17 Effective Home Remedies For Easy Removal of Blackheads


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blackheads on nose
ImageSource: www.shawglobalnews.files.wordpress.com

Ever felt some bumpy obstructions on your face while you ran your fingertips over them? Tried popping them to clean out the dirt from within? Well, you are just most likely encountering the presence of blackheads on your face. Blackheads, which are considered as an initial stage of acne, are the blackish as well as yellowish bumps which are formed on the face due to clogging of the hair follicles. Blackheads on the nose are common especially when you fail to clean the skin properly and it starts to produce more oil.

If left untended, the blackheads start to convert into pimples due to the persistent accumulation of dead skin cells. This, in turn, starts producing a perfect habitat for the growth of the bacteria in the area. These issues concerning the formation of blackheads on the face and the surrounding area can be effectively treated with a deep cleansing of the skin along with a number of other remedies.

Here, we have tried to provide all the important details about the problem of blackheads on the nose along with its various causes. Read on to get information about various natural remedies to get rid of the blackheads.

What are Blackheads?

What are Blackheads
ImageSource: www.menshealth.com.sg

According to the experts, blackheads are the dark spots on the skin which primarily develop on the skin due to the clogged hair follicles which gradually oxidise to impart a black or brown colour. The blackheads are so named because of the appearance resembling a close colour match to either black or even dark brownish tint depending on the amount of clogged dirt.

Even though blackheads are more common on the face, it may appear anywhere in the body such as back, arms, chest, shoulders, and neck as well. It is important to remove the blackheads in time or in its earlier stage of inception to reduce the development of acne on the facial skin.

What Causes Blackheads on Nose

What Causes Blackheads on Nose
ImageSource: www.nativenewslive.com

The main reason for the formation of blackheads on the skin, as mentioned earlier, is due to the clogging of the hair follicles. The sebaceous glands produce oil, which is known as sebum.

Sebum is helpful in maintaining the softness and moisture of the skin. There are stances when this produced oil gets clogged in the passage of the hair follicles rather than being excreted through sweat like in normal times. Formation of bumps are also possible in the area which is known as whiteheads.

The bacteria, as well as various impurities, start to build up in the area which resembles to be either black or brown in colour. Some other aspects can also trigger the condition of blackheads.

Some of the important factors which can cause blackheads to include:

  • Oily skin is the common cause of blackheads. It is recommended to wash the face several times a day to reduce the excess production of oil.
  • Enhanced formation of dead skin cells causes irritation to the hair follicles which results in the formation of blackheads on the face.
  • It may also be a reason due to the building of propionic acne on the skin.
  • Consumption of certain drugs such as corticosteroids and androgens also trigger the condition of blackheads.
  • Certain hormonal changes during pregnancy, menstruation, as well as teenage years, may cause the problem of blackheads.
  • Consumption of birth control pills can also promote the development of blackheads on the skin.

How to Get Rid of Black Heads on Nose

  1. Apple Cider Vinegar

How to Remove Blackheads From Nose at Home?

How to remove blackheads from nose at homeBlackheads are a common phenomenon in men and women alike irrespective of age or lifestyle. The process to get rid of blackheads from the nose area on the face primarily depends on the kind of hygiene one maintains. The list of home remedies for the treatment of blackheads is not just long but effective as well. The only thing that one needs to do is follow the process religiously to experience distinguishable results.

Some of the most sought after home remedies for blackheads include:

1. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar
ImageSource: www.upload.wikimedia.org

Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) is a very useful natural remedy for a number of diseases and health issues and it contributes to the removal of blackheads as well. The salient anti-bacterial and antiseptic properties along with a few more help in the effective treatment of the blackheads on the nose.

Process Involved

The application of ACV for blackhead removal can be done in two distinct methods and each of them is equally effective and gives optimum results.

Procedure 1:

  1. Pour half a cup of apple cider vinegar to equal quantities of water in a bowl
  2. Dip clean cotton balls in the bowl and soak it
  3. Apply the soaked cotton over the blackhead prone area
  4. Let the liquid soak into the skin for 10 minutes
  5. Wash it off with water water
  6. Repeat the process at least twice or thrice a day for faster results

Procedure 2:

  1. Take two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and 2 tablespoons of baking soda and mix it together
  2. Form a smooth paste and apply it on the affected area
  3. Leave the mask on for 20-30 minutes and lie down and relax
  4. Rinse off the face with water thoroughly
  5. Moisturise your face if it feels too dry

How Does It Help?

