9 Benefits Of Lemon Water Before Bed That You Didn’t Know Of


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Lemon Water Before Bed

The common benefits of lemon water are not an unknown concept, now, is it? From its vivid impacts in promoting digestion to helping with weight loss, it does it all. Now, for the most part, people tend to drink lemon water during the morning in empty stomach but were you aware of the array of benefits that lemon water before bed can bring you?

Lemon water is one of those booming trends that actually do live up to the kind of overhyped raves all around the internet. People who have tried consuming this on a regular basis have actually stated the kind of positive impacts it has on one’s overall health.

In this article, we are going to be a little off the track and talk about the positive impacts of drinking lemon water at night rather than it being in the early morning time. Stay put, extract the juice of a lemon and get ready to know about the proper benefits you will get with this tangy concoction.

Lemon Water Nutrition Facts

Lemon Water Nutrition FactsThe most important fact about the lemon water is the fact that it has amazing benefits for our overall health, and not just something that positively impacts the well being temporarily but quite the contrary. It is important to ensure that the lemon that you are using is fresh and is juicy enough.

The main nutritional benefit of the lemon water comes from the fact that it is low on calories and high in Vitamin C content which means that the levels of antioxidants are high as well which is definitely what helps get rid of the excess free radicals in the body to prevent premature cell death and the accessory problems associated with it.

In order to make it easier, I have culminated in a chart to provide with an insight on the nutritional facts of lemon water, in general.

Sl. No. Compound Amount
1.         Calories 29 Kcal
2.         Protein 1.1 g
3.         Carbohydrates 9.3 g
4.         Fiber 2.8 g
5.         Fat 0.3 g
6.         Vitamin A 1%
7.         Vitamin C 187%
8.         Calcium 2%

Benefits of Drinking Lemon Water At Night

Benefits of Drinking Lemon Water At Night
ImageSource: www.enigma-mag.com

As mentioned before, the benefits of lemon water are abundant, from promoting weight loss to being a potent remedy for digestion related problems, this does it all. In this specific section, we are going to be highlighting the common factors that one need to be aware of with respect to the consumption of lemon water at night.

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Check Out the Most Popular Benefits of Lemon Water Before Bed

1. Lemon Water at Night for Weight Loss

Lemon Water at Night for Weight Loss

Weight loss is one of the most common benefits that every single person correlates to when it comes to lemon water. Now, you must be here wondering, how does it do it, right?

Drinking lemon water before bed will help in promoting the diuretic properties of it which helps in flushing all the toxins out of the body throughout the night. The excretion of the toxins help in boosting the overall metabolism (R) of the body which is yet another factor that promotes weight loss in the body.

Not just that, the Vitamin C content in the lemon helps in preventing the accumulation of cholesterol in the body which further helps you shed those extra pounds.

2. Lemon Water at Night for Boosting Immunity

Lemon Water at Night for Boosting Immunity

Drinking lemon water is not just an amazing source of vitamins and minerals that keep the levels of toxins in the body to a bare minimum; it is also an amazing immunity booster which is what makes it one of the most sought after remedies.

The lemon is loaded with ample amounts of Vitamin C in it which is considered as one of the best antioxidants for the body. The antioxidant properties (R) help fight off the excess levels of free radicals in the body which tend to adversely affect the healthy cells in the body. The lemon water acts as a protection to the healthy cells, thus shielding the body from the adversities.

It is also believed that the Vitamin C is also responsible for boosting the production of white blood cells (R) which plays a crucial role in maintaining the immunity of a person.

3. Lemon Water at Night for Constipation

Lemon Water at Night for Constipation
ImageSource: www.medicalnewstoday.com

Constipation and Irritable Bowel Syndrome can definitely be a pivotal reason behind a hampered quality of life. That being said, the consumption of lemon water before bedtime can actually be an amazing boost to curing the signs and symptoms associated with constipation.

It is believed that the fiber content of the lemon combined with the water not just helps boost digestion (R) but also keeps the stool soft so that there is no pain exerted during defecation. The lemon water helps in flushing the excess toxins (R) out of the body throughout the night and thus with regular consumption, can be an amazing remedy for getting rid of constipation.

4. Lemon Water at Night to Sleep Better

Lemon Water at Night to Sleep BetterThe effect of lemon water before bedtime doesn’t just affect one aspect but is predominantly effectual on a number of aspects. It helps keep the body hydrated and also ensure to replenish the lost vitamins and minerals as well as essential nutrients in the body which is amazing to acquire better sleep during night.

Not just that, lemon water also helps in boosting and regulating the levels of hormones (R) in the body which helps in inducing better energy levels the next day. It also contributes to repairing the muscle wasting or joints during the night.

The stabilized hormonal levels accompanied with the proper hydration of the body is actually very beneficial in promoting better and sound sleep (R) during the night.

