7 Effective Ways To Use Coconut Oil For Eczema For Faster Relief


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coconut oil for eczema

The skin condition of eczema is often quite taxing for one’s overall quality of life. That being said, it is often believed that coconut oil is actually an effective remedy in healing the problem from within and getting rid of the signs and symptoms associated. But, is coconut oil for eczema actually effective or is the same farfetched?

The skin benefits of coconut oil don’t necessarily require an introduction.

In this article, we are going to be discussing about how to use coconut oil for healing eczema for good. Right from discussing the ins and outs about eczema to everything one needs to know of the process of using the same for effective benefits.

    1. How Effective Is Coconut Oil For Eczema?
    2. How To Use Coconut Oil For Eczema?
    3. What Kind Of Coconut Oil Is Good For Eczema?
    4. How Long Does It Take For Coconut Oil To Treat Eczema?

How Effective Is Coconut Oil For Eczema?

How Effective Is Coconut Oil For EczemaThe usage of coconut oil to treat eczema dates back to quite a few decades back and are not something recent. With the consistent rise in the medical field, people have come to know of the potency of the coconut oil in terms of medicine and science which is what has paved its way to growing importance of coconut oil in the treatment of eczema and other skin conditions.

If you are here wondering about the benefits of coconut oil for eczema treatment, we are going to list down some of the effective reasons why the coconut oil is actually beneficial in the treatment of the skin condition.

Has Antimicrobial Properties

The very first reason why coconut oil is actually beneficial in treating the condition of eczema is primarily because of the fact that it is loaded with beneficial antimicrobial properties. This helps in abstaining the proliferation of any kind of microbial interaction that could very well be a potential reason behind the induction of an infection in the affected area. The antimicrobial properties of the coconut oil (R) essential prohibit the same.

Has Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Yet another common symptom of eczema is inflammation of the skin around the affected area, paired with redness and itchiness. If you are someone who has eczema, you would know that scratching the affected area often leads to a drastic inflammation. Whatever the condition be, the anti-inflammatory properties of the coconut oil (R) is actually quite beneficial in getting rid of the inflammation and settles down the urge to itch as well.

Has Moisturizing Property

This specific property of the coconut oil doesn’t need a separate introduction because of the kind of knowledge people have. The essential fatty acids present in the coconut oil helps in seeping deep inside the skin to provide excess moisturizing from within (R) which is pretty amazing to take notes of. It helps in getting rid of the dry and scaly skin caused because of eczema and aids in rejuvenating the skin from within to restore the lost moisture.

How To Use Coconut Oil For Eczema?

How To Use Coconut Oil For EczemaWhen it comes to how to use coconut oil for eczema, there are a number of possibilities and methods that one can opt for. If you are here wondering what, we have shared some of the effective remedies that you can actually opt for to get rid of eczema with coconut oil.

Here, we have shared some of the most effective ways to use coconut oil to treat eczema.

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gUcOdJNqu2M[/embedyt]

Check Out 7 Ways to use Coconut Oil for Eczema.

1. Coconut Oil by itself

Coconut Oil by itselfAs mentioned before, coconut oil and eczema do go hand in hand and is quite effective in curing the condition from within. Not just does it moisturizes and revitalizes the skin from within, it also aids in getting rid of the possible condition of infection that could be induced because of excessive scratching of the skin.

Not just that, even the lessened course of oxidative stress (R) is often associated with the treatment of eczema. The application of coconut oil is also associated with the reduction in the inflammation and irritation that is often caused because of the oil.

What to do?

  1. Heat the coconut oil in a microwave for 10-15 seconds till its warm
  2. Apply the oil on the affected area and gently massage it into the skin
  3. Leave it on and let it seep into the skin completely

How often?

  • 2-3 times daily

2. Apple Cider Vinegar and Coconut Oil for Eczema

Apple Cider Vinegar and Coconut Oil for EczemaApple Cider Vinegar is known for its efficacy in getting rid of a wide range of skin problems. The antimicrobial, as well as effective anti-inflammatory properties of the vinegar paired with the beneficial healing properties of the coconut oil actually, does aid in getting rid of the condition of eczema for good.

The combined antimicrobial (R) and anti-inflammatory (R) properties help in bringing down the irritation and the itchiness that is often caused in the affected area. The coconut oil also helps get rid of the dry and scaly skin which is an added bonus.

What to do?

  1. In a bowl, add 1-2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and dilute it with some water
  2. Store it in a spray bottle and add 3-4 tablespoons of coconut oil to the bottle
  3. Spray this on the affected area of the eczema rash
  4. Leave it on for 10-15 minutes to let it seep into the skin
  5. If you face any kind of irritation, make sure to wash it off immediately

How often?

  • 1-2 times daily

3. Shea Butter and Coconut Oil for Eczema

Shea Butter and Coconut Oil for EczemaShea butter is considered as one of the most essential remedies for eczema because of its vivid presence of vitamins and fatty acids that are present in it. The beneficial vitamins and fatty acids (R) seep into the skin and helps soothe the dryness and irritation from within, ensuring to get rid of the condition of eczema.