Apple cider vinegar is rich in anti-microbial properties which helps in the prevention of microbial infestation around the blackhead prone area which contributes to the deep pore cleansing of the clogged pores. Not just that, ACV also helps in maintaining the pH of the skin over the face which helps in arresting the excess production of the oil on the face.

… It even has a detoxifying property which keeps the toxins away and keeps the face clean and fresh which, in turn, helps avoid the formation of blackheads on the nose and the entirety of the face.

2. Baking Soda

Baking SodaBaking Soda is primarily credited to help in keeping the pores open and fresh rather than clogged and full of dirt. This is the primary factor that contributes to the formation of blackheads on the face. Application of baking soda cleanses and detoxifies the skin from within and helps in getting rid of the blackheads on the nose.

Process Involved:

  1. Either mix two tablespoons of baking soda with water of diluted apple cider vinegar
  2. Make a smooth paste without any lumps
  3. Apply the paste on the area around the nose and other parts of the face
  4. Leave it on for 10 minutes
  5. Wash it off with water and a mild cleanser
  6. Repeat this process twice or thrice a day for better results

How Does It Help?

Baking Soda helps in the process of pore cleaning and declogging which is one of the primary causes of blackheads. It gently exfoliates the skin and clears the clogged pores with dirt and removes the dead skin around the area which helps in keeping the area near the nose clear and clean.

3. Castor Oil and Coconut Oil

Castor oil and coconut oilCastor oil and coconut oil are not just a beneficial ingredient for the overall health of a person, they even help in the removal of blackheads from the face. They are very effective in minimising the appearance of pores on the face and cleansing of the clogged pores.

Process Involved:

There are two distinct methods that one can follow.

Procedure 1:

  1. Boil water in a deep vessel pot
  2. Drape a towel over your head and let the steam seep into the skin for a bit
  3. Once that’s done for 5 minutes or so, pat dry the face
  4. Apply a good amount of castor oil/coconut oil on the face, especially in the blackhead prone area and leave it overnight
  5. Wash the oil off your face the next morning
  6. Repeat this process twice a week

Process 2:

  1. Boil water in a deep vessel pot
  2. Drape a towel over your head and let the steam seep into the skin for a bit
  3. Once that’s done for 5 minutes or so, pat dry the face
  4. Mix 1 tablespoon of castor/coconut and olive oil in a bowl and apply it on your face and leave it overnight
  5. Wash the oil off with a mild face cleanser the next morning
  6. Repeat the process twice a week

How Does It Help?

Castor oil and coconut oil effectively help in the treatment of the bacteria causing blackheads and acne. They help unclog the pores and dissolve the dirt which can then be washed away the next morning with a face cleanser or a mild soap. These variants of oil help in the moisturisation of the skin and regulate the production of oil in the face, especially around the area of the nose.

4. Egg White Mask

Egg white mask
ImageSource: www.wellordie.com

Egg white has an amazing effect in minimising of the pores on the face which, in turn, helps in minimising blackheads on the face. it simultaneously enriches the face with necessary nutrients which is exactly what keeps the face healthy and moisturised.

Process Involved:

  1. Wash your face with lukewarm water to open the pores
  2. Separate the egg whites from the yolks and beat the whites well
  3. Apply a thin layer of the egg whites and let it dry for 10-15 minutes
  4. Paste some thin tissue papers with the egg white mixture and let the mask dry
  5. After it dried properly, peel the tissue papers carefully
  6. Wash off your face with warm water followed by cold water
  7. Repeat the process every other day for the best results

How Does It Help?

Egg whites helps in tightening the skin and simultaneously shrinks the skin which, in turn, minimises the pores and removes the dirt clogged inside the pores and follicles. This restricts the possibility of the future appearance of the blackheads on the skin. Egg whites also contain an active enzyme, Lysozyme, which helps in fighting the growing percentage of bacteria in the pores.

5. Honey

HoneyThe sticky nature of honey along with its anti-bacterial properties is perfect for the extraction of the blackheads from the face. It deep cleans the face and exfoliates the area which is exactly what you need to get rid of the blackheads from the face. [Check More Benefits of Honey]

Process Involved:

  1. Warm up two heaped tablespoons of honey in the microwave
  2. Apply the honey on the face, focusing on the blackheads prone area more
  3. Leave it on for 10-20 minutes and let it dry
  4. Wash the face with warm water followed by cold water
  5. Pat dry and repeat this process every other day for best results

How Does It Help?

