28 Health Benefits Of Potato Juice for Better Well Being, Skin and Hair


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Health benefits of potato juice
ImageSource: www.1body1health.com

Eating potatoes is definitely something majority of us love. But, were you aware of the health benefits of potato juice? Possibly not, right?

Potato juice and its impacts on our life is often restricted to the realms of its skin benefits but it is actually quite beneficial in boosting of our overall health.

In this article, we are going to walk ourselves through the common grounds of potato juice benefits for your health, skin as well as hair.

What are the Benefits of Potato Juice?

What are the benefits of Potato Juice
ImageSource: www.saludjinni.com

If you are here thinking how potato juice benefits the overall health, there a plethora of reasons behind the same.

Potato juice is loaded with a wide range of nutrients, including Vitamin B and C and minerals like iron, potassium, calcium, and iron and even copper which have beneficial impacts on the overall body functions.

Because of the host of nutrients present in the potato juice, it is often used for a wide range of health issues and for the treatment of a number of underlying health ailments.

Health Benefits of Potato Juice

Health Benefits of Potatos Juice
ImageSource: www.parentcircle.com

As mentioned before, potato juice has a wide range of nutrients that make it a great ingredient to get rid of a number of health issues. Not just that, it even has a wide range of impacts on the overall skin and hair health as well.

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Check Out the Benefits Of Potato Juice For Overall Health

1. Does Potato Juice Work for Acid Reflux?

Does Potato Juice work for Acid Reflux
ImageSource: www.mykidsfoodallergies.com

Acid reflux is caused because of the excess production of stomach acid which travels up the GI tract causing a burning sensation.

Potatoes are highly alkaline (R) which helps neutralize the excess acid formation and help in relieving the condition. The taste of the potato juice might not be the best in the market, but you can pair it with orange juice or some other drink to make the taste bearable.

2. Does Potato Juice Work for Cancer Prevention?

Does Potato Juice work for Cancer Prevention
ImageSource: www.medicinenet.com

Apart from being loaded with a wide range of vitamins and minerals, Potatoes are also rich in a wide range of antioxidants (R) (R) which is one of the primary steps to reducing the risks of induction of cancer.

Keeping that aside, in a conducted study (R) 2 years back in 2016, researchers tested out the efficacy of various kinds of potatoes and their impacts on the overall aspect of cancer prevention. It was found that potatoes were actually quite beneficial in impacting the proliferation of the cancer cells.

Not just that, potatoes are also loaded with glycoalkaloids (R) which are believed to possess anti-tumour properties which further contribute to the process of preventing the risks of developing cancer.

3. Does Potato Juice Help in Weight Loss?

Does Potato Juice Help in Weight LossMajority of the people have a common norm and thought process that the consumption of potatoes is linked with drastic weight gain. That is not always case.

In some conducted study (R), it has been found that potato is actually a very effective fat burner (R). It is loaded with Vitamin C which has beneficial impacts in boosting one’s overall metabolism that have positive impacts on weight loss.

Consumption of potato juice after a meal inhibits the secretion of ghrelin and leptin which prevents overeating and promotes weight loss.

4. Does Potato Juice Cure Arthritis?

Does Potato Juice Cure Arthritis
ImageSource: www.healthline.com

The health benefits of potato juice extend to the treatment of arthritis as well. Potatoes are loaded with beneficial anti-inflammatory properties (R) (R) which aid in getting rid of the swelling, inflammation and associated pain one feels due to arthritis.

Traditionally, potato slices are even compressed and applied on the site where the inflammation is and that works its magic as well. Drinking potato juice is a very effective remedy to get rid of the pain that is associated with arthritis.

5. Does Potato Juice Work for Gastritis?

Does Potato Juice Work for Gastritis
ImageSource: www.webmd.com

Because of the fact that potato juice is loaded with beneficial nutrients and is highly alkaline in nature, it is quite beneficial in getting rid of the condition of gastritis. The alkaline property of the potato juice helps combat the excess production of acid in the stomach which is often the reason behind the condition of dyspepsia in a number of people.

