30 Easy And Effective Facial Hair Removal Hacks For a Smoother Skin


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Facial Hair Removal
ImageSource: www.skincare.com

Having excess facial hair is often times very awkward and embarrassing, isn’t it? That being said, there are always situations when it is hard to do facial hair removal without scathing the skin.

The list of natural remedies for facial hair removal is definitely longer than what you would have imagined but that doesn’t necessarily mean that all of them are going to inflict any kind of negative impacts on the skin; some are actually beneficial and effective.

In this article, we have shared the best and the “least painful” ways to get rid of those unwanted hair off of your face. Scroll up for getting more insights into the HOW and WHYs.

How to Remove Face Hair Naturally?

face hair naturally
ImageSource: www.diyremedies.org
    1. Raw Papaya
    2. Sugar and Lemon
    3. Apple Cider Vinegar
    4. Rose Water
    5. Basil and Onion
    6. Apricot and Honey
    7. Aloe Vera
    8. Chickpea Flour
    9. Honey and Lemon Juice
    10. Banana and Oatmeal
    11. Almond Oil
    12. Baking Soda
    13. Castor Oil
    14. Egg Whites
    15. Gram Flour
    16. Potato Juice
    17. Pumice Stone
    18. Sandpaper
    19. Fenugreek Seeds
    20. Spearmint Tea
    21. Gelatin
    22. Garlic
    23. Blackstrap molasses
    24. Threading
    25. Waxing
    26. Using Creams
    27. Laser Treatment
    28. Tweezers
    29. Epilators
    30. Electrolysis

1. Facial Hair Removal With Raw Papaya

Facial Hair Removal With Raw PapayaRaw Papaya is loaded with beneficial nutrients and the sticky white fluid in the papaya is ideal for the process of hair removal. The presence of the enzyme papain (R) in the raw papaya is very beneficial in the hair removal process. Majority of the branded facial hair removal masks contains this active enzyme which makes it ideal for as a natural remedy to remove facial hair.

What To Do?

  1. Blend a raw papaya to form a smooth paste
  2. Add 2 tablespoons of turmeric powder to it and mix it well
  3. Apply this on your face and leave it on for 10-15 minutes till it dries and seeps into the skin
  4. Wash it off with water and apply some moisturizer to soften the skin because the papaya could often dry the skin out

 Check the Article to know the Benefits of Papaya Leaf Juice

2. Facial Hair Removal With Sugar and Lemon

Facial Hair Removal with sugar and lemon
ImageSource: www.digidunia.com

The caramelized sugar when cooled down forms a consistently like what you would expect with that of the hot wax which is why it is an amazing remedy for removing facial hair naturally.

What to do?

  1. Pour a cup of sugar in a pot and add some water and bring it to a boil
  2. Once the sugars starts boiling, start stirring it, making sure that the sugar melts evenly and doesn’t crystallize
  3. Add a teaspoon of lemon juice to the mixture and boil till it caramelizes completely
  4. Once that’s done, bring the mixture to a somewhat bearable temperature and apply it on your facial hair how you would normally apply hot wax
  5. Keep it on the hair for a few seconds and then peel it off

3. Facial Hair Removal with Apple Cider Vinegar

Facial Hair Removal with Apple cider vinegar
ImageSource: www.rocketparents.com

Apple Cider Vinegar because of its mild acidic composition works really great as a facial hair removal mask.

What To Do?

  1. Pour half a cup of apple cider vinegar in a bowl
  2. Apply this to the facial hair prone areas
  3. Leave it till it dries completely
  4. Repeat this process 2-3 times a week

4. Facial Hair Removal With Rose Water

Facial hair removal with rose water
ImageSource: www.zestysouthindiankitchen.com

The combination of rose water with alum powder has astounding effects to remove hair from face. The composition of this remedy with alum is what provides with the amazing hair removal benefits. The chemicals in the alum aid in getting rid of the facial hair.

What To Do?

  1. Add 2-3 tablespoons of rosewater to a ½ tablespoon of alum powder
  2. Mix all the ingredients to make a smooth paste
  3. Apply this on the face and let it dry
  4. After 15 minutes, apply the paste over the dried layer again
  5. Leave it for 10 minutes
  6. Wash it off with water and apply some facial oil or moisturizer

5. Facial Hair Removal with Basil and Onion

Facial Hair Removal with Basil and Onion
ImageSource: www.shutterstock.com

The DIY face mask with onions and basil is considered as one of the best home remedies for facial hair. The transparent onion membranes, when they dry, have impactful effects on the facial hair removal without inflicting much rigor or pain on the skin.

