13 Essential Oils for Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) for Faster Recovery


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essential oils for urinary tract infection

The efficacy of essential oils in the treatment of the varying amount of disease is not a new concept. You must have used essential oils for the treatment of a number of diseases at home, right? So, are you here wondering about the benefits of essential oils for UTI? Wondering if it actually works or not?

Owing to the vivid presence of amazing properties in the essential oils, it is not surprising that they are actually effective in getting rid of the infection that can cause pain and discomfort.

In this article, we are going to be discussing about the top 10 essential oil that has profound impacts in treating the condition of Urinary Tract Infection in women, especially.

What is UTI?

What is UTI
src: yourremedy.com.au

Urinary Tract Infection, otherwise commonly known as UTI is a condition that is characterized by the development of infection in the urinary tract of an individual. It is predominantly witnessed in women. For the most part, the vector is believed to be bacteria but in rare cases, the same can be caused because of virus and other forms of microscopic microbes as well.

What Causes UTI?

What Causes UTI
src: www.healthline.com

When it comes to the common causes behind the induction of urinary tract infection in men and women alike, there could be quite a few.

Some of the common reasons behind the development of infection in individuals include:

  • Age can be an influencing factor posing more risks of development of UTI in people
  • A previous medical history of contraction of UTI
  • Development of kidney stones
  • Any form of urinary tract blockages and obstruction like that of an enlarged prostate or even the development of any form of cancer
  • Persistent usage of the urinary catheter can introduce bacteria in the bladder
  • Condition of diabetes
  • Pregnancy
  • A weak immune system which is prone to get attacked by microbes easily

How Effective Essential Oils are for Urinary Tract Infection?

How Effective Essential Oils are for Urinary Tract InfectionEssential Oils are a concentrated form of the remedy which ensures that the impacts of it are way more profound. Not just that, owing to the wide range of essential oil are deemed effective in treating the condition of UTI.

Not only do they get rid of the infection, but they are also believed to impose no side effects which are definitely an added bonus.

What are the Best Essential Oils to Cure UTI?

What are the best essential oils to cure UTIWhen it comes to deducing which essential oils for bladder infection work the best, the options are quite extensive. In this section, we are going to be sharing the best essential oils for urinary tract infection that can help nip the problem at its bud itself.

1. Tea Tree Oil for UTI

Tea Tree Oil for UTI
src: keeperofthehome.org

Tea Tree Oil and its efficacy in the treatment of various kinds of infection doesn’t need a separate introduction. The amazing antimicrobial (R) (R) as well as other forms of medicinal property of the tea tree oil is quite beneficial in getting rid of the infection for good.

Tea tree oil should not be consumed. The best way to use tea tree oil for UTI is by pouring a few drops in the bath and soaking yourself in it for 15-20 minutes. Avoid application of the oil directly inside the vagina, penis or even the urethra.

2. Peppermint Oil for UTI

Peppermint Oil for UTI
src: draxe.com

Much like the previous variant, even peppermint oil has beneficial antimicrobial (R) (R) and soothing properties which help in killing the outgrowth of the bacteria or the other vectors causing the infection inside your body. While many tend to topically apply the peppermint oil, make sure it is diluted well and mixed with carrier oil.

Apart from that, avoid direct application of the oil in the open ends like the vagina or even the penis. Instead, apply it around the skin. Otherwise pour some in your bath and you are well to go with treating UTI with essential oils.

3. Oregano Essential Oil for UTI

Oregano Essential Oil for UTI
src: www.naturallivingideas.com

The usage of oregano essential oil for urinary tract infection is definitely one of the most common ones majority of the people reach out for. Studies have shown that the administration of oregano oil has beneficial impacts in reducing the growth and proliferation of the E.coli (R) in the urinary tract.

The generalized antimicrobial (R) properties of the oregano oil help in getting rid of the spreading of the infection and thus aid to cure UTI with essential oil.

4. Lemongrass Oil for UTI

Lemongrass Oil for UTI
src: www.organicfacts.net

The usage of lemongrass oil to cure UTI is not very traditional oil that majority of the people reach out for. For the most part, this essential oil is predominantly used in mental healing, but, with the amazing mild antimicrobial and soothing properties, it helps in relieving the associated pain and aids in relieving any form of inflammation caused because of the infection.

Lemongrass oil is considered as one of the best essential oils for UTI mainly because it not just helps heal the condition; it also prevents the further induction of any new infection.

5. Clove Oil for UTI

Clove Oil for UTI
src: des-essences-pour-les-sens.com

Scientific studies have time and time proved the amazing antimicrobial efficacy of the urinary tract infection. In a study (R) conducted back in 2016, it was deduced that clove oil was beneficial in fighting off the proliferation of infection caused by E.coli even when the antibiotics failed to abstain its growth.