6. Does Potato Juice boost the immune system?

Does Potato Juice boost immune system
ImageSource: www.everydayhealth.com

Potato Juice is not just loaded with beneficial vitamins and minerals; it is loaded with antioxidants too. The essential antioxidants actually do aid in preventing excess and unwanted free radical damage which is often the primary contributing factor to boosting the overall immune system.

Apart from that, the presence of vivid amounts of Vitamin C in the immune system (R) further aids in boosting the overall immune system.

7. Does Potato Juice Treat Ulcers?

Does Potato Juice treat Ulcers
ImageSource: www.belmarrahealth.com

Stomach Ulcers are solely dependent on the overall diet and lifestyle that we lead. Potatoes are believed to have a wide range of antibacterial properties which have beneficial impacts in getting rid of the signs of the ulcer as well as heartburn.

Consuming potato juice on a daily basis actually does help in providing with a preventive measure against the development of ulcers (R) in the stomach.

8. Does Potato Juice Lower Cholesterol?

Does Potato Juice Lower Cholesterol
ImageSource: www.health.clevelandclinic.org

As mentioned before, Potato juice benefits the overall well being because of the presence of a wide range of nutrients in it.

It is loaded with Vitamin C which is believed to not just boost the overall immune system but positively impacts one’s overall metabolism as well. The combination of minerals and vitamins like Vitamin A, Vitamin B-complex and even the fibre content aid in lowering the alarming levels of cholesterol in the body.

9. Does Potato Juice Help with Constipation?

Does Potato Juice Help with Constipation
ImageSource: www.missmalini.com

Apart from the antioxidative properties, potato juice is also loaded with beneficial fibers in it which have positive impacts in dealing with the condition of constipation. The fibers help in bulking up the stool which further aid in easy defecation which is often restricted when one suffers from constipation.

10. Does Potato Juice help with Wound Healing?

Does Potato Juice help with Wound Healing
ImageSource: www.biznews.com

The presence of an immense quantity of Vitamin C (R) in the potato juice is what aids in healing the wounds from within. Vitamin C not just imposes its beneficial antioxidant properties, it also has important contributions to the overall process of scar healing, boosting the overall process of bone growth and repair.

Apart from that, Vitamin C is also beneficial in getting rid of any signs of infection which can further worsen the condition. Application of potato juice is associated with faster healing of the wounds.

11. Does Potato Juice aid with Sciatica?

Does Potato Juice aid with Sciatica
ImageSource: www.gro-md.com

Sciatica is a condition which is characterized by a searing pain radiating from the lower back and travelling down through the lower back of the legs. If you are wondering how the health benefits of potato juice get rid of the pain, it is because of one simple property.

Potato juice is loaded with beneficial anti-inflammatory properties which are effective in getting rid of the pain and any kind of associated inflammation that accompanies the condition.

12. Does Potato Juice Relieve Gout?

Does Potato Juice Relieve Gout
ImageSource: www.everydayhealth.com

The condition of Gout is often characterized by pain, inflammation and tenderness around the joints. This is primarily caused because of the excess secretion of uric acid from and in between the joints which end up causing inflammation.

Potato juice is loaded with beneficial anti-inflammatory properties which help in getting rid of any form of inflammation and thus help subside the pain as well. Not just that, the consumption of potato juice is also associated with lowering the excess secretion of uric acid in the joints.

13. Does Potato Juice Prevent Risks of Cardiovascular Diseases?

Does Potato Juice Prevent risks of cardiovascular diseases
ImageSource: www.healthfacts.ng

Our heart is one of the most important organs of the body which is exactly what it takes to get our body functioning properly daily. It is quite necessary to ensure that not only do we maintain a proper diet, but we also have an active lifestyle as well.

Potato is loaded with beneficial antioxidant as well as anti-inflammatory properties which have a profound impact on the overall heart functions by boosting the activity. It is also believed to prevent any risks of arterial blockage which could often contribute to cardiac arrests and other deadly issues.

Drinking potato juice on a regular basis is actually beneficial to prevent heart diseases.