What To Do?

  1. Peel an onion and blend it along with a bunch of basil leaves
  2. Apply the paste to your face in a thin layer
  3. Let it dry
  4. Either try to peel it off or wash it off your face

6. Facial Hair Removal with Apricot and Honey

Facial Hair Removal with Apricot and Honey
ImageSource: www.remediesandherbs.com

Apricot is loaded with beneficial vitamins and mineral. The constituent, lycopene, which is found in apricots, has amazing antioxidant (R) properties on the skin. When combined with honey, this has amazing and beneficial effects on removing facial hair.

What To Do?

  1. Get dried apricots and blend them to a coarse powder
  2. Add some honey to make a paste
  3. Apply this all over the face and leave it on for 10 minutes
  4. Scrub it all over your face in circular motions after it’s dried partly
  5. Wash it off with lukewarm water after you are done with that
  6. Apply some moisturizer, if your skin feels too dry

7. Facial Hair Removal with Aloe Vera

Facial Hair Removal with Aloe Vera
ImageSource: www.naturallivingideas.com

Aloe Vera has amazing benefits when it comes to skin and the same is not restricted to just the healing properties but also as a facial hair removal mask. The soothing and anti-inflammatory properties of the mask helps soothe the pain down, if there are any.

What to do?

  1. Blend some aloe vera pulp and a quartered piece of raw papaya to a smooth paste
  2. Apply this all over the face and let it dry
  3. Peel the mask gradually and wash the remnants with some lukewarm water
  4. Repeat this twice or thrice a week to effectively get rid of the facial hair effectively

8. Facial Hair Removal with Chickpea Flour (and Turmeric and Milk)

Facial Hair Removal with Chickpea flour
ImageSource: www.weetnow.com

It is believed that the chickpea flour draws the hair out of the follicle from the face, thereby successfully getting rid of the facial hair with ease and without inflicting any pain.

What to do?

  1. Take 2-3 tablespoons of chickpea flour in a bowl
  2. Add 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder to the mixture
  3. Make a smooth paste with milk
  4. Rub it over the facial hair prone areas in a circular motion
  5. Apply it all over the face and leave it on for 15 minutes or so
  6. Wash it off with some water and apply some moisturizer if needed
  7. Repeat this 3-4 times a week

9. Honey and Lemon Juice

Honey and lemon juice
ImageSource: www.pinknest.in

Much like the sugar wax remedy, even this natural facial hair removal remedy effectively removes the unwanted and excess hair easily. The stickiness and sugariness of the honey is what acts as a great wax like function to remove hair from the face.

What To Do?

  1. Mix 3-4 tablespoons of honey in a bowl
  2. Add a few drops of lemon juice to it and mix well
  3. Apply this all over your face with a spatula
  4. Leave it on and let it dry
  5. Peel it off and wash the remainder of it with some lukewarm water

10. Facial Hair Removal with Banana and Oatmeal

Facial Hair Removal with Banana and Oatmeal
ImageSource: www.deliciouslyella.com

The combination of banana, honey and oatmeal has an amazing effect in the permanent facial hair removal after multiple applications of it. While the oatmeal exfoliates, the stickiness of the banana and honey help dry down to a mask that can be peeled off and the facial hair is naturally removed as well.

What to do?

  1. Take 1-2 tablespoons of coarse oatmeal powder
  2. Add some bananas and 1 tablespoon of honey
  3. Mix all the ingredients together to form a smooth paste
  4. Apply this all over your face and leave it on for 15 minutes
  5. Take some water in your hand and exfoliate your skin for 2-3 minutes before washing off the mask
  6. Repeat this 2-3 times in a week

11. Facial Hair Removal with Almond Oil

Facial Hair Removal with Almond Oil
ImageSource: www.rapidhomeremedies.com

Almond Oil, on its own, is not effective to remove hair from the face. When mixed with other ingredients like that of gram flour and turmeric, the same has astounding benefits in removing facial hair effectively.

What To Do?