Honey is rich in anti-bacterial properties and helps pull out the clogged dirt from within the pores. Not just that, it also hydrates and moisturises the skin and provides a natural sheen to the skin. With the low pH levels, it helps kill the bacterial growth in the pores which is the primary reason for the increasing percentage of blackheads on the face and nose area especially.

6. Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide
ImageSource: www.fthmb.tqn.com

Hydrogen peroxide is a very effective ingredient for the treatment of blackheads without any kind of side-effects. The only thing you need to be cautious about is to keep this away from hair because it will end up bleaching it. Other than that, hydrogen peroxide effectively dissolves and removes the blackhead from the nose.

Process Involved:

  1. Wash your face and deep clean it to remove excess oil and dirt
  2. Gently exfoliate the skin near the nose and the blackhead prone area in order to open the pores slightly
  3. Soak a cotton pad or ball with 3% Hydrogen peroxide and dab it all over the area where the blackheads are concentrated more
  4. While the face is still moist, massage in some oil onto the skin to dissolve the dirt even further
  5. Repeat the process once or twice a week

How Does It Help?

Hydrogen peroxide deep cleans the skin and helps dissolve the blackheads on the face. Not just that, H2O2 is also very effective in removing the scarring that is often left by the blackheads and acne. The collaborative measure with the exfoliation followed by the application of hydrogen peroxide on the affected parts of the face, especially near the nose, helps in getting rid of the blackheads right without any expensive salon appointment.

7. Glue

GlueDon’t get deflected by the sub-heading. We haven’t lost our minds, glue actually does help in removal of the blackheads from the face, especially from around the nose area. It exfoliates and extracts the dirt from the clogged pores, thus effectively cleaning them in the process.

Process Involved:

  1. Apply a thick coat of skin-safe glue over the nose area and other blackheads prone area
  2. Let the layer of glue dry
  3. Peel the layer of glue carefully
  4. Wash the face and apply some moisturiser

How Does It Work?

There is no scientific explanation as such but the dried down glue helps in extracting out the clogged dirt and excess oil from the skin. It peels out the excess gore and grime from the skin which often times results in the formation of the blackheads.

8. Oatmeal Scrub

Oatmeal scrubAny form of scrub helps in drawing out the accumulated dirt on the face and other parts of the body, thus cleaning the area that further contributes to the formation of blackheads in the future. Oatmeals, particularly, have a gentle effect on the face, all the while, cleaning the skin deeply from within.

Process Involved:

  1. Take about 2 heaped tablespoons of uncooked coarsely ground oatmeal
  2. Add 2 tablespoons of yogurt to the oatmeal and mix it well to form a paste
  3. Apply the mixture on the face, focusing on the nose area and massage in circular motions
  4. Leave it on the face for 15 minutes or so and then wash your face with cold water
  5. Repeat this process twice a week or so

How Does It Work?

The coarsely ground oatmeal exfoliates the skin from with and cleans the dirt from the clogged pores. Once the dirt is cleaned from the pores, the excess production of oil from the sebaceous gland ceases and the area around the nose doesn’t have clogged pores or so. This is exactly what helps in the prevention of the formation of blackheads in the future and ensures to keep the face clear and clean without any kind of clogging.

9. Brown Sugar Scrub

Brown sugar scrubMuch like the process of coarsely ground oatmeal, even brown sugar helps in deep cleaning and exfoliation of the skin. The brown sugar reaches the nooks and cranny of the crevices near the face and nose area, thus cleaning the clogged pores in the area to get rid of the blackheads.

Process Involved:

  1. Take one tablespoon of brown sugar and mix a tablespoon of honey
  2. Make a paste and apply it on the face and the troublesome areas near the nose
  3. Gently massage the area in a circular motion with the fingers
  4. Rinse the face with cold water

How Does It Work?

The coarseness of the brown sugar helps in declogging the clogged pores on the face. It exfoliates and deep cleans the area and gets rid of all the dirt that is responsible for causing the blackheads. Brown sugar contains a good percentage of molasses in it which nourishes the face with Vitamin B.

10. Clay Mask

Clay maskTreating the irregular function of sebaceous glands is something that’s best achieved with a proper lifestyle and diet. Clay mask, on the other hand, effectively helps in ensuring that that excess oil and dirt is deep cleaned for a cleaner face which is what promotes the removal of blackheads from the face.