14. Does Potato Juice Boost Blood Circulation?

Does Potato Juice Boost Blood Circulation
ImageSource: www.md-health.com

The blood is the main messenger that supplies necessary nutrients and oxygen throughout the body. In order for maintaining smooth body functions, it is necessary to have a smooth and seamless blood circulation throughout the body.

Drinking potato juice benefits by boosting the overall circulation in the body. It consists of an active compound, Niacin (R), which has been proven to not just boost the overall energy levels of the body but is also associated with the proper transport of the nutrients and oxygen throughout the body by boosting the overall circulation of the body.

15. Does Potato Juice Aid Cure Migraine?

Does Potato Juice aid cure Migraine
ImageSource: www.everydayhealth.com

Many people often tend to confuse the normal headaches because of stress with that of a migraine. It is quite different. People who suffer from chronic or even episodic migraine have a very detrimental headache that often impacts their quality of life.

While there are not many in-depth types of research and studies conducted in testifying the potent health benefits of potato juice in treating migraine, it is believed that the application of potato juice or even the potato slices has beneficial impacts in relieving the pain.

16. Does Potato Juice help Detoxify Liver?

Does Potato Juice help detoxify liver
ImageSource: www.thoughtco.com

Amidst all the health benefits of potato juice, many people often don’t know for a fact that it is actually an amazing remedy for detoxifying the liver as well as the gallbladder. Majority of the Japanese people have been using this remedy since way back in history as a potent cure for Jaundice and other liver diseases.

For the best results, it is suggested to drink raw potato juice empty stomach first thing in the morning. If the taste is overwhelming for you, try with smaller quantities first and then make your way up from there.

Skin Benefits of Potato Juice

Skin Benefits of Potato JuiceNow that we have walked ourselves through the common health benefits of potato juice, it is time to delve into the benefits of potato juice for the skin.

17. Does Potato Juice Work for Dark Circles?

Does Potato Juice work for dark circles
ImageSource: www.telegrafi.com

The development of dark circles on the face can root from a number of reasons. From the common grounds of hyperpigmentation to excess dilation of the blood vessels, the possibilities are endless.

Potato juice, because of it’s beneficial antioxidative as well as mild bleaching properties is quite beneficial in getting rid of the dark circles on consistent usage.

18. Does Potato Juice work for Skin Whitening?

Does Potato Juice work for Skin Whitening
ImageSource: www.olivaclinic.com

While complete skin whitening using potato juice is a bit of a farfetched concept, the usage of potato juice for improving the uneven skin tone is a definite plus. Potato is loaded with essential nutrients which have beneficial impacts in fighting off the dark spots and even removes the blemishes.

The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of the potato juice aid in getting rid of the problematic acne and pimples and a further boost in providing with an even skin tone. The juice also has mild bleaching properties which could have beneficial impacts as well.

19. Does Potato Juice help Remove Acne Scars?

Does Potato Juice help remove acne scars
ImageSource: www.skincareguide.com

As mentioned below, combining the benefits of the antioxidant properties, potato juice combats any form of free radical damage which is often a contributing factor to the induction of acne and pimples.

Apart from all of this, potato juice also contains mild bleaching properties which further aid in getting rid of the acne scars and the accompanying blemishes that majority of the people complain about.

20. Does Potato Juice Remove Dark Spots?

Does Potato Juice remove Dark Spots
ImageSource: www.womenshealthmag.com

Dark spots are a very common complaint people have with their skin. There could be a wide range of reasons behind the same, right from hyperpigmentation to excess free radical damage in the body. Whatever the reason be, potato juice benefits by lightning out the appearance of the dark spots on the skin.

The potato juice is loaded with beneficial antioxidants which help in getting rid of the excessive free radical damage, thus preventing the induction of dark spots. Not just that, the starchy mild bleaching and exfoliating properties of the potato juice further aids in getting rid of the dark spots effectively.

21. Does Potato Juice help Remove Facial Hair?

Does Potato Juice help remove Facial Hair
ImageSource: www.menopausehealthmatters.com

Often times, the development of facial hair in women can be a matter of embarrassment. While the removal process with potato juice might actually seem too hard to attempt, the persistent use of the same can actually help you shed off that extra facial hair with ease.