  1. Add 2 tablespoons of gram flour in a bowl
  2. Add a pinch of turmeric to it along with 1 tablespoon of almond oil
  3. Mix it all together with some water to make a smooth paste
  4. Apply it all over the face and let it dry for 15 minutes
  5. Ash it off with some lukewarm water
  6. Repeat this two to three times a day

12. Facial Hair Removal with Baking Soda

Facial Hair Removal with Baking Soda
ImageSource: www.healthyviral24.com

Baking Soda is effective in the facial hair removal process because of its chemical nature. Make sure to always do a patch test before you end up using it on your face because there might be adverse effects that you might not be aware of.

What to do?

  1. Mix 1-2 tablespoons of baking with similar quantities of water to make a smooth paste
  2. Apply this on the face and leave it on for 10 minutes
  3. Wash it off with water and repeat this 2-3 times a week for pronounced results

13. Facial Hair Removal with Castor Oil

Facial Hair Removal with Castor Oil
ImageSource: www.stylecraze.com

The combination of camphor with castor oil aids in the smooth removal of the facial hair without inflicting much pain or side effects.

What To Do?

  1. Mix one teaspoon of castor oil to 1-2 tablespoons of camphor
  2. Mix it well to make a smooth paste
  3. Apply it on the facial hair prone areas and let it dry for a bit
  4. Remove it with some lukewarm water

14. Egg Whites for Facial Hair Removal

Facial Hair Removal with Egg Mask
ImageSource: www.yoyobeauty.com

The egg whites are very effective in removing facial hair. The peel of mask like the effect that the application of egg mask brings is definitely worth the efforts. Not just the facial hair, it also extracts out all the impurities from the face which is an added bonus.

What To Do?

  1. Whisk an egg white till the consistency of soft peaks
  2. Add a tablespoon of granulated sugar to it and whisk it again
  3. Add some corn flour to the mixture to make a paste
  4. Apply this on the face and leave it on
  5. Peel it off once it has dried down completely
  6. Repeat this process two to three times in a week

15. Facial Hair Removal with Gram Flour

Facial Hair Removal with Gram Flour
ImageSource: www.quora.com

The combination of gram flour, turmeric and milk is an amazing remedy for facial hair removal. The coarseness of the gram flour when applied on the areas of facial hair growth helps to arrest its unprecedented growth.

What To Do?

  1. Take 2 tablespoons of gram flour in a bowl
  2. Add a pinch of turmeric to the mixture and some milk to make a smooth paste
  3. Apply this over the area of the face where the facial hair growth is the maximum
  4. You can even apply it all over the face for good measures and for cleansing the pores
  5. Let it dry for 10-15 minutes
  6. Wet your hands with some water and rub it over the face pack to exfoliate a bit
  7. Wash it off with some water and pat dry
  8. Repeat this for 3-4 times in a week

16. Facial Hair Removal with Potato Juice

Facial Hair Removal with Potato Juice
ImageSource: www.lukecoutinho.com

Potato is known for its effective skin benefits along with its noticeable bleaching properties. When mixed with lentil paste, this helps in effectively removing facial hair and even aiding in lightening the skin tone in the area. It doesn’t necessarily inflict any kind of negative impacts on the skin which is definitely an added bonus.

What To Do?

  1. Make a coarse paste with yellow lentils
  2. Add some potato juice to make a smooth paste
  3. Add half a teaspoon of honey and lemon juice to the mixture
  4. Apply this all over the face and leave it on for 15-20 minutes
  5. Before washing it off, rub it gently to remove the facial hair along with the exfoliation
  6. Wash it off with water and apply some moisturizer
  7. Repeat this twice a week for noticeable results

17. Facial Hair Removal with Pumice Stone

Facial Hair Removal with Pumice Stone
ImageSource: www.livestrongcdn.com

The theory behind the usage of pumice stone for hair removal is basically the exfoliation and friction it exerts on the skin. Because of the roughness that it leaves behind on the skin, it is always advised to be very gentle when using a pumice stone on the face for natural facial hair removal.

What To Do?

  1. Wet your face and exfoliate with any face scrub to clean the pores
  2. Soak the pumice stone is water for 5 minutes
  3. Apply a drop or two of facewash on the stone and gently rub it over the hair prone area in circular motions for removing facial hair
  4. Repeat this once or twice a week

Side note: Don’t go vigorously with a pumice stone because of the fact that it can cause lesions or tear of the cells and tissues on the face.

18. Facial Hair Removal with Sandpaper

Facial Hair Removal with SandpaperThe mention of sandpaper for facial hair removal can definitely be a very intimidating thought but the same actually does work. Much like the principle behind the usage of the pumice stone to remove hair from face, even this works on the same principle.