Process Involved:

  1. Mix one tablespoon of fuller’s earth with three to four tablespoon of milk
  2. Make a smooth paste and apply it all over your face
  3. Leave it on for 15-20 minutes till it dries completely
  4. Wash your face with water and pat dry
  5. Apply some moisturiser to keep the skin moist and hydrated
  6. Repeat this process thrice or four times a week

How Does It Help?

The application of clay mask helps in the extraction of the excess sebum from the outer layer of the skin. It also deep cleanses and exfoliates the skin which helps in opening the pores and keeping them clean and unclogged. Doing this religiously for quite a few weeks can help get rid of the blackheads for good.

11. Lemon

LemonLemon has a good percentage of acidic property which helps in killing the growing percentage of bacteria in the pores on the face which are one of the primary causes of blackheads.

Lemons are rich in Vitamin C which effectively helps in treating the scarring that is often an aftermath of blackheads and acne. It works effectively on the removal of the dark spots and discolouration on the face.

Process Involved:

  1. Extract the juice of one lemon
  2. Add a bit of water to dilute the juice
  3. Soak a cotton pad in the juice and dab it all over the face and nose area
  4. Repeat the process every other day

How Does It Work?

Lemon is rich in Vitamin C which helps nourish the skin and bring some brightness back on the face. The acidic property of the lemon helps in killing the germs and bacteria that start growing in the clogged pores near the nose area on the face. Lemon also keeps the skin hydrated and bright all the while getting rid of the excess oil from the face.

12. Aloe Vera Juice

Aloe vera juiceAloe vera or aloe vera juice are one of the most sought after home remedies for blackheads for nose. Many people often tend to knowingly or unknowingly pop the blackheads. Let me get this straight through that popping a blackhead doesn’t necessarily minimise the possibility of blackheads on the face, rather, quite the opposite. Popping a blackhead often times results in scarring which is not easily removable. Aloe vera aids a lot in this regard. The anti-microbial properties along with the soothing effect on application helps in minimising the outcomes due to the blackheads.

Process Involved:

  1. Either cut an aloe vera leaf and apply the extracted pulp on the affected area on the face
  2. Or, Apply a good layer of aloe vera juice all over the face and let it dry
  3. Wash it off with cold water and pat dry the face

How Does It Work?

Aloe vera is rich in anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties which helps in killing the growing percentage of bacteria around the clogged pores. The aloe vera also has a healing and moisturising property which helps in keeping the clogged pores clean, open and moisturised which helps regulate the chances of formation of blackheads in the future.

13. Activated Charcoal Mask

Activated Charcoal maskActivated charcoal is one of the booming concepts in the market and social media platforms. Since its inception, most of YouTube and Instagram has been filled with people slathering their faces with black gloop. People who have tried this home remedy for the removal of blackheads have actually got great things to say about it.

Process Involved:

  1. There are readily available activated charcoal masks in the market
  2. Slather a good layer over the face, especially around the nose area
  3. Let it dry and peel off and clean the face with a damp cloth
  4. Repeat it once or twice a week

How Does It Work?

The most important property of activated charcoal lies in the active deep cleaning of the pores on the face. It helps in purifying the pores and cleans out all the clogged dirt and oil in them. It also ensures that the oil balance in the face is maintained at a good level so that there is no excess oil production in the face by the sebaceous glands.

14. Toothpaste

ToothpasteMuch like the mode of action that toothpaste has in your oral cavity for killing the bacteria and giving you a clean and fresh breath, it treats the blackheads on the same grounds and principles. It helps in cleansing the clogged pores and ensures that the dirt and bacteria doesn’t encourage the unregulated production of oil by the sebaceous glands.

Process Involved:

  1. Patch test with toothpaste is a must before application
  2. Start by applying the toothpaste on a small section near the nose and let it dry
  3. If there are no adverse effects upon the application, carry forward with the process by applying to the rest of the area
  4. Let the toothpaste sunk in a dry on the skin
  5. Wash it off with a damp cloth

How Does It Help?

Toothpaste for removal of blackheads only follows the principle of deep cleansing and exfoliation. The paste seeps into the pores and cleans the accumulated dirt and oils from them, thus leaving them clean and clear off any excess dirt. The toothpaste even has an ingredient namely, Triclosan, which helps in killing the persisting bacteria in the blackhead prone area on the face.

15. Duct Tape and Nose Strips

Duct tape and nose stripsDuct tape might seem like a cheap enough option but is not ideal for the removal of blackheads. The adhesive in the duct tape is not the best for the skin, not to mention, the sensitivity that comes along with it is on yet another level. If you are looking for some other variants that performs in the same way as the duct tape does, opt for the nose strips. These strips are readily available in the market and help in getting rid of the blackheads up till a certain extent.