Mix ground oatmeal with potato juice and its application is quite beneficial in getting rid of the unwanted facial hair. The mild bleaching and exfoliating properties of the potato juice along with the oatmeal beneficial help in getting rid of the unwanted facial hair easily.

The only catch in this is to use and apply this remedy on regular basis to be able to witness the impactful results.

22. Does Potato Juice help Remove Stretch Marks?

Does Potato Juice help remove stretch marks
ImageSource: www.boraviverbem.com

Stretch marks are nothing but distension of the skin because of obesity or even pregnancy. It ends up forming white lines around the abdominal and thigh region which is often embarrassing for several women and men alike at times.

Potato juice helps in tightening the skin around the area it is applied. Not just that, it also has mild bleaching and skin repairing properties which all contribute to getting rid of the stretch marks. Because of the fact that it is a natural ingredient, it is important to be persistent with the application and not just do it once in a fortnight.

23. Does Potato Juice Delay Signs of Aging?

Does Potato Juice delay signs of Aging
ImageSource: www.nypost.com

With the kind of lifestyle that we lead, it is not surprising that people often end up ageing sooner than they should. The lack of a proper diet and lifestyle is often a major decisive reason behind the process of ageing.

The vivid presence of antioxidants in the potato juice has profound impacts in delaying the appearance of wrinkles and other signs of ageing. Make sure to mix potato juice with yogurt to make a paste and then apply the same on the face on a daily basis to get the much desired results.

24. Does Potato Juice help Treat Eczema?

Does Potato Juice help treat Eczema
ImageSource: www.nbcnews.com

Eczema is a skin condition which is characterized by the presence of dry, scaly skin and itching and constant irritation. While there is no scientific evidence to back the claims up, it is believed that the same does have profound impacts because of the essential vitamins and nutrients present in it.

25. Does Potato Juice Hydrate the Skin?

Does Potato Juice hydrate the skin
ImageSource: www.skincarebyalana.com

Skin hydration and moisturisation are quite extensively two of the most important parts of skin care. Dry and scaly skin is often the major cause of a number of skin conditions. Keeping your skin hydrated is key to having the inner glow and better skin texture.

Apart from the natural water content, potato juice is also loaded with beneficial amounts of Vitamin C which has profound impacts in hydrating the skin from within.

26. Does Potato Juice help get Blemish Free Skin?

Does Potato Juice help get Blemish free skin
ImageSource: www.beautyheaven.com.au

Potato juice is loaded with essential vitamins and minerals and is a reservoir of antioxidants which have impactful benefits on getting rid of the blemishes on the face. The combination of the hydrating and the skin repairing properties combined help in getting rid of the blemishes caused because of the induction of acne and pimples.

Potato also has mild bleaching properties which further aid in lightening the appearance of the blemishes on persistent usage. Apply potato juice on the area of the blemishes along with lemon juice and you will witness amazing results.

Hair Health Benefits of Potato Juice

Hair Health Benefits of Potato JuiceHair is one of those components of our body that we often tend to end up taking for granted. If you have been on a similar boat, you would know that having a good hair day is rare and if you are someone like me, having a good hair day comes once in a full moon.

The benefits of potato juice for hair are actually quite extensive. Not only does it help in strengthening your hair, but it also brings back the lost lustre and shines that many people cry about.

27. Does Potato Juice Remove Gray Hair?

Does Potato Juice Remove Gray Hair
ImageSource: www.mamamia.com.au

Finding one grey hair amidst your mop of hair can be the end of the apocalypse. The induction of grey hair can definitely be because of a number of underlying reasons – be it lack of proper diet, excess free radical damage or even because of the affected liver functions.

Potato juice consumption is believed to have a multifaceted impact in getting rid of the grey hair. Not only does it help in detoxifying the liver and gallbladder, thus promoting their smooth function, it also has beneficial antioxidant properties. The same actually does aid in getting rid of the excess free radical damage which is often associated with the induction of grey hair.

