Clove Oil for Dry Socket – Is It Effective?


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Clove oil for Dry Socket

Having your teeth removed might be done on urgency, but is it always effective? There are often times when the extraction of the tooth often ends up inflicting pain because of certain conditions. Are there times that you are faced with excruciating pain following teeth removal? Chances are that you have developed a dry socket. Clove Oil for Dry Socket is believed to be one of the most effective natural remedies for the treatment of dry socket.

If you need exemplary results right off the bat, clove oil remedy for dry socket is actually quite effective.

In this article, we are going to be talking about the ways one can use clove oil for dry socket pain relief. We will try and touch down on all the important points and clear out every possible confusion you are struggling with.

What is Dry Socket?

What is Dry Socket

Dry socket (R) is a condition in which a blood clot forms following the extraction of a tooth. Often times, the blood clot at the base of the empty pocket which is formed at the base of the empty pocket tends to replace the tooth.

With the gradual passing of time, the empty socket is often filled with gum as well as bone tissue that tend to fill in the socket and thus replace the tooth. This tends to wash away the blood clot as well. The formed blood clot, if dislodged prematurely can end up exposing the raw bone underneath.

This condition is what is known as the dry socket and often induces excruciating pain. Yet another factor that does stand out amidst the lot is the fact that it is often hard to treat the condition with the over the counter medication.

What Causes Dry Socket?

What causes Dry Socket

A dry socket (R) is caused when a formed blood clot from in between the teeth get dislodged prematurely. When that happens, the raw and tender bone underneath gets exposed which is what contributes to the condition of the dry teeth.

Majority of the people who get affected with dry socket have more or less complained about the same affecting the quality of their life. The pain is so unbearable that it is witnessed at times that it makes it difficult to eat, sleep or even perform the simplest of activities around.

Is it Safe to Use Clove Oil for Dry Socket?

Is it safe to use clove oil for dry socket

Clove oil, for the most part, is deemed safe for usage. It is often advised to consult a doctor before opting for clove oil as a remedy for treating dry socket.

There are possibilities that the clove oil might end up inflicting is anticoagulant properties which end us thinning the blood a lot. If you have conditions that can be threatened with this, it is always best to consult with a doctor first and then proceed with the same.

On a general note, clove oil does have strong properties which can often inflict several negative implications on the body, which is why it is important to ensure that you clarify every aspect of safety from your health physician and abide by the preventive measures to successfully avoid any conditions.

Now that we have more or less touched down on the topic of whether or not it’s safe to use, let us discuss how the clove oil is actually beneficial in getting rid of the associated pain because of the toothache.

The clove oil consists of beneficial analgesic (R), anti-inflammatory (R) and healing properties which all work together to get rid of pain and inflammation that is caused because of the dry socket.

Not only that, it is also believed that the clove oil has beneficial antioxidant and antimicrobial properties which further help in getting rid of any form of lingering infection in the teeth and mouth cavity.

So, when it comes to treating dry socket with clove oil, the key is to ensure that you do so according to the doctor’s instructions.

How to Apply Clove Oil for Dry Socket?

How to apply Clove Oil for Dry Socket

Next on the line is to explain the way one can apply clove oil onto their dry socket to get rid of it for good.

Before deciding to apply the clove oil on the dry socket to get rid of the pain and the associated symptoms, it is better to simply just consult with your doctor first and then proceed with the application.

Clove Oil is believed to have anticoagulant properties which are why it is quite necessary to ensure that you take the preventive measures to avoid any kind of negative side effects on the body. If you are planning on applying clove oil on your tooth for getting rid of the pain, it is always best suggested to start off by mixing it with some kind of carrier oil to mellow down the pungency of the oil.

  • The best combination of application of clove oil is by mixing it with extra virgin coconut oil and then applies the same with cotton. You can even practice clove oil compress to further help accentuate the effect of the process.
  • Leave it on the affected tooth for 15 minutes or so and then rinse your mouth thoroughly to get rid of the oil completely.

How Often Can You Use Clove Oil For Dry Socket?

How Often Can You Use Clove Oil For Dry Socket

When it comes to discussing about the frequency of usage of the clove oil for dry socket, the possibilities run down short. You predominantly need to ensure that you are not overdoing the usage, because as mentioned before, clove oil does have some downsides to it.

How many times can you use it? Well, it is best advised to stick to using clove oil around 2-3 times in a day. It is best to ensure that you don’t overdo the same because it can end up inflicting negative impacts on the body.

