5 Early Signs of Skin Cancer


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early signs of skin cancer

Most cancers are easy to detect due to bumps and pains. Some lump or extraneous formation or internal pain and sickness makes it quicker to be diagnosed. But skin cancer is tricky and is not easy to detect. Sharing some early signs of skin cancer as it is slow growing and often free of glaring warning signs. A little more caution for these signs and you may have it detected and cured on time.

Types Of Skin Cancer:

Skin Cancer1. Melanoma Skin Cancer:

Melanoma skin cancer is a dangerous kind of skin cancer and is found rare. It develops to other areas and even organs of the body. It is an aggressive form of skin cancer. It begins in the deepest layer of the skin called hypodermic or subcutaneous tissue.

2. Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer or Keratinocyte:

Nonmelanoma skin cancer are more common such as squamous cell carcinoma and basal cell carcinoma. They develop in upper and middle layer of the skin, called epidermis and dermis. They are less dangerous as they are less likely to spread. They can be usually treated with simple surgery. They usually occurs on areas regularly exposed to the sun.

ABCDE Check for Melanoma Skin Cancer Sign and Symptoms:

skin cancer sign and symptoms

ABCDE’s are important and must be checked by a dermatologist for melanoma skin cancer.

1. A Stands For Asymmetry:

Asymmetry means the mole is not symmetrical and when cut into half the two sides do not match each other. Normal moles or benign forms are symmetrical. When checking the recent freckle, imagine a line dividing the mole into two halves and assuming that, check for symmetry. For asymmetrical moles be sure to see your dermatologist as soon as possible.

2. B Stands For Border:

A non dangerous and normal mole will have specific borders, but a melanoma lesion has blurred and irregular borders. Its edges are rugged and do not show any bordering line.

3. C Stands For Color:

Color for a normal mole is always specific and it stays the same over the years. But a melanoma skin cancer mole has different shades of colors over it. From red, purple, brown, yellow to more shades. They are suspicious and may change color constantly. Such moles with many shades of light and dark and various colors must be checked by dermatologist soon.

4. D Stands For Diameter:

A mole with diameter larger than a pencil eraser must be checked by a dermatologist quickly. As normal moles are small and have a fixed diameter. A melanoma mole has big and spread out diameters

5. E Stands For Evolving:

A melanoma skin cancer is evolving; that is, it is changing its shape constantly. It may be shrinking some time, growing larger other times, changing its color and even bleeding in addition to being itchy. Be sure to consult your dermatologist quickly in case of moles which are elevated and raised from the skin. Melanoma skin cancer moles often grow in size and change their shape rapidly.

Other Signs and Symptoms of Melanoma Skin Cancer are:

melanoma skin cancer are

    1. If a mole has appeared recently and is showing weird signs
    2. If an existing mole becomes itchy suddenly
    3. If a mole is big and does not look symmetric
    4. If a mole is getting bigger and swelling
    5. If a mole starts paining and even bleeds
    6. If a mole has a crust or is elevated
    7. If a mole is strangely shaped and does not have a firm boundary
    8. If a mole has many colors and shades

Signs and Symptoms of Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer:

non-melanoma skin cancerThe signs and symptoms of non melanoma skin cancer are often confused with psoriasis or eczema. It must be detected early and treated on time else, it may become dangerous.

    1. An open sore that becomes crusty and bleeds often
    2. A hard, pearly and waxy looking lump with visible blood cells
    3. A large red or scaly patch on chest
    4. A white scar like lesion
    5. A pink growth with inward inclination
    6. Wart like bumps with crusty surfaces
    7. Red, dome like nodules
    8. An open sore, that bleeds

How to Detect Early Signs of Skin Cancer:

A self examination to detect early signs of skin cancer must be done once every month. Also, check with your healthcare provider at every appointment. Follow the steps below

1. Proceed With a 10 Minute Self Examination Every Month:

10 minute self examination every monthSpot any recent skin anomaly by checking it in front of mirror from top to bottom. It can be treated easily, if detected early. Else it may cause fatal repercussions.

2. See Your Healthcare Provider For Any Abnormal Skin Growth Or Pigmentation:

provider for any abnormal skin growth or pigmentationBe sure to visit your dermatologist for any skin deformity you have come across. It is better to consult than delay treatment.

3. Using Your Smartphone:Using your smartphone

Add details of your skin moles and any deformity and submit. Causes and symptoms list will be sent to you for detailed analysis at home. Be sure to see your dermatologist for more insights

Use Body Map To Keep A Schedule Of Moles And Skin Lesions In Your Body:

keep a schedule of moles and skin lesions in your body

Download printable maps and keep recording and updating. Validate them every month to check for early signs of skin cancer.

The above compilation on Early signs of skin cancer, is based on readings and learnings over time. Skin cancer is believed to affect 45-50% US people and also more prominent among people with fair skin. More likely are the ones exposed to sunlight too often. Use sunscreen and keep your face and hands covered when you head out in sunlight. Be sure to keep check on the warnings signs and see your dermatologist immediately. If detected early skin cancer can be cured easily else it may even become fatal.

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