28. Does Potato Juice Promote Health Hair?

Does Potato Juice Promote Health HairThe application of potato juice is not just associated with the scalp but also with the overall health of one’s hair. The loaded benefits of the nutrients and the vitamins found in the potato juice are quite beneficial in getting rid of the pesky problems that end up making the hair thinner and weaker.

Applying potato juice on the scalp and the roots and tips of the hair help in strengthening the hair follicles and is also quite beneficial in getting rid of the problems associated with dandruff. Not just that, potato juice is also believed to get rid of the split ends and make the hair strong overall.

Side Effects Of Potato Juice

Side Effects Of Potato JuiceNow that we have walked ourselves through the common grounds of health benefits of the potato juice, now is the time we discuss the common raw potato juice side effects.

As you might see above, the range of potato juice benefits – be it for health, skin or even hair, is quite extensive. But, with all the positive comes a bit of some negative aspects too.

Some of the common side effects of potato juice include:

1. Diarrhoea

Much like any other natural ingredient, even the consumption of potato juice has its limit. If you are here drinking the juice in uncontrollable amounts thinking that the same will end up benefiting your health faster, you are slightly mistaken.

Consuming excess potato juice is often associated with the induction of diarrhoea and a feeling of constant nausea and vomiting. Be very precise about the consumption to ensure that you don’t overdo it and end up experiencing diarrhoea or even vomiting.

2. Upset Stomach

Issues with the digestion and induction of upset stomach are very plausible side effects of consumption of potato juice. Yet another common reason why the potato juice can inadvertently cause stomach upset is because of the kind of potatoes you are using to extract the juice.

It is necessary to absolutely steer clear off of the potatoes that have roots and eyes coming out of them. Fresh and good quality potatoes are the key when it comes to extracting the potato juice.

3. Diabetes

Diabetics are strictly adviced to avoid the consumption of the potato juice because of its high sugar and starch concentration. If you are someone who is either pre-diabetic or even suffers from diabetes, make sure to keep clear off of drinking this because it can cause a spike in your blood glucose as well as the insulin levels.

4. Pregnant Women

Owing to the lack of proper studies to support each and every single one of the claims about potato juice, it is often advised for pregnant women to avoid drinking it. Even if you do, it is important to ensure that you consult your doctor before doing so.

How To Prepare Potato Juice?

How To Prepare Potato Juice
ImageSource: www.lukecoutinho.com

Making and storing potato juice is not rocket science. Anyone can do it. But, the important factor in this process is to ensure that you do everything accordingly to ensure that you choose the best quality for effective impacts on your health.

The process is divided into three distinct stage – cleaning, cutting and juicing.


The very first thing you need to do is get the best quality fresh potatoes. Avoid using the potatoes which have roots and eyes coming out of it. They can end up causing upset stomach and diarrhoea. Once that is done, wash the potatoes under running water and use to fingers to get rid of all of the dirt and mud covered around the skin.


Once the potatoes are completely cleaned, the next step is to cut them to extract the juice. Peel the potatoes completely making sure that you get rid of just the peel and not the flesh of the potatoes too. Once peeled, cut them into big chunks and set aside in a bowl full of water otherwise they’ll start browning.


If you have a juicer that can extract the juice from the potatoes, you can simply use that and extract the juice from the cut potatoes. If not, grate the potatoes and set them aside. In a deep vessel bowl, place a muslin cloth and pour the grated potatoes into it. Squeeze the cloth till you extract the very last drops of the potato juice and get rid of the leftover potatoes.

When it comes to storing the extra potato juice, the process is not as hard as you think. The leftover juice can easily be stored in airtight jars in the refrigerator. Don’t use it for consumption because you won’t get the necessary benefits. Instead, use it for topical application. It is important to ensure that you don’t make more potato juice than required. If you do, it is better to throw it out of use it topically. The potato juice benefits last for 20 minutes.

The health benefits of potato juice are profound. If you have been taking this vegetable for granted and pushing it aside, now is the time to rethink those options again. Not just for your overall health but even for your skin and hair, potato juice has a multifaceted approach to boosting your overall health.