5 Must have Protein rich diets for a Vegan


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vegan protein

As would Genesis have us believe, that God created the Earth on the third day of Creation. Darwin instead said that hydrogen somehow fused to from amino acids, and those were the first traces of life on Earth. These simple organic structures with time compounded into more complex ones and voila!, we have us and them and everything in between. Breathing, walking, planted, air borne, short lived, eternal blocks of proteins.

Proteins!, that is what we are, what we always have been made of, what we forever would be. Protein is what our body most prefers, what it requires to replenish itself and hence is a vital component of our diet. Proteins along with carbohydrates and Fats forms the three major Macro-nutrients that our body thrives on. Our body further utilizes the proteins to form enzymes, hormones and other required chemicals. Being the building block of existence we need proteins for bones, muscles, cartilage, skin and blood. To make it short, we need it for the constant repair and sustenance of our body.

As general misconception would have it, those not consuming fish, meat, poultry or diary products, the vegans i.e, are the ones missing out on their daily intake of proteins and hence end up fatigued and wanting. So without any further ado, we present to you five must have protein rich diets for a vegan.


Quinoa is a grain crop which is primarily grown for its edible seeds. Although you might mistake it for a cereal, Quinoa is a flowering plant and hence is more closely related in the plant kingdom to beetroot and spinach.

The plant itself is tolerant to dry soil and can thrive in semi arid to arid conditions. Along with your daily protein supplements, it also provides you with a required dose of calcium, phosphorus and iron. As for the protein contents, every serving of hundred grams of Quinoa contains a massive 8gms of proteins, which is a lot if you were to trust an expert.


Soybean is a type of legume with an edible bean that is native to East Asia. It is classified as an oil seed and not pulses, and is said to produce the most protein per hectare than any other uses of land.

Apart from it natural bean form, it is available in the market as processed, textured granules, soya milk or other forms of pure protein that is extracted from the dehusked, defatted beans. A serving of raw soybeans provides a total of 36gm of protein thus making it the most high yielding protein diet whether you are a vegan or not.


Pulses are also known as legumes, which get their name from a symbiotic, nitrogen fixating bacteria, that are found in the roots of these plants. They are produced for their edible seeds and they average a total of 5gms of protein every serving. Common pulses, are generally available in the market with their skins removed and in their split form. Their common variations include lentils, peas, chickpeas, kidney beans, types of gram, sesame and so on.

For more on Vegan Delights

4Mycoprotein (Quorn)

This scientifically developed commodity was originally synthesized to combat global food shortages and is sold under the name, quorn. It is composed by growing a certain types of fungus inside vats which are then marketed as meat substitute. Belonging to the mushroom family, Mycoprotein is packed with proteins and provides a whooping 13 gms per half cup serving of it.

5Protein Powder Supplements

Powder supplements for proteins are found in all sizes catering to the protein for a plethora of consumers from professional sportsmen and bodybuilders to bedridden patients. Owing to the convenience in their preparation they are a must have protein rich diets for a Vegan.

The proteins are extracted from various sources, the details of which are generally provided by the manufactures in their package printing. Their nutrition content varies from anywhere from 25% to 80%, and accordingly they are classified into their respective price range.

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By Abhro