Symptoms Of Type -1 Diabetes


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Symptoms Of Type -1 Diabetes

Diabetes has become common among adults, although it may occur in children also. Type-1 diabetes occurs when the body is unable to produce insulin. This happens when the auto-immune destruction of beta cells happens in the pancreas. The autoimmune system sees the cells as foreign and destroys them. Insulin is needed to allow sugar to enter cells to produce energy. Type -1 diabetes may occur in children in common. There are Symptoms of type -1 diabetes through which you may trace diabetes.

Risk Factors and Symptoms of Type -1 Diabetes

Risk factors of type -1 diabetes

  • Adolescence: The changing hormone levels of adolescence can make it difficult for keeping blood sugar levels at a normal range.
  • Psychiatric conditions: Depression, anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and addiction to alcohol and drugs may increase the risk of high blood sugar levels.
  • Eating disorders: Teens are often concerned about weight and body image. They may skip food to lose weight. Eating disorders can be common among girls and women of all ages who have type-1 diabetes.
  • Thyroid or kidney problems: Too little thyroid can slow metabolism. That can cause the medicines to stay in the blood longer. This can cause blood sugar. When the kidneys are damaged, insulin may stay in the body longer causing low blood sugar.

Type-1 Diabetes Symptoms

Type-1 diabetes may be caused by high blood sugar. Some symptoms include

1Urinating a lot

Urinating a lot or frequent urination is called as polyuria. With polyuria, you may urinate excessively or you may urinate in abnormal amounts. An individual may urinate more than 3 liters a day. Normally adults urinate about 1-2 liters. This may be more noticeable at night. This may happen because the kidneys try to get rid of excess sugar in the blood through urine. They get rid of it through water. More sugar, more urine.

2Being thirsty

When the excess sugar is excreted into the urine, this triggers more urination. This might leave you dehydrated as more water is passed through urine. You feel thirsty. The mouth becomes dry.


You may feel fatigued. Many factors may be included. They include dehydration form from excess urination. This can cause the body to be unable to function properly. All the sugar is driven out in the form of urine. So it gets less sugar for energy needs. This sugar is actually collected in the blood. Lack of insulin makes the sugar not absorbed by the cells.

4Weight loss

Weigh fluctuations may happen due to diabetes. When you lose sugar through frequent urination, you may lose calories. At the same time, diabetes may keep the sugar from reaching your cells. This may lead to constant hunger. The combined effect of urination and lack of sugar for the body, may make you lose weight.

5Blurred vision

Diabetes symptoms may sometimes involve blurred vision. High levels of blood sugar pull fluid from tissues, including the lenses of your eyes. This may affect your ability to focus too. If diabetes is not treated it may cause new blood vessels to form in your retina, the back part of your eye. This may damage the established blood vessels. For most people early stages may not cause vision problems. If these issues are not treated, they may cause vision loss and blindness .

6Slow healing sores or frequent infections

Doctors have observed that infection seems more common if you have diabetes. Research has not proven this. The reason may be that high levels of blood sugar may impair your body’s natural healing process and your ability to fight infections. For women, bladder and vaginal infections are common.

7Tingling hands and feet

Excess sugar in your blood can led to nerve damage. You may experience tingling and loss of sensation in your hands and feet. You may also have burning pain in your arms, legs and feet.

8Red swollen tender gums

Diabetes may weaken your ability to fight germs. This may increase the risk of infection in your gums and bones that hold your teeth in place. Your gums may pull away from your teeth or your teeth may become loose. You may also develop sores or pockets in your gums.

9Increased hunger

You will feel hungry with diabetes. This is because your body has not used any calories, but lost all the sugar in the form of urination.

If you notice any diabetes symptoms, contact your doctor. The earlier it is diagnosed, the sooner the treatment can be given. Diabetes is a serious condition. But with the doctor’s help, you can enjoy a happy life.

[Also Read – Causes And Symptoms Of Diabetes Mellitus Type-2]

Pradeepa Polineni