Clove Oil for Dry Socket – Side Effects

Clove Oil for Dry Socket Side Effects

The next thing on the list is to discuss about the common side effects that majority of the people face during the treatment for dry socket at home with clove oil.

Any enhanced amount of clove or clove oil in the body has the possibility of impacting the overall body functions in a number of way, some of which we are going to be highlighting for you.

Enhanced and increased bleeding

As mentioned before, cloves have anti-coagulating properties on the blood which is believed to end up affecting the thin the blood consistency. If you keep on consistently consuming any form of clove oil in increased quantities, it is possible that you might end up bleeding more (R) than necessary, especially if you are undergoing any kind of surgery.

Affects blood sugar levels

People suffering from lower blood sugar levels need to absolutely steer clear off of the consumption of clove oil for good. It has potent blood sugar lowering capabilities which has pretty daunting impacts on an individual’s health. Keep a close watch at your blood sugar levels if you are consuming cloves.

Affects the digestive system

Increased and uncontrollable consumption of cloves have potent impacts on the overall digestion of an individual. There are reports suggesting that clove oil can impact and induce several symptoms concerning nausea, vomiting and even sore throat for that matter. It can induce toxicity which often ends up causing problems to your digestion process.

Affects respiration

Clove oil, in extended quantity is believed to impact the overall respiratory system, especially when you are smoking clove flavoured cigarettes. These tend to irritate and infiltrate the lungs and the airways, thereby inflicting negative impacts on the body.

Causes allergic reactions

The eugenol present in the cloves is believed to be one of the primary reasons behind the inflicting of allergic reactions on the body. That being said, it is also quite common that the same might only come into play when the consumed amount of the clove oil is more than what is permissible.

Induce mouth sensitivity

Yet another one on the list of the problems that once can face because of excess consumption of clove oil is mouth sensitivity. It is believed that the raw form of the oil can end up giving itches, rashes and impact the mouth sensitivity.

What Kind Of Clove Oil For Dry Socket?

What Kind Of Clove Oil For Dry Socket

When it comes to selecting the clove oil for dry socket, the possibilities are all out there. If you are treating dry socket with clove oil, it is beneficial to ensure that you get the best variant out there to get rid of the problem for good.

It is always best to get the natural and organic clove oil that comes with no added predominant. This ensures that you are applying just the natural product without imposing the risks of something unnecessary.

Where to Buy Clove Oil for Dry Socket?

Where to Buy Clove Oil for Dry Socket

Owing to the growing popularity of the usage of clove oil for the dry socket pain relief, it is quite important to ensure that you don’t necessarily end up buying a cheap grade oil because the same is not going to impact and help provide with temporary relief from the pain caused around the dry socket.

It is important to ensure that you use the clove oil paste for dry socket and the product is good enough and properly sourced. Because of the fact that clove oil is used quite extensively in the field of dentistry and in healing toothache, it is not really surprising that you can easily source the same around the drug stores.

If not, you can also find the best quality clove oil on the online stores too. Make sure to go through the reviews and the quality and pricing and then proceed on to buying the same from the online stores.

Few Precautionary Points About Treating Dry Socket With Clove Oil

Everything aside, while you are using the clove oil remedy for dry socket, ensure to keep some of these common precautionary points into account.

  • Mix the clove oil with some carrier oil because the direct application of the same can inflict uneasiness and irritation in the mouth cavity
  • Just the one time or a few times of application of clove oil for dry socket pain relief won’t provide you with the kind of benefits you are seeking. In order for the condition to heal completely, it is necessary that you either consume prescribed painkillers along with the application of clove oil or have patience.
  • If you tend to develop rashes and hives on the consumption of essential oils or even just cloves for that matter, it is best advised to not use clove oil for dry socket treatment.
  • Eugenol in the cloves tends to interfere with the normal process of blood clotting. If you are planning on undergoing surgeries and such, steer clear off of this

Clove Oil for Dry Socket is not an unknown fact. Majority of the people tend to blindly rely on the application of clove oil for getting rid of problems associated with a variety of dental issues, toothache and dry socket being two of the few. If you have been seeking remedies for dry socket pain relief, the clove oil is actually a beneficial remedy.

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The information provided on is intended for general informational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on Read More..
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Somapika Dutta is a content developer who writes to express. She is an avid dog lover and an intrigued soul who likes to appreciate every minute existence. Touted as an introvert, she still prefers to explore things around and find inspiration in the simplest of occurrences that drive her to cultivate her capabilities further.