight of the dumbbells. You have TO slowly increase the dumbbell weights for greater impact. Suddenly using heavy weights can be dangerous. It gets some time to get used to it.

Step-by-step guide:

1. Hold one dumbbell of 12 pounds in your hands interlocking your fingers
2. With a good grip pull the dumbbells behind your back
3. The elbows should bend above your head
4. Breathing should be kept normal
5. Now bring back the dumbbells to the starting position
6. Back should be kept straight
7. Repeat

Points to remember:

Don’t pull with a shock otherwise it can injure your wrists. The idea is to feel the weight in your biceps and triceps. Remember to not hold the dumbbell in such a way that it hurts your back when you pull it behind your back. The dumbbells should be perpendicular to your arms.

How does it help?

It’s a great upper body workout which improves core stability and cardio pulmonary function.

On what muscles it works?

This dumbbell compound exercise is good for back pain, biceps, chest and triceps.

7. Farmers’ Walk – 25-50 steps

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You should technically walk until grip failure. This dumbbell compound exercise looks easy but can burn a lot of calories. You can also try its variations like farmers’ lunges. It is called farmers’ walk because you will be holding the dumbbells by your side at right angles with your thighs. They will act as the yield that the farmers’ carry with them home.

In case of heavy weights you may need to use calisthenics gloves, and waist bands to tie below your belly.

Step-by-step guide:

1. Hold the dumbbells of at least 5 pounds in each of your hands
2. Walk for at least one minute in your room.
3. Do bicep curls as you are walking

Points to remember:

Maintain a good posture while doing the farmers’ walk dumbbell compound exercise. Make sure that your shoulders are straight and knees are lifting and your body weight falls on your heels.

How does it help?

This is an arm extension workout which stabilizes your elbow joint. It improves posture, grip and fastens the process of fat loss. It tones your arms and traps and builds abs and obliques. You will have better endurance and stability if you do this exercise daily or at least 3-4 times a week.

On what muscles it works?

This dumbbell compound exercise stimulates a number of muscle groups, including the quads, hamstrings, glutes, calves, erectors, upper back, traps, lats, abs, biceps, triceps, forearms, and hand muscles.

8. Swings – 100

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This dumbbell compound exercises you are using two hands to hold the dumbbell handle bar and swinging it up above your head and down below. Try to get a full range of motion throughout the dumbbell swing that you do.

Step-by-step guide:

1. Stand straight with hips-width distance between your legs
2. Hold the dumbbells of at least 5 pounds in each of your hands
3. Inhale, carefully swing the dumbbell above your head
4. Exhale, bring your dumbbells down between your legs as far it can go
5. Keep your hands full stretched and straight
6. Do it for at least 100 dumbbell swings

Points to remember:

Maintain a good posture while doing the dumbbell swings compound exercise. Make sure that your grip is good and you are standing straight. Use your core abdomen muscles to do the lifting.

How does it help?

This is an arm extension workout which builds total-body strength, power, and balance, while improving cardiovascular stamina. It will help in burning calories, maintaining weight and increasing your stamina.

On what muscles it works?

This dumbbell compound exercises targets your glutes, hamstrings, hips, core, and the stabilizing muscles of your shoulders and back.

9. Tripod Dumbbell Rows – 4-6 sets 4-8 reps

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In this you bend over a bench with one leg kneel on it and the other leg on the ground. With the dumbbells in one hand you pull up unilaterally.

Step-by-step guide:

1. Kneel with one leg on the bench and the other on the ground
2. Pick up the dumbbells of about 5-12 pounds in one hand
3. Bend over so as your back, shoulder and hips are in a straight line
4. Pull up the dumbbells with your arms at 90 degrees to your back
5. Exhale, pull down to a complete stretch
6. Do the same with the opposite hand
7. Repeat

Points to remember:

Maintain a good posture while doing the dumbbell rows compound exercise. Make sure that your grip is good and you are bending over in cow pose and not cat pose. Use your core abdomen muscles to do the lifting.

How does it help?

This is an arm extension workout which is a variation of the dumbbell bent over row and an exercise one would typically use when trying to target the muscles of the back. This can lead to a more symmetrical physique and balanced strength.

On what muscles it works?

The tripod dumbbell row is a compound exercise which allows one to work the muscles of the back unilaterally.

10. One-Arm Incline Dumbell Bench – 2-3 sets 10-12 reps

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For this you need an incline bench; it is mostly there in the gyms. For home you can get one Marcy Exercise Utility Bench which is the best in the market right now. In this you’ll be keeping your feet flat on the floor and holding a dumbbell in one hand with your arm extended straight over your chest. You will need to bring down your arm until it is at about shoulder, keeping a 90 degree angle in your arm until you feel tension in your chest.

Step-by-step guide:

1. Lie down comfortably on the bench
2. With one hand hold the dumbbell of 5-12 pounds depending on your comfort
3. Both your feet should be resting flat on the ground
4. Inhale, tighten your abs and stretch the dumbbell above your chest
5. Lower your arms back till the shoulders
6. Then take them back up again
7. In these rounds you will be holding your hands at 90 degrees to your shoulders
8. When you take them up rotate your hands and stretch your hand as far as possible and hold and then lower it down
9. Repeat

Points to remember:

You don’t need anything except the bench for this. If you have a foldable bench at home which is sturdy you can use that one too. The bench at the gym can be adjusted to 30-45 degrees which is ideal. The bigger the angle better the stretch and range of motion.

How does it help?

This is an arm extension workout which is a variation of the dumbbell bent over row and an exercise one would typically use when trying to target the muscles of the chest. This can lead to a more symmetrical physique and balanced strength.

On what muscles it works?

This exercises is working your muscles in the abs, back, chest, arms, shoulders, legs, biceps and triceps.

11. Curl To Press – 3 sets 12-16 reps

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A dumbbell compound exercises such as the curl to press is a free weights exercise. You just have to make yourself comfortable in a sitting or standing position and hold the dumbbells (of at least 5 pounds minimum) in both hands and pull them above your head and then bring them back till your knees.

Step-by-step guide:

1. Stand/seat straight with your feet with hip-width distance apart, back straight and core engaged.
2. Hold one dumbbell in each hand and keep your arms down by your sides.
3. Lift both weights in a bicep curl by taking the arm through its fullest range of motion, open it all the way up and then bring it back on the side.
4. Once you’ve reached the top of the curl, hold and press the weight up over your head.
5. Lower the weight back to your shoulders, with control. Then curl back down to your sides.

Points to remember:

You don’t need anything except the bench for this. If you have a bench at home which is sturdy you can use that one too. The bench at the gym can be adjustable but for biceps curls to press you don’t need adjustable beaches. What is important is a full range of motion, proper form and the control you exert during each rep that “curl to press”.

How does it help?

This is an arm extension workout which is a variation of the “dumbbell bent over row” and in this exercise one would typically target the muscles of the biceps. This will lead to a more symmetrical physique and balanced strength.

On what muscles it works?

The muscles used in curl to press is brachioradialis, front deltoid and the main target on biceps brachii.


These are the best compound dumbbell exercises for strong muscles for your back, shoulder, elbow joints, and full body posture. Adding this to your routine will ensure great changes in your body’s physique. Make a workout plan where you can include these 10 best dumbbell exercises at home and best dumbbell compound exercises at home to see results in your entire lifestyle and routine. A good physique is very important as it portrays your first appearance. Do not be afraid to start, just don’t quit in the middle.
