7 Ways to Remove Excess Salt From Body For Overall Better Health


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remove excess salt from body
ImageSource: limitlesstraining.com.au

Salt is the quintessential requirement of our body, isn’t it? While this does add in more flavour and taste of your dish, it also does have the potential to inflict negative impacts on the body, if the levels are unmanaged. It is thus important to remove salt from the body which is not required.

All that being said, it is very important that you do opt for essential and effective ways to flush salt from the body so as to ensure that the same doesn’t end up inflicting any kind of negative impacts on the body altogether.

By the end of this article, you will have a fair bit of idea when it comes to finding the best way to flush salt from the body for a healthier well being.

What Are The Symptoms Of Excess Salt In Body?

What Are The Symptoms Of Excess Salt In Body
ImageSource: www.rd.com

When it comes down to the symptoms of the excess salt in the body, the possibilities are quite extensive. The most common symptoms of this condition do include the following:

  • Dehydration
  • Frequent urination
  • Swelling and edema in strange places in the body
  • Aversion to the taste of the food being too bland
  • Mild headaches
  • Unnecessary craving for salty food
  • Being thirsty very frequently

How to Remove Excess Salt From Body?

How To Remove Excess Salt From Body
ImageSource: amazonaws.com

Salt is often not just a boon but a curse as well. If you have been struggling to find a healthy way to balance the levels, chances are that you are suffering through the process in an unhealthy way.

Excess salt in the body does have the potential to end up being a problem altogether. It is thus very important to opt for ways that would not just help in managing the salt levels in the body but also get rid of the uncontrolled levels in the body.

In here, we are going to be discussing some of the best ways to flush sodium out of your body fast.

1. Drink More Water

Drink more waterOne of the best ways to remove excess salt from the body naturally is by drinking more water. What this does is help in flushing out the salt either through perspiration or even via urine.

It is best suggested to ensure that you do indulge in drinking optimal levels of water throughout the day because the same has been found to be quite helpful in warding off the disbalance caused to the levels of electrolytes in the body.

The amount of water should be around 8 glasses of water every day for optimal health. If you have any kind of medical condition, ensure to keep the same in check and avoid doing something that the doctor wouldn’t necessarily suggest.

It is suggested for an average man to drink around 3 litres of water every day while an average woman should drink around 2.2 litres every single day.

2. Consume More Protein Rich Foods

Consume more protein rich foodsYet another amazing way to combat the unnecessary bout of sodium is to eat and negate the same with protein rich foods.

Majority of the protein rich foods are also often high in potassium which further helps in managing the levels of the high sodium in the body in an effective way. If you are here struggling and feeling salt bloated following a meal, the same can effective be handled with the consumption of more proteins effectively.

The protein does help negate out the unnecessary levels of sodium in the body, thus helping ward off the levels of high sodium in the body.

3. Consume Foods Rich in Potassium

Consume foods rich in potassiumYet another one of the amazing ways to reduce salt in the body quickly is by increasing the consumption of potassium in the body.

Vegetables are often considered the best option when it comes down to gaining the optimal amount of potassium through one source itself. Spinach, acorn squash and even swiss chard is believed to fulfil the 20% DV of the potassium for our body. If you have been struggling to find the very best when it comes down to the handling the sodium levels in the body, this is one of the best options at hand.

4. Go Easy on the Salt Consumption

Go easy on the salt consumptionPrevention is always so much better than cure. If you are struggling with the unstable levels of sodium in the body, chances are that you are not paying close attention to the amount of sodium that you are consuming. While the same might not necessarily seem like much, it is always best suggested to ensure that you opt for and find ways that would predominantly help in wiping out the excessive salt intake right from the root itself.

When you are consuming less salt, it helps to ensure that you don’t necessarily end up feeling salt bloated and prevent the same from ending up being an issue for your body altogether.

5. Minimise the Consumption of Sports Drink

Minimise the consumption of sports drinkWe often drink sports drink and such thinking that the same will do our body some good when in reality, that is not the case.

If you are here struggling to get rid of the sodium bloat fast from the body, the best way to do so is by ensuring that you don’t necessarily consume the sports drink after a hectic day and such.

These sports drinks have actually been found to have good enough to rehydrate your body but their composition is also loaded with a lot of sodium which can end up being a problem for people who already have an affinity of peaked sodium levels in the body.

Instead of doing so, opt for natural means of rehydration; it could simply be water or even coconut water, if you are done with the standard water.

6. Try and Sweat it Out

Try and sweat it outIt is not necessarily news that sweating and perspiration is actually quite an amazing way to combat the unnecessary levels of sodium in the body.

When you sweat, you also excrete out sodium with it which is always an amazing option if you are trying to remove salt from the body.

Indulging in some strenuous activity or exercise during the day can actually be of quite a help in sweating out the excess sodium out of the body.

Some of the best exercise modes to indulge in includes high-intensity workout, circuit training and such to help in getting rid of the excess sodium and also boosting the shape of the body as well.

7. Don’t Over Hydrate

Dont over hydrateWe are often in such a quagmire that we find ourselves drinking water into oblivion. That is most definitely not how everything works. You’d be surprised to know that even over hydrating your body can end up causing a problem altogether.

Be cautious of how much water you are drinking and ensure that your body isn’t feeling bloated or stuffed because of the same. This can end up causing a problem for your health and even render issues for your salt and sodium levels in the body.

When it comes down to the overall prospect of home remedies to remove salt from the body, the possibilities are quite extensive. It does go without saying that it is very important to maintain a healthy life and electrolyte balance to keep your overall health in check.

Also Read: How to Reduce Salt Intake Quickly For Better Well Being