What To Do?

  1. Make sure your skin is dry and clean
  2. Rub a piece of sandpaper on the face in a circular motion (in the facial hair prone area)
  3. Don’t go up and down and rather in circular motions
  4. Wash your face with some water to get rid of the dead skin cells
  5. Apply some moisturizer to restore the lost moisture in the area
  6. Repeat this once or twice a week

19. Facial Hair Removal with Fenugreek Seeds

Facial Hair Removal with Fenugreek Seeds
ImageSource: www.authorityremedies.com

Apart from being a great remedy for several other health ailments, fenugreek seeds have proven benefits in the process of facial hair removal naturally.

What to do?

  1. Ground fenugreek seeds to a coarse to a fine consistency
  2. Add a bit of water and a bit of honey to make a smooth paste
  3. Apply this over the areas on the face where the facial hair growth is maximum
  4. Leave it on for 15 minutes or till it’s completely dried
  5. Before washing it off completely, scrub it with your fingers in circular motions to remove the hair
  6. Wash it off with some water
  7. Repeat this twice or thrice a week

20. Facial Hair Removal with Spearmint Tea

Facial Hair Removal with Spearmint tea
ImageSource: www.authorityremedies.com

The condition of excessive growth of facial hair in women is known as Hirsutism (R). This is primarily caused because of excess secretion of ma ale hormone in their body. It propels the growth of facial hair, thus making it look like the person has facial hair resembling that of a beard.

Spearmint tea has proven benefits in regulating the production of these hormones that affect the facial hair growth. This ensures to gradually arrest the uncontrolled growth of facial hair, thereby curing the problem from within.

What To Do?

  1. Drink 1-2 cups of spearmint tea every day

21. Facial Hair Removal with Gelatin

Facial Hair Removal with Gelatin
ImageSource: www.makeupandbeauty.com

Gelatin face masks are very effective in not just the removal of the facial hair but also the blackheads and clean the clogged pores that could be a contributing factor to the acne and pimples on the face. One great thing about the application of gelatin on the face is the fact that it helps in clearing the skin up completely.

What To Do?

  1. Take 3-4 tablespoons of milk in a bowl
  2. Add 1 teaspoon of unflavoured natural gelatin powder or a gelatin leaf to it
  3. Mix it all together and chuck it in the microwave for 1-2 minutes till everything completely melts
  4. Add a few drops of lemon juice to it and mix it together
  5. Let the mixture cool completely
  6. Get a spatula and apply this mixture on the facial hair prone area
  7. Let it dry completely and then lightly peel the gelatin off of those areas
  8. Apply some moisturizer if there is any visible redness in the area

22. Facial Hair Removal with Garlic

Facial Hair Removal with GarlicGarlic is one of those underdog remedies for facial hair removal that not many people are aware of. The application of garlic has very promising results on the removal of facial hair. There are still studies that need to be done as to find the actual reasoning behind the same but it is believed that it is the compound Allicin in the Garlic that is behind the results.

What To Do?

  1. Extract the juice of 1-2 garlic cloves
  2. With a cotton swab, apply this on the areas prone more to facial hair growth
  3. Leave it on for 20 minutes
  4. Wash it off with some water
  5. Apply some chemical free moisturizer
  6. Repeat this twice or thrice a week

23. Facial Hair Removal with Blackstrap molasses

Facial Hair Removal with Blackstrap molasses
ImageSource: www.quora.com

The function of blackstrap molasses is much like that of the caramelized sugar hair removal remedy. It acts as a faux wax like a mask which helps in strapping out the facial hair along with the other gunk in the face. The thick and sticky consistency of the molasses is what aids in removing facial hair.

If the growth of excess facial hair is primarily because of any of the health conditions, like that of PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome), women tend to lack the necessary vitamins and minerals in the body. Consumption of blackstrap molasses in your regular diet helps in coping the loss of the said minerals.

What to do?

For application:

  1. Take 2-3 tablespoons of blackstrap molasses in a bowl
  2. Heat it up for a few seconds in the microwave to activate the sugar in it
  3. Let it cool down to a bearable temperature
  4. Apply this on the areas that has more facial hair
  5. Leave it on for 5-10 minutes and peel off the edges first and then snap it fast to get the hair out of the face
  6. Apply a soothing lotion or toner if there is redness and irritation in the area
  7. Repeat this once or twice a month

For consumption

  1. You can consume 1-2 teaspoons of blackstrap molasses, either on its own or as a replacement to your sugar requirements
  2. Consult a doctor to enquire about any possible side effects

Side note: If you are suffering from diabetes, it is best to stay away from this remedy because the same can have adverse effects on your blood glucose levels.