5. Lemon Water at Night to Burn Calories

Lemon Water at Night to Burn Calories
ImageSource: www.picdn.net

Lemon water is very effective in helping burn the excess calories in the body. It is the mild acidic properties of the lemon, as well as the combination of the antioxidant properties (R) of the lemons, help to boost the liver functions which is the primary site of calorie metabolism in the body.

The heightened levels of enzymatic actions as well as the boost to the liver functions (R) together pose an amazing benefit to the overall process of calorie burning in the body, thus boosting the blood circulation and promoting better health of the individual.

6. Lemon Water at Night to Detox Your Body

Lemon Water at Night to Detox Your Body
ImageSource: www.123rf.com

Yet another one of the benefits of drinking lemon water at night is the fact that it detoxifies the body throughout the night and helps in boosting the overall blood circulation of the body.

The lemon water possesses diuretic properties which flushes the excess accumulated toxins (R) out of the body and helps in boosting better health and a much cleaner blood stream without the presence of any kind of toxins. Blood detoxification with the lemon water is beneficial because it actually does help in boosting the overall metabolism of the body as well.

The only downside to this is the fact that you might need to make frequent trips to the washroom to relieve your bladder. But, well, you win some, you lose some.

7. Lemon Water at Night to Hydrate the Body

Lemon Water at Night to Hydrate the Body
ImageSource: WWW.fabcocktail.files.wordpress.com

Hydration is one of the most important aspects of one’s overall well being. Lack of hydration doesn’t just make you thirsty; it negatively impacts your body functions as well, the primary being the cognition.

It is often seen that people tend to not pay much heed to hydration during the night which definitely creates an imbalance in the body, adversely affecting the bodily functions. Drinking lemon water at night actually does help in maintaining the body hydration (R) and helping boost the overall functions of the body. It also promotes better sleep during night.

Hydrated body throughout the night ensures to have positive impacts on the body circulation as well which keep the muscles in perfect condition.

8. Lemon Water at Night to Boost Mood

Lemon Water at Night to Boost Mood

Would you be astonished and surprised if I mentioned that drinking lemon water before bedtime can actually impact your mood? And that too, positively?

It is believed that the negative ions in the lemons help contribute to the energy levels and boost one’s overall mood. Not just that, the lemon also helps in the proper oxygenation of the blood which is yet another factor that contributes as an energy boost.

If you have been a bit stressed and need something to boost your mood (R) before you go to bed, a glass of lemon water can actually turn out to be very beneficial for the same.

9. Lemon Water at Night for Cold and Cough

Lemon Water at Night for Cold and Cough
ImageSource: www.arabiaweather.com

Lemon water is actually very beneficial in treating the problems of cold and cough. It helps breakdown the accumulated phlegm in the nasal tract and throat and helps in getting rid of the coarseness of the throat.

If you are drinking warm lemon water mix with a teaspoon of honey (R), it helps in actually curing the signs of cold and cough and helps in keeping it at bay. Not just that, even the mild acidic properties of the lemon in it helps fight the excess growth of any form of bacteria that could be contributing to the infection in the throat that’s making it sore.

Lemon Water Before Bed Side Effects

Lemon Water Before Bed Side Effects
ImageSource: www.elifeblog.com

Much like the wide range of benefits of lemon water before bed, there are a few downsides to it as well, which not many people are aware of.

If you are here wondering what are the common side effects of lemon water, here are a few to look into:

1. Frequent Urination

Since the lemon is known to possess diuretic properties, it is not uncommon that you are going to experience increased frequency of urination when you consume it before bed. It is actually beneficial for the body because you are getting rid of the excess toxins out of the body, so, all you can do is compromise a bit to get the best results in the end.

2. Increased Acidity

Yet another common side effect of lemon water at night is the fact that it can induce acidity if consumed in large quantities. Always try and start consuming lemon water in a reduced level and then work your way up from there. Start with half a lemon and if there are no repercussions, then consume one lemon every single time.

3. Hampers Tooth Enamel

The excessive drinking of lemon water at night can often affect one’s dental health as well. If you have sensitive teeth and a very thin layer of enamel, the same can actually affect the enamel and erode it completely with persistent consumption of the lemon water.

4. Can Trigger a Migraine

While the resources concerning this are limited, it is often believed that the consumption of lemon water before bed could be a potential trigger for a migraine. So, if you suffer from a migraine, it is best to stick with consuming this concoction in sparing amounts.

How To Prepare Lemon Water?

How To Prepare Lemon WaterPreparing lemon water is possibly one of the easiest tasks you could think of. In this section, we are going to share an easy lemon water recipe that doesn’t take a lot of time to prepare.


• 1 lemon
• 1 glass of water (8 ounces)
• Honey (optional)

What To Do?

• Cut the lemon in half and extract the juice
• Add this juice to the glass of water and mix it completely
• Stir in 1 teaspoon of honey into the concoction and mix it well
• Drink this every night before bed

Lemon water before bed might actually seem like a foreign concept but trust me; it is actually very beneficial in boosting the overall health of an individual. From boosting the process of weight loss to helping fight the free radicals and aiding in detoxification of the body, the lemon water does it all.