Process Involved:

  1. Apply the nose strip on the nose area as mentioned in the instructions
  2. Let it sit on the nose for a minute or so
  3. Gently peel the strip off of the nose and apply some moisturiser following that

How Does It Work?

The adhesive used in the nose strips cling to the nose and helps in peeling off all the dirt and excess oil that is clogging the hair follicles and the pores. This is a much better option than the duct tape is because of the kind of adhesive used in them. The adhesive used in the duct tape is a lot stronger and is not ideally skin friendly which is why it is best to stick to the nose strips which are manufactured keeping the safety precautions into account.

16. Cinnamon and Strips

Cinnamon and StripsThe mixture of honey and cinnamon are known for their medicinal properties in humans. Both of these ingredients alone and together work in an amazing harmony to show amazing benefits to the skin and the issues with blackheads. While honey helps in nourishing and inflicting anti-bacterial properties, the presence of cinnamon adds to the process of deep cleansing of the area near the nose.

Process Involved:

  1. Mix one teaspoon of cinnamon and one teaspoon of honey to make a thick paste
  2. Place dry cotton strips over the nose and the area surrounding it
  3. Allow the paste to dry and set to 10 minutes
  4. Wash it off with warm water followed by cold water to close the pores
  5. Repeat this every day for 10 consecutive days for best results

How Does It Work?

The honey in the mixture consists of anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties which helps soothe the blackhead prone area and cleanses it to the best of its abilities. The cinnamon too helps in deep cleaning and the extraction of the excess sebum and dirt from the clogged pores which is the primary reason for the removal of blackheads from the nose.

17. Green Tea Scrub

Green tea scrubGreen tea is known for its amazing antioxidant properties and this is exactly what helps in getting rid of the blackheads from the clogged pores on the face, especially around the nose. The constituents of green tea deep cleanse and helps maintain the oil balance in the skin which is yet another added bonus.

Process Involved:

  1. Brew 1/3rd cup of green tea in one cup of water
  2. Let the tea steep into the hot water and cool it down a bit
  3. In a bowl, add two tablespoons of granulated sugar and add the tea gradually
  4. Mix until a thick and smooth paste forms
  5. Apply this on the face, focusing on the blackhead prone parts and massage it gently
  6. blackheads on noseWash off with warm water followed by cold water

How Does It Help?

The sugar in the scrub helps in deep exfoliation of the skin around the face and nose, thus, extracting all the dirt and excess oil. The green tea in the scrub helps in extracting all the toxins from the skin which is primarily because of the presence of catechins in them. It also balances out the oil production in the face which further ensures that the sebaceous gland doesn’t produce an uncontrolled amount of oil that clogs the pore and forms blackheads later.

How to Prevent Blackheads on Nose?

Prevention and treatment of blackheads is not rocket science. The process doesn’t demand any kind of hefty measure but some common hygiene methods and regular cleaning of the skin can help prevent common signs and symptoms attached with the onslaught of blackheads or whiteheads on the face.

Some of the common preventive measure for blackheads include:

  • Using makeup as well as moisturizers which are non-comedogenic can be useful in preventing the condition of blackheads. These products are less likely to trigger the problem of whiteheads or blackheads.
  • Keeping your skin clean is the most important in preventing the development of blackheads on the skin. It is recommended to wash the face twice a day with the help of gentle cleanser or a mild soap. Scrubbing of the skin should be avoided as it may trigger the irritation and redness of the skin.
  • Using a gentle cleansing exfoliant helps in eliminating the outer layer of the skin as it is filled with salicylic acid. Other products, filled with glycolic acid or the alpha hydroxy acid are also good for skin exfoliation.
  • Peeling of skin can be prevented with the products containing retinol, which is a derivative of vitamin A. However, for some people, retinol may cause certain side effects. You can use face masks containing sulphur or clay to remove facial oil.
  • Bad eating habits, as well as smoking, can also contribute to increasing the problem of blackheads. Avoiding smoking is also very helpful in increasing the overall look as well as the health of the skin.

Blackhead removal is a very crucial part in the proper routine of skin hygiene. The lack of care in removing them often tends to negatively affect the skin, causing pigmentation, pimples and acne. These above mentioned easy home remedies are not just feasible but very effective in producing necessary results in getting rid of those black bumps on nose.