Other Methods to Remove Facial Hair

Now that we have talked more or less about the majority of the natural ingredients for removing facial hair, let us jump straight into the not so natural ways.

24. Facial Hair Removal with Threading

Facial Hair Removal with Threading
ImageSource: www.manorbeauty.co.uk

Facial hair removal with the aid of threading is one of the most opted for remedies for facial hair removal. Even though the process is definitely a lot painful, it is effective.

  1. Threading is a process that includes the usage of a thin cotton or polyester thread for the removal of the unwanted hair from parts of the face.
  2. The thread is held between the two fingers in a crossed manner and twisted around the part of the facial hair that needs to be removed. Pressure is applied which causes the hair to get uprooted from the follicle and thus accounts for permanent facial hair removal.

It is very beneficial in shaping of eyebrows and removal of excess facial hair on the upper lips and even the jaw area. The only downside is the fact that it needs to be redone every two to three weeks depending on how fast the facial hair grows back.

25. Facial Hair Removal with Waxing

Facial Hair Removal with Waxing
ImageSource: www.beautyglimpse.com

Waxing is one of the, if not the most opted for home remedies for facial hair removal. It is the primary method that majority of the people opt for. There are two distinct kinds of waxing for hair removal – hot waxing and cold waxing.

Hot waxing includes the process in which actual cosmetic wax is melted and applied on the excess hair on the face and the same is then rigorously peeled off to get rid of the facial hair.

Cold waxing, on the other hand, is done with wax strips which are readily available in the market. This process is a lot less messy and effective too. Purchase any wax strip depending on your preferences and skin type and apply them on the hair prone area on the face and peel them off with force.

Waxing can often cause skin redness and irritation because of the force applied while peeling off of the strips or melted wax which is why it is always better to apply a soothing lotion on those areas to get rid of the redness and irritation.

26. Facial Hair Removal Using Creams

Facial Hair Removal using creams
ImageSource: www.hairremovalguide.co.uk

Removing facial hair with creams is a very convenient method, that doesn’t require much hassle and is not painful as well. That being said, there are often chances that these creams might be a little too rough on your skin because of the presence of harsh chemicals in their composition.

Always perform a patch test first before applying it directly on your face.

What To Do?

  1. Get any store bought facial hair removal cream and apply it on your hair prone areas
  2. Leave it on for a few minutes to let the chemicals seep into the follicles.
  3. Use the spatula that comes in the box and scrape off the cream like how you would have.
  4. Wash off the remnants and pat dry your skin.

27. Facial Hair Removal with Laser Treatment

Facial Hair Removal with Laser treatment
ImageSource: www.hairremovalguide.co.uk

Primarily, in the laser treatment for facial hair removal, a bean of laser ray is projected onto the area that needs destruction of the hair follicles to arrest the re-growth of the hair there. The heat produced by this laser beam seeps into the skin and destructs the root of the follicle from where the hair is supposed to grow out.

This ensures to arrest the growth of the facial hair from there and hence helps to remove hair from face. With the effectiveness of this treatment, there are some side effects too. It can cause skin damage, eye problems and a number of other skin related issues that are hard to get rid of.

It is why it is always best to reach out to the best known professional in the field for tasks like these.

28. Facial Hair Removal with Tweezers

Facial Hair Removal with Tweezers
ImageSource: www.askopinion.com

Tweezing is yet another easy and very inexpensive method of removing facial hair. The process is a lot different and a bit painful and time consuming in comparison to other methods like that of shaving or laser treatment.

In this process, the tweezers are effectively used to actually pluck out the hair out of the follicles. This sure does is a very time consuming process and doesn’t necessarily guarantee permanent facial hair removal.

29. Facial Hair Removal with Epilators

Facial Hair Removal with Epilators
ImageSource: www.epilatorgirl.com

An epilator is a mechanical device which is used for the removal of multiple hair from off the face in one goes, much like shaving. This effectively helps in getting rid of the unwanted facial hair for good and that too, very quickly.

While the normal epilators are primarily made for biking waxing and such, there are small and compact epilators that actually come a lot in handy for getting rid of the excess and unwanted facial hair with ease.