The combined effects of coconut oil with the shea butter actually does aid in getting rid of any possibilities of infection or itching that often accompanies the condition of eczema.

What to do?

  1. Prepare a double boiler, and place a bowl into it
  2. In the bowl, add 2 tablespoons of shea butter and 2 tablespoons of coconut oil
  3. Melt everything together and store it in a container
  4. Apply this on the eczema prone area and gently massage it into the skin
  5. Leave it on and let it seep into the skin

How often?

  • 3-4 times throughout the day

4. Turmeric and Coconut Oil for Eczema

Turmeric and Coconut Oil for EczemaTurmeric has beneficial antimicrobial (R), anti-inflammatory (R) as well as antiseptic properties which have beneficial impacts in treating the condition associated with eczema. Not only does it help in prohibition of any form of underlying infection, it also aids in getting rid of the dry and scaly skin that is one of the primary side effects of eczema.

The addition of coconut oil in the mix aids in ensuring proper moisturisation of the affected area. This gets rid of the dryness of the skin, which further helps in getting rid of the condition easily.

What to do?

  1. In a bowl, add 1-2 tablespoons of turmeric powder and 1 tablespoon of coconut oil
  2. Mix well to form a smooth paste
  3. Apply the paste on the affected area of the skin
  4. Leave it on for 15-20 minutes
  5. Wash it off with some water once dried completely

How often?

  • Once daily

5. Aloe Vera and Coconut Oil for Eczema

Aloe Vera and Coconut Oil for EczemaAloe Vera doesn’t necessarily require a separate introduction on its efficiency in treating several of the skin conditions. It possesses beneficial antimicrobial (R), anti-inflammatory (R) as well as skin repair and healing (R) properties which is key to the treatment of eczema.

Pairing it with coconut oil actually does aid in revitalizing the lost moisture inside the skin and helps in getting rid of the rough, dry and itchy skin which is the primary problem associated with eczema.

What to do?

  1. Mix 1 tablespoon of aloe vera gel and 1 tablespoon of coconut oil in a bowl
  2. Apply this on the affected part of the skin and gently massage it into the skin
  3. Leave it on

How often?

  • 3-4 times daily

6. Oregano Oil and Coconut Oil

Oregano Oil and Coconut Oil
ImageSource: www.agelessbyglynisbarber.com

Oregano oil is known for its amazing benefits in influencing the healing and repair of the skin associated with the condition of the eczema and other skin problems. The blood purifying property along with the effective antioxidant (R) properties help in getting rid of the rough and dry skin along with the possibility of development of infection which is pretty common in eczema because of the constant scratching. The carvacrol property (R) of the oregano oil also further promotes the treatment of a number of minor skin conditions.

The coconut oil further moisturizes the affected area of eczema and promotes easy repair of the skin. It also prevents the possible induction of infection caused because of the persistent scratching.

What to do?

  1. To 3-4 tablespoons of coconut oil, add 5-10 drops of oregano oil and mix well
  2. Apply this on the affected area of the eczema and massage it into the skin
  3. Leave it on

How often?

  • 2-3 times daily

7. Lavender and Coconut Oil for eczema

Lavender and Coconut Oil for eczemaYet another one of the essential components for the treatment of dermatitis is lavender oil. This not just aids in boosting the overall moisture retention of the skin, it also possess potent skin repairing and anti-inflammatory properties which further help in relaxing the skin and preventing further damage.

The coconut oil simply accentuates the process of healing even further. Not just that, coconut oil also imposes the beneficial fatty acid chains into repairing the damaged tissues and dry skin that is predominant of eczema.

What to do?

  1. To 3-4 tablespoons of coconut oil, add 5-10 drops of lavender oil to it and mix
  2. Once combined, apply the oil mixture on the eczema and gently massage it into the skin
  3. Leave it on

How often?

  • 3-4 times throughout the day

What Kind Of Coconut Oil Is Good For Eczema?

What Kind Of Coconut Oil Is Good For EczemaWhen it comes to choosing the best kind of coconut oil for the treatment of eczema, the possibilities might seem endless but in reality, they aren’t. If you want to ensure that there is no opposite reaction to the skin, it is best advised to stick to the extra virgin coconut oil which actually does have beneficial properties that helps uplift the skin condition and get rid of the signs of eczema.

How Long Does It Take For Coconut Oil To Treat Eczema?

How Long Does It Take For Coconut Oil To Treat EczemaCoconut Oil and its potent moisturizing and healing properties actually do help boost the overall skin health. If you have been on the lookout for effective ways to get rid of the treat eczema and have opted for coconut oil for healing eczema, you’d know that it is actually effective.

Because of the fact that coconut oil for dermatitis does take time to cure completely, it is important to ensure that you don’t necessarily expect earth shattering results right off the bat because that is not going to happen. It does take time to heal the skin condition completely from within.

Make sure you indulge in daily application to ensure that the healing process is faster. Is coconut oil good for eczema or not is something that completely depends on when and how you use it.

Coconut oil for eczema is definitely one of the age old traditional remedy that has been used by the majority of the people way back in history. The amazing moisturizing and rejuvenating properties of the oil is what helps in imbibing the moisture back into the skin and aids in getting rid of the condition of eczema.