The promising antimicrobial (R) properties of the clove oil help in getting rid of the unwanted proliferation of the infection caused by the microbes.

6. Juniper Berry Oil for UTI

Juniper Berry Oil for UTI
src: shopify.com

When it comes to treating UTI with essential oils, juniper berry oil does have amazing benefits on the condition. It is believed that the amazing antioxidant and detoxifying properties of the juniper berry is what helps in getting rid of the condition for good.

If your infection has been diagnosed early, it is best suggested to administer the juniper berry oil for beneficial impacts and benefits early on in the stage itself.

7. Myrrh Essential Oil for UTI

Myrrh Essential Oil for UTI
src: www.naturalfoodseries.com

The usage of Myrrh Essential Oil has been in practice since decades because of the beneficial properties it possesses. The combination of antibacterial (R), antifungal (R) as well as anti-parasitic properties of the essential oil is quite beneficial in the treatment of the Urinary Tract Infection.

The beneficial antimicrobial (R) efficacy of the myrrh essential oil is what helps in getting rid of the condition for good, especially in the treatment of UTI. Much like the other essential oils, it is advised to avoid the direct application of the Myrrh Essential Oil directly into the intimate areas of the body. Use it in baths or even in warm compresses for that matter.

8. Frankincense Essential Oil for UTI

Frankincense Essential Oil for UTI
src: www.organicfacts.net

Extracted from the resin of the olibanum trees, the Frankincense Essential Oil for UTI is one of the most opted for essential oils for the treatment of the infection. This is mainly because of the fact that this specific essential oil has healing properties (R) in it.

If you are treating UTI with essential oils, using Frankincense Oil can actually help in cleaning up and detoxifying the entirety of the urinary tract, thus aiding in keeping the infection from getting worse and affecting the system further.

9. Cinnamon Oil for UTI

Cinnamon Oil for UTI
src: draxe.com

If you want to cure UTI with essential oil, cinnamon oil is actually a very good option for the same. While you must have been using for other purposed till now, the same is believed to have even better impacts on our overall health, treating UTI being one of them.

The compound cinnamaldehyde which gives this spice the characteristic flavour apparently also has beneficial antibacterial properties and is believed to abstain the growth and proliferation of E.coli in the urinary tract.

10. Lavender Oil for UTI

Lavender Oil for UTILavender oil is definitely one of the best essential oils for UTI. The main reason behind the same is because of the varying presence of not just antibacterial (R) but antiviral (R) as well as antifungal (R) properties that help keep the infection inducing microbes at bay.

Once that it taken care of, there are chances that it completely heals the infection from within and get rid of any traces of pain and inflammation that often times accompany the condition.

11. Eucalyptus Oil for UTI

Eucalyptus Oil for UTI
src: draxe.com

The beneficial antibacterial efficacy of the eucalyptus oil is quite profound. It not just helps get rid of the infections; it is also quite beneficial in preventing further proliferation of the condition to much worse. It is quite essential to understand the kind of bacteria causing the condition, only then it does become easier to fight off the infection.

Studies (R) have shown that eucalyptus oil has profound impacts in slowing or eradicating the growth of the E. coli, Listeria innocua, S. aureus and other forms of parasites and pathogens that often inflict negative impacts on the body.

12. Coriander Oil for UTI

Coriander Oil for UTI
src: www.organicfacts.net

In a study (R) conducted back in 2016, it was found that coriander oil was beneficial enough for the treatment of a wide range of bacterial infections caused by E.coli. Not just that, coriander oil was also found to be beneficial in fighting back bacterial infestation which are also resistant to multiple drugs.

It is also sometimes suggested to pair the coriander oil with antibiotics for better impacts on the process of treatment.

13. Cumin Oil for UTI

Cumin Oil for UTI
src: indiamart.com

Cumin Oil might not stir or ring a bell in you but it is actually quite beneficial in treating a number of conditions, the prevention of bacterial infection being one of the primary reasons. Even several studies (R) have concluded this for a fact stating the beneficial efficacy of this specific essential oil in fighting off the signs and symptoms of infection.

For better and efficient impacts, it is best suggested to pair the cumin oil with some form of antibiotics.

Using essential oil for urinary tract infection is actually quite effective in getting rid of not just the infection but also the pain and inflammation that often accompany the condition. It is often best suggested to be very crucial about the method of usage of the oils because direct exposure to internal parts of the body can end up causing irritation and inflammation. Consult a doctor before opting for the usage of any of the oils for the treatment of UTI.