30. Facial Hair Removal with Electrolysis

Facial Hair Removal with Electrolysis
ImageSource: www.beautyboxnuneaton.com

Many people often tend to confuse between the process of electrolysis and laser treatment. While the mode of action is possibly a lot similar, they are different in their main approaches. The process of electrolysis uses the electric charge for disabling the hair follicles while the laser treatment uses a laser beam for the same results.

The process of electrolysis is the only permanent facial hair removal process considered by FDA.

What To Do after Removing Facial Hair?

What to do after removing facial hair
ImageSource: www.media.beaut.ie

It is very important to ensure that you restore the lost moisture on your face after you are done with the facial hair removal process. There are several methods and remedies for facial hair removal that draws out the moisture and hydration from the part of the face which is why you need to pay heed to that aspect.

Apply a generous quantity of light and chemical free moisturizer after removing the unwanted facial hair from the face. Hydration and Moisturisation after facial hair removal is a must to combat any kind of skin irritation or redness.

Why Does Facial Hair Grow so Fast?

The growth of facial hair, be it on a man or a woman is heftily dependant on the secretion of the male steroidal hormone in the body. If a woman secretes more testosterone that what they are supposed to, there are chances that their facial hair would grow faster than anticipated.

The impairment in the hormonal balance is what affects the rate at which the facial hair grows. If the hormone secretion is heightened than normal, there are chances that the facial hair will grow faster than what anticipates.

Causes of Facial Hair in Women

Causes of facial hair in women
ImageSource: www.1mg.com

The hair growth on other body parts in a woman is a common occurrence, but the moment the same starts growing in an uncontrolled rate on the face; it is a signal that there is something wrong, physiologically.

Some of the common causes of facial hair in women include:

  • Hormonal disbalance, especially that of male steroidal hormones
  • Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
  • Medications
  • Cushing’s syndrome
  • Obesity
  • PCOS or ovarian tumors

Precautions To Be Taken While Removing Facial Hair

Precautions to be taken while removing facial hair
ImageSource: www.patinstitute.ca

Whatever the method of removal be, it is necessary to always opt for necessary precautions to ensure that you don’t leave behind any side effects on your skin.

Some of the common precautionary steps involved in the process of hair removal include:

  • Clean your face before opting for any of the facial hair removal remedies. Make sure your pores are unclogged and clean so as to ensure that the hair removal in done correctly and doesn’t inflict a risk of ingrown hair.
  • If you have sensitive skin, be very cautious of what products you are using and what you are applying on your face
  • Be gentle with the hair removal tools, don’t be to a firm or forceful with them
  • Be aware of the side effects of any of the remedy before you are applying them on yourself

How to Prevent Facial Hair?

How to prevent facial hair
ImageSource: www.girlscosmo.com

Preventing the growth of facial hair is not something that can easily be achieved overnight or with the implementation of just one kind of remedy. What works best for you might not be a favourable one for the other person.

In order to shed some light on the same, we have sorted out the top five easy and effective ways to prevent the growth of facial hair.

  • The first one is to either pull out or destroy the hair follicles to arrest the growth of the hair right then and there.
  • The use of chemicals be it in the form of creams or any other types is also very effective in preventing the unnecessary growth of hair on the face.
  • Opt for the natural remedies mentioned in this article to get smooth and supple skin, without inflicting many side effects on the skin.
  • Consult a doctor regarding the hormonal levels that could be behind the excessive growth of facial hair.
  • Visit a dermatologist to get a prescription for the hair growth inhibitors which works wonders on arresting the unnecessary growth of the facial hair.

Food for Thought With Some FAQs

Food for thought with some FAQs1. Does Removing Facial Hair Help Acne?

A. The unnecessary growth of facial hair often tends to increase the secretion of sebum on the face which is one of the primary reasons behind the formation of acne on the face. The facial hair removal aids in unclogging these pores and getting rid of the dirt and excess oil, thereby preventing the presence of acne or pimples.

2. Does Removing Facial Hair Make it Grow Back Thicker?

A. This is a myth that removal of facial hair makes it grow back thicker. It is often sometimes felt like that because of the blunt tip of the residual part of the hair that is often left behind after shaving.

3. How to Prevent Pimples After Removing Facial Hair?

A. Pimples are often caused because of lack of proper cleaning of the face or because of the clogged pores because of excess oil secretion and dirt accumulation. Make sure to keep your face clean and exfoliated at all times and avoid eating excess greasy or spicy food as well.